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huí lǐ
  • return a salute;send a present in return
回礼 [huí lǐ]
  • (1) [return a salute]∶还礼,回复别人的敬礼

  • (2) [send a present in return]∶回赠礼品

回礼[huí lǐ]
  1. 他给我送了回礼。

    He sent me a return present .

  2. 老人送给他一套邮票作为回礼。

    The old man gave him a set of stamps as a gift in return .

  3. 她对我报以微笑,我也彬彬有礼的表示回礼。

    She smiled at me . With courtesy , I gave her response .

  4. 布朗送给奥巴马的礼物是稀丘吉尔传记首版,而对方的回礼却是一套DVD。

    Brown gave him a romantic antique biography of Churchill , and Obama gave him a DVD box set .

  5. 我想给她个回礼会很有趣

    So I thought it might be fun for a little payback .

  6. 女方家庭也会回礼一些食物和衣物。

    The girl 's family reciprocated with gifts of food and clothing .

  7. 爱慕虚荣的人再次向他脱帽回礼。

    The conceited man again raised his hat in salute .

  8. 我们对他行了屈膝礼,他冷冷地点一下头算是回礼。于是我们退了出来。

    We curtsied to him , received a frigid bow in return , and so withdrew .

  9. 在庆祝满月期间,亲朋好友也会回礼。

    During the celebration , relatives and friends of the family will also return some presents .

  10. 选出喜欢的回礼小礼物款式,致电或电邮告之我们。

    Free feel to call or email us to let us know your ideal wedding favor item .

  11. 让他们知道你需要依靠他们片刻;如果以后他们需要你的时候你可以回礼。

    Let them know you need to lean on them for awhile and return the favor when they need you .

  12. 回礼可以是孩子能吃能用的东西,也可以是金银器物。

    The presents indude those which the child may use , like foods , daily materials , gold or silver wares .

  13. 一位当地的生意人突然想到一个点子,就是男士们应该回礼给那些在西洋情人节送他们礼物的女士。

    It struck a local businessman that men should pay back the women who gave them a present on Valentine 's Day .

  14. 按照一般游戏理论来看,在这种不记名的一次性金钱交换游戏中,受信者理应留着对方的礼物而不回礼。

    Standard game theory predicts that in an anonymous one-off exchange like this the trustee ought to keep the gift and not reciprocate .

  15. 我们送给妇女们长袜,她们非常喜欢。作为回礼,她们的香水要我们送给女朋友。

    We gave stockings to the women , which they loved , and in return , they gave us perfume for our girlfriends .

  16. 生活赠予我们一件普通而珍贵的礼品,这就是青春。让我们以热情、奋发去向生活回礼!

    Life endows us an ordinary but precious gift , that is youth . let 's reciprocate life with our enthusiasm and struggle !

  17. 此外,根据传统,在收到礼物的时候通常需要给主人更大的礼物作为回礼。

    Furthermore , according to tradition , when given a gift the recipient must reply by giving the giver an even larger gift .

  18. 其次,简要涉及了礼品的包装以及赠礼、受礼、回礼的方式、要求等技术性问题。

    Next , the technical questions of the present packing , way of the gift , accepting gifts , returning gifts and requesting are briefly involved .

  19. 作为回礼,新婚夫妇会得到红包,里面装满钱或珠宝。

    In return , the newlyweds receive lucky red envelopes ( " lai xi , " which means " lucky " ) stuffed with money or jewelry .

  20. 即使你们是好朋友,如果你送的礼物太多,他们也会感到不自在的,因为他们不知道如何回礼才好。

    Even if you are good friends , if you give them too many gifts , they will feel uncomfortable too , because they don 't know how to reciprocate .

  21. 如果你买不起,不要试图给一份在价钱上相匹配的回礼。相反,花点时间给他们自制的或用心的礼物。

    Don 't try to give a gift that financially matches the gift they 're giving you if you can 't afford it . Instead , take some time to get them a homemade or thoughtful gift .

  22. 改动我们四周的世界我们不用须有名诗歌:3所以,当下一次有人说你不会做,只是笑一笑,由于他们不会回礼知道怎样服用。

    To change the world around us we don 't gotta be famous Verse : 3 So when the next time someone says you won 't ever make it , just smile and wave back cuz they won 't know how to take it .