
  • 网络collision avoidance
  1. 基于模糊BP神经网络船舶避碰理论与方法研究

    The Research on Theory and Method of Vessel Collision Avoidance Base on the Fuzzy BP Neural Network

  2. 基于PC单机的雷达海上船舶避碰模拟训练

    Simulation and training of vessels ' collision avoidance with radar at sea on the basis of a personal computer

  3. 一种新的船舶避碰CBR决策系统研制技术

    A new ship 's collision avoidance decision-making system based upon CBR

  4. AIS系统主要应用于船舶避碰和船舶交通管理系统(VESSELTRAFFICSERVICE,VTS)。

    AIS is a system specially applied for the ship 's collision avoidance and vessel traffic service ( VTS ) .

  5. 论AIS、RADAR、VHF在船舶避碰中的优势互补

    Discussion on the Complementary Advantage of AIS , RADAR , VHF in the Collision Prevention

  6. 船载自动识别系统(AIS)在船舶避碰系统中的应用研究

    Research on the Application of Ship - borne AIS

  7. 基于AIS的船舶避碰辅助决策系统模块技术研究

    Research on AIS-based ship collision avoidance decision making system

  8. AIS在船舶避碰中的应用

    Application of AIS in Collision Avoidance of Ships

  9. 浅谈VHF应用于船舶避碰

    Elementary Introduction to the Use of VHF for Preventing Collision at Sea

  10. 着重介绍集美大学自行研制并开发的船舶避碰课程CAI课件。在此基础上,提出了CAI课件还应包括练习、测试及评分系统。

    This paper focuses on the introduction of the developing of testing and scoring system and CAI for the course of Shipping Collision Prevention .

  11. 船载火炮发射时船体的有限元分析船载自动识别系统(AIS)在船舶避碰系统中的应用研究

    A Finite Element Analysis of the Hull of an Oversea Trawlboat under Gun Shooting Research on the Application of Ship-borne AIS

  12. 本文对推进AIS在船舶避碰和船舶交通服务的应用具有一定的理论价值和实际意义。

    This paper will have definite theoretical and actual values for improving the application of AIS in collision avoidance and VTS .

  13. 为了使其在协助船舶避碰中发挥更有效的作用,建议在“避碰规则”中增加VHF条款,并就此提出了看法。

    The view and suggestion are advised for supplement VHF articles in International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea , 1972 .

  14. AIS通信设备的出现和Multi-Agent技术的发展,为研究分布式船舶避碰决策系统提供了良好的条件。

    The appearance of AIS communication device and the development of Multi-Agent provide a favorable condition for the research of distributed decision system for ship collision avoidance .

  15. 根据船舶避碰的特点,将范例推理(Case-BasedReasoning,CBR)方法引入到船舶避碰决策支持系统的设计中。

    Based on the characteristics of vessel collision avoidance , the case-based reasoning ( CBR ) technology is combined with the decision support system for vessel collision avoidance .

  16. 本文结合了Agent和Multi-Agent系统技术,利用VC++开发平台,设计并基本实现了基于AIS通信的船舶避碰多Agent决策支持系统。

    This paper finished the design of a Multi-Agent decision support system for ship collision avoidance based on AIS communication , which combined Agent and Multi-Agent technology together , and the whole system was developed on VC + + platform .

  17. 本文针对ARPA和VHF的局限性及AIS的技术特点,对AIS在船舶避碰中的应用进行了阐述。

    This essay expatiates on the application of AIS system of collision prevention on the basis of the limi-tation of ARPA and VHF and technical characteristics of AIS .

  18. 正确使用VHF无线电话协助船舶避碰,是减少船舶碰撞事故和保证航行安全的有效手段。

    It has been proved by practice that the correct use of VHF in collision prevention is an effective method for reducing collision accidents and ensuring the safety of navigation .

  19. AIS系统的主要应用领域是船舶避碰和船舶交通管理系统。AIS系统提供了前所未有的船舶标识信息和高实时性的精确的船舶运动参数。

    The main application field of AIS is the vessel collision and vessel traffic service , AIS has provided the unprecedented vessels tag information and high real time and accurate parameter of ships navigating .

  20. 把SJ模型作为船舶避碰危险度评价模型应用到基于航路的仿真系统中,并把各水域的平均SJ值作为评价危险度的指标。

    Finally , the Subject Judgement model is applied as an assessment model of ships collision avoidance , and the mean SJ value of sea areas is suggested as index of collision risk degree .

  21. 本论文将AIS提供的数据作为船舶避碰决策系统的信息环境来源,利用计算机技术研究基于AIS信息环境的船舶避碰决策技术。

    The present paper the data which provides AIS evades as the ships bumps the decision system the information environment to originate , evades using the computer technology research based on the AIS information environment ships bumps the policy-making technology .

  22. 介绍了ECDIS的功能和发展趋势及其在AIS,VTS,船舶避碰、港口引航等方面的应用,以期推动我国ECDIS的推广及培训。

    The paper introduces the functions , the development and the application of ECDIS on the aspects of AIS , VTS , collision prevention , harbor piloting etc. , in order to promote the utilizing of the system in our country .

  23. 借助对交叉相遇局面中的让路船在不同距离、不同DCPA时采取避碰行动的不确定性分析,为相应局面中的船舶避碰决策提供参考。

    The uncertainty analysis of a given vessel actions in the case of different distances and different DCPA in the crossing situation of two encountered vessels is carried out , which may be helpful for the reference in making decisions of collision avoidance action .

  24. 船舶避碰行动各指标统计与关联分析

    Statistics and Grey Analysis all Factors of Vessel Collision Avoidance Behaviors

  25. 基于地理信息系统的船舶避碰系统研究

    Research on Collision-avoidance System of Ship Based on Geography Information System

  26. 船舶避碰领域的知识与专家系统

    The Knowledge about the Field of Preventing Collisions and Expert System

  27. 探讨新的航海技术对船舶避碰自动化的影响

    The Effect of New Navigation Technology on Ship Collision Avoidance Automation

  28. 船舶避碰决策数学模型的研究

    The Research on Mathematic Models of Decision-making in Ship Collision Avoidance

  29. 能够用来指导船舶避碰行动。

    Can be used to guide ship 's collision avoidance action .

  30. 船舶避碰智能决策自动化研究

    A Summary of Studies on the Automation of Ship Collision Avoidance Intelligence