
wù jià ɡuǎn zhì
  • price control
  1. 国民政府针对各地物价大幅度波动的情势实行物价管制措施,期望以此为契机来整合地方社会,稳定国统区的统治。

    In view of the great local price fluctuation , National Government took the measure of price control in the hope of making the local places in conformity and stable under its control .

  2. 工资及物价管制已自1975年起实施。

    Wage and price controls have been in force since 1975 .

  3. 解除了物价管制,市场括跃起来。

    Prices have been decontrolled and markets are flourishing .

  4. 在第二次世界大战之后的年代里,物价管制被用作反通货膨胀政策的一部分。

    In the post World War II era price controls have been used as part of anti-inflationary policy .

  5. 韩国15日暗示将采取物价管制措施:这既非教科书上所说的稳定通胀预期的做法,当然也非抑制需求的方式。

    Korea yesterday indicated it would opt for price controls : not the textbook approach to anchoring inflationary expectations and certainly not the way to suppress demand .

  6. 到抗战后期却在通货膨胀、国营工业竞争和不科学物价管制政策联合作用下走向衰落。

    The late period of the War saw the shrink of the private industries under the joint effect of currency inflation , competition from the state-run industries and improper price-control policy .

  7. 它可能再次上调银行存款准备金率,进一步加强物价管制,强化阻止资金流入的壁垒,设法尽可能把地下金融体系纳入监管范畴。

    It could raise bank reserve requirements again , impose further controls on prices , strengthen barriers to capital inflows and try to bring as much of the underground financial system as possible into the regulatory fold .

  8. 当测度通胀(measuredinflation)引发的担忧主导经济政策、催生抑制物价的价格管制或补贴时,结果往往适得其反。

    When concern with measured inflation takes over economic policy , and drives the introduction of price controls or subsidies to hold down prices , the results are perverse .

  9. 预计政府还将实施反哄抬物价的价格管制。

    Anti-gouging price controls are also expected .

  10. 英国近代早期的物价问题与国家管制

    Price Problem in Early Modern England and State Regulation