
huǐ miè
  • destruction;destroy;ruin;devastation;death;annihilate;doom;perish;exterminate;devour;demolish;ruination;kill off;-cide
毁灭 [huǐ miè]
  • [destroy;exterminate;demolish;annihilate] 彻底破坏,消灭

  • 无价的艺术宝库被毁灭了

毁灭[huǐ miè]
  1. ONHUMANNATURE关于人性人类同时拥有创造和毁灭的冲动。

    Humans have both the urge to create and destroy .

  2. 原因在于解决欧元区危机所需的政策,将会毁灭我们今天所知的欧盟(EU)。

    The reason is that the policies needed to solve the eurozone crisis will destroy the European Union as we know it .

  3. 某些科学发明被滥用来生产毁灭性武器。

    Some scientific discoveries have been perverted to create weapons of destruction .

  4. 这种疾病有可能毁灭整个种群。

    The disease threatens to wipe out the entire population .

  5. 文明已濒临毁灭的边缘。

    Civilization is on the brink of apocalypse .

  6. 主要论点是资本主义播下了自我毁灭的种子。

    The central argument is that capitalism sows the seeds of its own destruction .

  7. 海上溢油对海洋里的珊瑚礁有着毁灭性影响。

    Oil spills are having a devastating effect on coral reefs in the ocean .

  8. 如果这家工厂倒闭,将给当地居民以毁灭性的打击。

    It will be a devastating blow to the local community if the factory closes .

  9. 那条狗被人道毁灭了。

    The dog was humanely destroyed .

  10. 马力大的汽车到了缺乏经验的司机手中便成了毁灭性的武器。

    High-powered cars are lethal weapons in the hands of inexperienced drivers

  11. 他们拥有的弹头足以将世界毁灭好几次。

    Their warheads are enough to obliterate the world several times over

  12. 林赛没有受伤,但那匹马却不得不被人道毁灭。

    Lindsay was unhurt but the horse had to be destroyed .

  13. 他们正是如此推波助澜,导致了自己的毁灭。

    To that extent they helped bring about their own destruction

  14. 他是那个令他走向毁灭的制度的牺牲品。

    He was a sacrificial lamb to a system that destroyed him .

  15. 英国舰队遭到了毁灭性的重创。

    The damage inflicted upon the British fleet was devastating .

  16. 婚外情确实会对婚姻造成毁灭性的影响。

    Affairs do have a devastating effect on marriages .

  17. 他被指责为实现自己当总统的野心而不惜毁灭该党。

    He stands accused of destroying the party in pursuit of his presidential ambitions

  18. 越南战场上用于毁灭林区的“橙剂”,其成分是二氧杂芑。

    Dioxin was the ingredient in Agent Orange , used to defoliate Vietnam .

  19. 毁灭地球有很多方法。

    There are lots of ways of annihilating the planet

  20. 溢出的油对野生动物来说可能是毁灭性的。

    An oil spill could be devastating for wildlife .

  21. 这个国家的经济正受到这次冲突的毁灭性影响。

    The economy of the state is experiencing the ruinous effects of the conflict .

  22. 主要情节是围绕一位名叫查斯的伦敦黑帮小混混如何走向毁灭的过程展开的。

    The plotline revolved around the fall of Chas , a minor London gangster .

  23. 一种即将来临的毁灭感无可逃避。

    A sense of imminent doom was inescapable .

  24. 他们告诉雅克·德洛尔必须不惜任何代价避免一场毁灭性的世界贸易战。

    They told Jacques Delors a disastrous world trade war must be avoided at all costs .

  25. 这些炸弹只消一颗就能彻底毁灭像东京那么大的一座城市。

    Just one of these bombs could annihilate a city the size of Tokyo .

  26. 人类必须结束战争,否则战争就会毁灭人类。

    Mankind must put an end to war , or war will put an end to mankind .

  27. “人类毁灭”

    “ total destruction ” of mankind ;“ annihilation of mankind ”;

  28. 经常沉溺于恶习导致了他的毁灭。

    Constant indulgence in bad habits brought about his ruin .

  29. 它只会加速他的毁灭。

    It would only serve to precipitate his ruin .

  30. 这个国家决不会被敌对行动所毁灭!

    This nation will not be brought to the ground by enemy action !