
zhōu xiàng
  • circumference
周向[zhōu xiàng]
  1. 船用ZG270-500铸钢活塞早期周向贯穿裂纹失效分析

    Failure Analysis on the Marine Piston Early Circumference Perforated Crack

  2. 关于无限板Ⅰ-Ⅱ复合裂纹初始开裂角及周向断裂判据的一般实用表达式探讨

    Research of the general practical expression about infinite plate ⅰ - ⅱ compound crack initial Angie and circumference fracture criterion

  3. 在轴承径向和周向以三角函数为基函数构造压力P的二维三角级数形式;

    Triangle function was used as basic function to construct the pressure P of two triangle series .

  4. 使用周向X射线机应考虑的因素

    The factors should be considered in using panoramic exposure X-ray equipment

  5. 弯管外拱壁内表面周向裂纹的J估算方法的研究

    Study on J-Estimation Schemes for Internal Circumferential Surface Cracks in Pipe Elbows

  6. RD2型轮对轴颈周向划伤问题的探讨

    Discussion on Circular Scratch of RD_2 Wheelset 's Journal

  7. 对于结点位移模式,沿子结构的纵向采用3次B样条函数,沿周向采用3次不等距样条函数。

    In defining the displacement patterns of nodal points , the cubic B-spline function and variant intervals spline function are used in vertical and horizontal ( peripheral ) directions , respectively .

  8. 复合加载条件下含缺陷结构Lr参量的研究及其在周向裂纹管中的应用

    Study on Parameter L_r of Structures Containing Defects in Multiple Loading System and Its Applications in Circumferentially Cracked Piping

  9. 通过对轿车轮毂轴承系统的FEM数值计算发现,轴承座圈结构刚度对轴承滚动体应力沿周向和轴向的分布都有明显影响。

    The FEM numerical calculation of the hub bearing system reveals that the housing structure stiffness has great influence on the rollers ' stress distribution both circumferentially and axially .

  10. 采用PIV测速技术对排汽蜗壳不同周向平面和出口平面进行了流场测量,捕捉到了排汽系统内不同特征平面上的流动结构。

    PIV is used to measure the flow field at the different circumferential planes and the outlet plane , and the vortices structure is captured .

  11. 最小应变能密度因子理论的预测结果与最大周向应力准则的预测结果非常接近,但同样不能预测8mm厚度试样的起裂方向。

    Crack initiation angle predicted by the minimum strain energy density ( S - ) criterion is very close to that by MTS-criterion .

  12. 最大周向应力随着摩擦因数的增大而减小。基于2个基本假设,建立了I-II复合型V型切口脆性断裂的最大周向应力准则。

    Based on two main hypotheses , the maximum circumferential stress criterion of brittle fracture is proposed for the V-notch problem with the combined model of I and II .

  13. 通过运用ANSYS仿真分析软件对实验管道缺陷进行仿真分析,验证了周向励磁方式的漏磁检测装置磁化节对缺陷的可检出性。

    Through carries on the simulation analysis using the ANSYS simulation analysis software to the test whole flaw , confirmed the circumferential excitation way leakage detector set magnetization festival to be possible to pick out the nature to the flaw .

  14. 在脊髓背角,痛觉信息从外周向中枢的传递也需要AMPA受体参与。

    The conveyance of nociceptive information from periphery to pain-relative brain region also requires the involvement of AMPA receptors in spinal dorsal horn .

  15. 研究了机翼的两种铺设方式:即周向均匀刚度配置(CUS)和周向反对称刚度配置(CAS)。

    Two types of lay-ups of the composite wing , namely , circumferentially uniform stiffness ( CUS ) configuration and circumferentially asymmetric stiffness ( CAS ) configuration , are investigated .

  16. 采用半解析法求解方程,其中位移及载荷沿周向级数展开,由Galerkin方法得到微分方程组,通过有限差分法求解;

    By expanding displacements and loads in Fourier series along circumference and Galerkin technique , the nonlinear partial differential equations were transformed to ordinary differential equations that are solved by the finite difference method .

  17. 测量了圆柱壳体的周向应变及残余变形,其残余变形形貌与Lindberg发表的实验结果相似。

    Circumferential strain and permanent deformation are recorded , which are close to the experimental results reported by Lindberg .

  18. 对于裂纹深度较浅的周向表面裂纹管,其塑性垮塌失效形式呈现为裂纹净截面塑性垮塌失效,净截面垮塌(NSC)准则能较好地预测其韧带局部塑性垮塌失效载荷;

    For the surface circumferentially part-through wall cracked pipes , the plastic collapse pattern was net section collapse and the net-section-collapse ( NSC ) criteria could be used to predicate their plastic collapse loads .

  19. GrouponInc.本周向顾客发了一封电子邮件,建议他们打印出所购礼物的图片,暂时代替该公司承诺按时送达的实际礼物,该公司还赠送顾客一张25美元的礼品券。

    Groupon Inc. sent customers an email this week suggesting they print out a picture of their present in lieu of the promised on-time delivery of the actual gift , as well as a $ 25 gift certificate . '

  20. 在轴向与径向用三对角矩阵法(TDMA),在周向采用循环三对角矩阵法(CTDMA),采用交替方向亚松弛叠代法(ADI)求解方程;

    Algebraic equations are solved by iteration with a line-by-line method that is a combination of TDMA in axial and radial directions , CTDMA in tangential direction and ADI method in three directions .

  21. Arcandor垮台之前,曾连续数周向德国政府求助,但政府决定不予任何援助。

    The company 's collapse followed weeks of pleading for help from the German government , which decided against any aid .

  22. 利用TSI-1268W热膜探针测量了内径为35mm的水平管内气液两相泡状流的壁面切应力,得到了充分发展段上壁面切应力沿周向的分布数据。

    Experiments were carried out to measure the wall shear stress ( WSS ) of air-water bubbly flow in a horizontal tube with 35mm I. D. with TSI-1268w hot-film probes , and the circumferential distributions of the WSS in developed regions were obtained .

  23. 受周向扰动的涡环的直接数值模拟

    Direct Numerical Simulation of Vortex Rings Disturbed by Azimuthal Bending Wave

  24. 大鼠气管的周向残余应变及其非均匀分布

    The circumferential residual strain and its nonuniform distribution in rat trachea

  25. 一种用于管道检测的磁致伸缩式周向超声导波传感器

    Magnetostrictive Transducer for Non-Destructive Evaluation of Pipes Using Circumferential Guided Waves

  26. 他因招待不周向客人道歉。

    He made an apology to the guests for the oversight .

  27. 轴流压气机三维叶片周向积叠的多目标优化

    Multi-objective Optimization of the Circumferential Stacking of Axial Compressor 3D Blades

  28. 实验研究具有周向抽吸轴对称射流的拟序结构

    Experimental study on coherent structures of axisymmetric jets with peripheral suction

  29. 天线转台系统中传动件的周向固定方式

    The Circular Fixation Modes of Drive Parts in Antenna Pedestal System

  30. 屏式过热器管产生周向裂纹是比较少见的。

    The circumferential cracks occurred on platen superheater tubes are comparatively uncommon .