
  • 网络Zhou Botong;Chou Po-tung
  1. 原来老顽童周伯通自创立了“左右互搏”绝技之后

    Since old urchin Zhou Botong created his unique skill " Left and Right Inter-fighting "

  2. 这和我的英语恩师“周伯通”的博士论文讲的道理完全相反耶!

    It is totally contrary to what my English teacher Zhou Botong said in his doctoral thesis .

  3. 逍遥自在老顽童&评析金庸小说人物周伯通

    Free Peripatetic Naughty old Man : Review of Zhou Bo-Tong , a Character of Jin Yong 's Novel

  4. 篮协的“双手互博”比周伯通更加令人啼笑皆非的是,篮协的“双手互博”是以自打嘴巴为最高境界。

    Basketball 's " hands each other luck " Zhou Botong more than Ironically , Basketball Association 's " hands each other luck " is self-contradictory for the top of the pops .