
  1. 周王认为这样做也不大妥当。

    The king didn 't think it was a proper way , either .

  2. 周王听后觉得很有道理,就按这个办法去做,结果国家真的很快安定下来了,变得越来越稳定和强大。

    The king thought the official 's proposal was quite reasonable so he accepted and followed it.As a result , the domestic6 situation soon settled down and gradually the country became more stable and stronger .

  3. 周王认为这样做不行。另外一个官员也提出了自己的意见:“依我看应该把战俘区分对待,把有罪的和无罪的、好的和坏的区分开来。有罪的战俘要处死,不能留下祸患。”

    But the king didn 't agree with him . " I think we should treat the prisoners of war differently by differing them into those who are guilty and those who are not . The guilty ones will be sentenced to death in order to avoid future disasters . " Another official put forward his suggestion .

  4. 晋侯墓地M114出土的叔矢方鼎,铭文记载周王在成周举行盛大祷祀,并于祀后召见群臣。

    The tripod unearthed from M114 at the royal tomb of Marquis of Jin bears an inscription relating that the king of Zhou offered a big sacrifice at Chengzhou , and thereafter met with his ministers .

  5. 明代开封周王的相关问题

    Some relevant facts involving princes Zhou in Kaifeng in the Ming Dynasty

  6. 周王庙苏州玉器业&从碧玉蟾说起

    Jade Ware of Zhou Wang Temple in Suzhou

  7. 北京大学的王教授将于本周王下午给我们作讲座。

    Professor Wang from Beijing University will give us a lecture this Friday afternoon .

  8. 《诗经》中周王祭祖心理初探重读阿城的三王

    Probe into the mental activity King Zhou in Worshiping ancestors in the Book of songs

  9. 周王祭礼文化独特特征是以祭祖为主。

    The culture for King Zhou to worship is mainly characteristic of offering sacrifices to ancestors .

  10. 一天,周王问他的官员,应该怎样处理战俘。

    One day , the king of zhou asked his officials for advice on deal with prisoners of war .

  11. 然而,一代代过去了,诸侯们交易、卖出了他们从周王那里得到的土地。

    However , as generations passed , vassal lords traded and sold land they had acquired from the Zhou kings .

  12. 在犬戎和联军的威胁之下,公元前771年,周王已无法控制旧都。

    Under the threat of Quanrong and their allies , the Zhou ruler had lost control over the old capital by 771 B.C.

  13. 当周王不再是土地唯一的所有者,王权和诸侯之间的维系就弱化了。

    As the Zhou kings were no longer the sole possessors of the land , the ties of kingship and vassalage inevitably weakened .

  14. 像周王一样,他认为流星、洪水以及旱灾均是上天的旨意。

    Meteors , flood and drought were a heavenly hint to him as well as it had been to the former Zhou kings .

  15. 三是利用祭祖来加强其统治地位,愚弄劳动人民,这是周王祭祖的潜在心理因素。

    The third is the latent factor , which is used to strengthen his dominant position and to make fool of laboring people by worshiping ancestors .

  16. 在先秦文献中,对西周前期贵族妇女地位多有掩饰,认为她们是服侍周王的宫廷角色。

    The pre-Qin Dynasty materials about the position of noble women are rare , and think that they are the role of serving the King of Zhou Dynasty .

  17. 《诗经》燕飨诗是周王朝燕飨礼仪的产物,在周代礼乐文化中占有重要地位。

    The banquet and formal entertain poems in the Book of Songs are product of banquet ceremony , which take an important role in the ceremony-and-music culture of Zhou dynasty .

  18. 周王被视为天之子,受天之命以君临人间。

    The king of the Zhou was regarded as a descendant of God coming to the earthly world with the bestowed power by Heaven or God and controled the earthly world .

  19. 形成这一独特特征的心理困素有三个方面:一是灵魂不死心理,这是周王祭祖最重要的心理基础;

    The factors in forming the unique mental character include three aspects : the first is soul eternal psychology , which is the most important mental basis for King Zhou 's worshiping ancestors ;

  20. 诸侯对周王行礼僭越不断,霸主国开始挑战周天子权威,小国纷纷沦为大国的附属国,朝聘礼中一些礼仪的内涵和作用都开始发生变化,其中的等级制度必然受到影响。

    Dukes arrogated in saluting to Zhou King . Hegemonies began to challenge the authority of Zhou King . Ministates became the dependencies of great powers . Because of the connotations and functions of some etiquettes began to change , the rites of pilgrimage hierarchy were inevitably affected .

  21. 本周是王连长值星。

    Company commander Wang is the officer of the week .

  22. 他想劝秦王痛下决心,解决这一隐患,又不敢明言,只好用这个故事来暗示劝谕,周景王没有理会宾梦故事的含义,不久便亲尝到了这颗苦果。

    He wanted to persuade the king to make up his mind and resolve the hidden trouble . It wasn 't wise of him to say it directly so he used this story to imply his advise . But the king didn 't get the message in this story , and before long he had to eat the bitter fruit .

  23. 周和王在同一所学校吗?

    Are Zhou and Wang in the same school ?

  24. 公元前635年,周襄王为了避内乱逃到了郑国。

    In 635 B. C. , the King Xiang of Zhou escaped from inner disturbances to Zheng .

  25. 一个图的松弛竞赛色数是由周,王,朱在[21]中提出的,并且它在图论中是极其有意义的。

    The concept of the relaxed game chromatic number of graphs was introduced by Chou , Wang and Zhu in [ 21 ] .

  26. 公元前606年,楚庄王率军至雒邑的郊外,周定王被迫派人为他举行慰劳欢迎之礼。

    In 606 B. C. King Zhuang headed troops arriving at the outskirts of Luoyi , and King Ding of Zhou was forced to hold ritual of consolation for him .

  27. 一个图的竞赛色数是由Bodlaender[1]首次提出的。最近,周,王,朱在文献[2]中提出了松弛竞赛色数的概念,此概念在图论中占有很重要的地位。

    The game chromatic number of a graph was introduced by Bodlaender [ 1 ] Recently , Chou , Wang and Zhu put forward a new concept-the relaxed game chromatic number of graph in [ 2 ] .

  28. 周安王二十年(公元前382年),楚悼王任用吴起进行变法,他改革的重点和李悝一样,主要也是在于削弱旧的“世卿世禄”制度,选贤任能,赏罚严明。

    In 382 B. C. , Chu King Dao designated Wu Qi to reform . Similar to Li Kui , he focused his reform on the hereditary system , selecting and appointing persons on their merits , rewards and punishments being rigid .

  29. 穆王之后,也就是在周共王、周懿王、周孝王、周夷王和周厉王在位期间,王朝的威望逐步衰退,皇族与人民之间的矛盾浮现出来。

    After King Mu and throughout the reigns of King Gong , King Yi , King Xiao , King Yi and King Li , the prestige of the dynasty gradually declined and contradictions between the royal house and the people began to surface .

  30. 于是饱受大国战争之苦的宋,于周简王七年(.公元前579年)和周灵王二十六年(公元前546年),发起举行了两次弭兵会盟,晋楚两国平分了霸权。

    Therefore , in 579 B. C. and again in 546 B. C. , the state of Song , which had suffered enormously from the warfare among the big states , called a peace conference to stop wars . It succeeded in attaining its goal that the two big states Jin and Chu shared the hegemony equally .