
  1. 我认为作为一头蓝龙,卡雷苟斯是忠诚的。

    I think Kalecgos is loyal , he 's a blue dragon .

  2. “蓝龙”是大自然的神奇产物,身体两侧的颜色不一样。

    The " blue dragon " is a marvel of nature , having two differently colored sides .

  3. 蓝龙们曾经是独居的生物,因此他们的社会并没有一个严格的阶层关系。

    Blue dragons were once solitary creatures , and thus their society does not have a rigid hierarchy .

  4. 这可能是由于蓝龙的刺能够与水母的力量相抗衡。

    This may be due to the blue dragon 's sting , which is similar in strength to the man-of-war .

  5. 面对来自蓝龙与天灾的威胁。他们把他们的城市传送到了诺森德的心脏地带。

    Faced with the rising threats of the Blue Dragonflight and the Scourge , they 've transported their city to the heart of Northrend .

  6. 这是一种勾兑型的特基拉酒,包含至少51%的蓝龙舌兰和49%的蔗糖。

    It is a blended tequila made from a minimum of 51 % blue agave and 49 % cana ( distilled sugar cane ) .

  7. 雌性蓝龙时常会在将自己的感情公之于众之前以许多不同的形式悄悄地进行跟踪并观察来评估他的价值。

    Female blue dragons sometimes stalk and observe a potential mate in a number of different forms to gauge the male 's worth before revealing themselves .

  8. 虽然这一惊人的预兆和蓝龙之间的联系尚不明朗,但是阿纳克洛斯已经号召那些他眼中的“短命”种族前往一探究竟。

    The link between this chilling portent and the blue dragons remains unclear , but Anachronos has called upon what some of his kind deem the " short-lived " races to investigate further .

  9. 红砖、蓝帘、龙雕、石桥,流逝了时间的风雨,印衬无数仰恩学子的风华;

    Red bricks , blue curtains , dragon carving , stone bridge , all of these accompany with students to own a wonderful time .