
  • 网络US Fifth Fleet;United States Fifth Fleet
  1. 驻扎在巴林的美国第五舰队发言人昨天警告称,不会让伊朗封锁海峡。美军上尉内特·克里斯滕森(NateChristensen)表示:他们将不会封锁它。

    A spokesman for the US Fifth Fleet , based in Bahrain , warned yesterday that Iran would not be allowed to close the strait : They will not close it , ' ' said Lieutenant Nate Christensen .

  2. 美国第五舰队基地所在国巴林的局势也很动荡。

    Bahrain , the base for the US Fifth Fleet , is in turmoil .

  3. 巴林同时也是美国海军第五舰队的总部所在地。

    Bahrain is also home to the United State Navy 's Fifth Fleet .

  4. 美国海军第五舰队驻扎在那里,为伊拉克和阿富汗的美军提供支持。

    The U.S. Navy 's fifth fleet is based there , providing support to U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan .

  5. 美国海军第五舰队不愿评论为了保护军舰及其人员而增加了哪些安全措施。

    Fifth Fleet would not comment on what additional security measures are being taken to protect its ships and personnel .

  6. 国王希望这样的报道能有助于巴林这样一个战略地位重要的海湾小国的和谐。巴林不仅是西方的盟国,而且是美国海军第五舰队的驻扎地。

    He hopes that the report will provide a chance of reconciliation in this tiny but strategic Gulf state that is a Western ally and home to the American navy 's Fifth Fleet .

  7. 这些新发展引发了围绕美国保障海湾地区安全的长期承诺的辩论,自1995年起美国第五舰队(USFifthFleet)就一直驻扎在海湾地区。

    These developments triggered debate about the long-term commitment of Washington to security in the Gulf , where the US Fifth Fleet has operated since 1995 .

  8. 美国对巴林和也门政府的批评声音很弱。巴林驻有美国第五舰队,也门是美国的反恐伙伴。

    Toward Bahrain , home of the U.S.Fifth Fleet , and Yemen , a partner in counter-terrorism , U.S.criticism was more muted .

  9. 但多家私人股本集团在尽职调查过程中发现,ISS据信是美国司法部调查的对象,于是便纷纷退出竞购。调查针对的是ISS与驻扎在中东的美国海军第五舰队的服务合约。

    But several private equity groups dropped out of the bidding for the business after discovering during due diligence what they believe is an investigation by the DoJ over its contract to service the US navy 's Fifth Fleet in the Middle East .