
měi shí jiē
  • road lined with shops/stalls selling different kinds of food and drink
  1. 提出了TOPSIS法在美食街经营绩效衡量中的具体应用,认为该法相对于其它综合评价法更具优势。

    This paper presents a specific application of TOPSIS method in Food Street performance measurement , which has more advantages than other comprehensive evaluation methods .

  2. 举个例子,2008年我刚到中国不久,上海拆掉了最著名、最受欢迎的美食街之一,吴江路小吃街,现在那里只有星巴克(Starbucks)、麦当劳(McDonald's)和赛百味(Subway)了。

    Soon after I moved to China in 2008 , for example , the city tore down one of the most famous and best-loved food streets , Wujiang Road , leaving Starbucks , McDonald 's and Subway in its place .

  3. 餐食:为了改变餐饮理念,美国航空所在的T4安排了洛杉矶美食街餐车(LAGourmetStreetTruck),目前餐车由大厨玛丽·休·米利肯(MarySueMilliken)和苏珊·费尼杰(SusanFeniger)的BorderGrill餐馆分店占据,从餐车上供应食物。

    Best dining : In American 's Terminal 4 , the LA Gourmet Street Truck is designed to change concepts and currently hosts a branch of Border Grill from the chefs Mary Sue Milliken and Susan Feniger , serving from a parked vehicle .

  4. 田纳西州的美国范德比尔特大学(Vanderbilt)租用了某购物中心的一些空地建起诊所,给就诊的患者都发了呼机,让他们在候诊时能去购物中心的美食街吃点东西;

    Vanderbilt , in Tennessee , has leased some space to open a clinic ; patients are given pagers so that they can get a snack from the food court while they wait .

  5. 在成都西边有一个美食街。

    There is a food street in the west of Chengdu .

  6. 这条美食街集餐饮、购物、娱乐为一体。

    The gourmet street encompasses services for catering , shopping and amusement .

  7. 芜湖凤凰美食街街区规划与建筑设计

    Street Program and Building Design of the Phoenix Delicacy Street in Wuhu

  8. 去年12月,又一条上海著名的美食街被拆除。

    In December , yet another famous Shanghai food street was demolished .

  9. 丹尼尔:看,这里有餐厅和美食街。

    Daniel : Look , there are restaurants and a food court here .

  10. 结果认为泉州市美食街可持续发展能力一般。

    Concluded that the capacity for sustainable development in Quanzhou Food Street generally .

  11. 美食街,美味小吃的天堂。

    Yu Chau West Street Cooked Food Bazaar Gourmet Street , a paradise of dainty snacks .

  12. 云南路美食街是闻名沪上的小吃王国。

    The gourmet street , Yunnan Road , is a snack kingdom well known in Shanghai .

  13. 不,我想四处逛逛,我们去美食街吧。

    No , I want to walk around . Let 's go to the food court .

  14. 去美食街看看好了,我只想吃一个速食汉堡。

    Lilly : Let 's go to the food court , I just want a quick burger .

  15. 多数时候,他在购物商场的美食街,或卖阿拉伯菜肴的廉价餐厅吃饭。

    Most of his meals are at mall food courts or in cheap restaurants serving Arabic cuisine .

  16. 上海人吃也喜欢赶时髦:前几年盛行美食街;

    Shanghai is also quick to follow new trends in eating : food streets were popular for several years .

  17. 因为要打发3个小时的时光,于是我决定在美食街找点吃的。

    I had three hours to kill and I decided to get something to eat at the food court .

  18. 跟其它美食街相比,前门美食街的特点是餐厅都有悠久的历史,提供地道的北京风味

    Compared to other food streets in Beijing , Qianmen Food Street features restaurants with long history and very authentic local dishes

  19. 还有更多的项目即将推出:韩国时尚街、韩国美容街、韩国滨河街和韩国美食街。

    There 's more in the pipeline : K Fashion Road , K Beauty Road , K Riverside Road and K Gourmet Road .

  20. 他表示,想吃汉堡的人应该去麦当劳(McDonald's)或美食街,而不要来夜市。

    ' People who want burgers should just go to McDonald 's or a food court , but leave my night market alone . '

  21. 周末逛逛美食街,吃饱喝足算一算:确实不贵。

    While strolling around the gourmet street at the weekend , you may eat and drink to the full at an easily affordaBle cost .

  22. 美食街在霞湾路南侧,接下来还要推出夜市,计划元宵节亮相。

    Delicacy Street is located in the south side of Xia Wan Road and then it planes to open night markets in lantern festival .

  23. 适量的商业景观设施使美食街与绿化带相联通,使商业街的喧闹与沿河的幽静既相对隔离,又自然联系。

    The suitable landscapes and facilities connect the food street and green belt , making the noisy commercial street and quiet river relatively independent and naturally connected .

  24. 新华社称,其中一起爆炸源自一辆面包车,另一起爆炸与劫车事件发生在同一条美食街上。

    One of the blasts was from a minivan while another occurred in a street lined with food stalls where the hijacking took place , Xinhua said .

  25. 美食街,厨艺秀,集市歌手和街头舞者,以及夜间的品酒会,都将让你流连忘返。

    You can explore the food district , watch cooking demos , wander a plaza full of street musicians and dance performers , or indulge in nighttime wine-tasting .

  26. 可是让脆皮馅饼在墨西哥美食街独占鳌头的,是其中的馅料:煮熟的仙人果丝、新鲜的洋葱、香菜和一勺莎莎辣酱。

    The toppings , though , push tlacoyos into the upper echelon of Mexico street food : cooked cactus strips , fresh onion and cilantro and a spoonful of salsa .

  27. 上海路精品美食街,重点构筑餐饮美食、精品服装、鞋类、化妆品、皮具、家电等为主的特色街;

    Fine & Food Street on Shanghai Road main is the characteristic street composed of catering and food , fine clothing , shoes , cosmetics , leather goods , home appliances , etc.

  28. 以安徽省芜湖市凤凰美食街为例,从餐饮产业集群发展形成的背景、区位依托、构成要素以及竞争优势等方面对餐饮业的集群发展进行了实证分析。

    Taking Phoenix Variety Cuisine Street of Wuhu City in Anhui Province as an example , the article analyzed the forming background , position factors , constitute elements and competition advantages of catering industry cluster development .

  29. 越秀区旅游局东都大世界美食街分会场则汇集了20家餐饮企业,让市民在家门口,就能品尝世界各地的风味美食。

    Yuexiu District Tourism Bureau are Big World Food Street East at the venue , a collection of20 businesses catering to the public at the gates of the world will be able to taste the flavor of food .

  30. 大约60%的新加坡人每周外出就餐次数不低于四次,他们主要去全城随处可见的大排档和美食街;这些地方出售的都是面条、米饭和廉价菜,烹饪时放入了大量的油。

    About 60 per cent of Singaporeans eat out four times a week or more , mostly from hawker stalls and food courts scattered across the city state that sell cheap dishes based on rice and noodles that are often cooked with a lot of oil .