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  • system call
  1. open()系统调用确定映射是否可读或可写。

    The open () system call determines whether the mapping is readable or writable .

  2. close系统调用可关闭或中止套接字上任何挂起的连接。

    The close system call closes or aborts any pending connections on the socket .

  3. 使用write()系统调用设置事件监视。

    Set up event monitoring using the write () system call .

  4. 采用先进的WEBService技术实现应用服务的跨系统调用,信息共享以及数据无缝、安全的传输。

    Using the advanced Web Service technology to cross multiple systems , seamless and secure sharing of data .

  5. WINDOWSCE6.0设备驱动结构与系统调用性能

    Device Driver Architecture and System Call Performance of Windows CE 6.0

  6. 应用CAD系统调用AUTOCAD及其它系统

    The Application CAD System Transfers the Auto CAD and Other System

  7. 第三,C库函数可能有也可能没有相关的底层系统调用。

    Third , a C library function may or may not have an associated underlying system call .

  8. send()系统调用返回,结果导致了第四次的上下文切换。

    The send () system call returns , creating the fourth context switch .

  9. 劫持Linux系统调用封杀CoreDump漏洞攻击

    Hijack Linux System Call Force Out Core Dump Hole Attack

  10. 使用select()(或阻塞的read())系统调用等待事件发生。

    Wait on event occurrences with the select ()( or a blocking read ()) system call .

  11. accept系统调用是等待传入连接的阻塞调用。

    The accept system call is a blocking call that waits for incoming connections .

  12. 这个系统调用会终止id为PID的进程。

    This system call terminates the process of id PID .

  13. Windows系统调用截获是实现防御系统的关键技术。

    The interception of Windows system call is the core technology of the prevention system .

  14. afsfuseclient会将传递给它的文件系统调用转发给另外一台机器上的afsfuseserver。

    The afsfuse_client will forward the filesystem calls passed to it to the afsfuse_server residing on a different machine .

  15. Linux内核系统调用扩展研究

    Research of Linux Kernel System Call Expansion

  16. LINUX的系统调用与函数调用

    System Call and Function Call in LINUX

  17. 套接字层接收进行的任何TCP系统调用。

    Any TCP system call that is made is received by the socket layer .

  18. addkey系统调用用来创建类型为type、长度为plen的密钥。

    The add_key syscall is used to create keys of type type and length plen .

  19. Linux系统调用分析

    The Analysis of Linux System Call

  20. Linux系统调用接口提供了用户空间应用程序调用内核功能的方法。

    The Linux system call interface provides the means for user-space applications to invoke kernel functionality .

  21. 最上面是系统调用接口,它实现了一些基本的功能,例如read和write。

    At the top is the system call interface , which implements the basic functions such as read and write .

  22. 在exit系统调用上设置探查,从而在进程退出时退出。

    Puts a probe on the exit system call to exit when the process exits .

  23. 如果是,那为何不将其拓展到其他领域,比如可以从Java中执行通用的系统调用呢?

    If so , why not extend it to other areas such as enabling generic system calls from Java ?

  24. 现已在Linux上通过可装入内核模块和系统调用截获技术验证了该方法。

    Such method was implemented on Linux with techniques of loadable kernel module and system call interception .

  25. 图12显示了TCP应用程序发布close系统调用时发生的重要调用。

    Figure 12 shows the important calls that occur when the close system call is issued by a TCP application .

  26. 其中着重以open系统调用为例,详细分析了文件打开的整个执行过程以及其间所调用的函数。

    Emphasis on open system call , it details analysis of the entire implementation process for opening the file and some called functions during the process .

  27. 客户端进程通常调用connect系统调用,以连接到服务器进程。

    The connect system call is normally called by the client process to connect to the server process .

  28. 采用微型Java虚拟机作为分布式中间件可以为系统调用接口提供一个统一的支持平台。

    The call interface in the system was implemented by embedded Java virtual machine which adopted a real-time garbage collection algorithm .

  29. acceptcallback():当接受连接时,事件系统调用此函数。

    Accept_callback (): The function called by the event system when a connection is accepted .

  30. fork(2)系统调用创建一个新进程。

    The fork ( 2 ) system call creates a new process .