
  • 网络System Kernel;linux;Linux Kernel
  1. Linux操作系统内核同步机制分析

    Analysis of Linux Kernel Synchronization Mechanism

  2. Linux系统内核的沙箱模块实现

    A Sandbox System in Linux Kernel

  3. 软件设计引入了实时操作系统内核UCOS-Ⅱ(MicroControllerOperationSystem)。软硬件相结合,使系统很好得实现监控任务。

    In the software design , we introduce real time operation system UCOS-II ( Micro Controller Operation System ) .

  4. 研究μC/OS-Ⅱ操作系统内核运行机制,分析其内部功能组成,完成了其在目标板上的移植,并编写了在μC/OS-Ⅱ下的CAN总线设备驱动程序。

    The operating mechanism of μ C / OS-II is studied , and analyzed its inside constitution .

  5. 基于嵌入式Linux操作系统内核实时性的改进方法研究

    The Study of Improved Methods for Embedded Linux Systems ' Real-Time Capabilities

  6. 标准Linux内核是不可抢占的,导致较大的延迟,增强内核抢占性能、降低内核响应时间,可提高系统内核对实时任务的响应能力。

    Standard Linux kernel is non-preemptive , which leads to long latency .

  7. Linux系统内核级安全审计方法研究

    Study on Kernel-level Security Audit Techniques of Linux System

  8. Linux操作系统内核的升级

    Kernel Escalating of Linux Operating System

  9. Bootloader就是在操作系统内核运行之前运行的一段小程序,用来加载操作系统,它的使用大大方便了程序的调试;

    Boot Loader is a short program to load operation system .

  10. CacheManager是居留在客户机操作系统内核中的一只非常有趣的猛兽。

    The Cache Manager is a rather interesting beast that lives in the client 's operating system kernel .

  11. KIOIK:一个基于操作系统内核的CORBA实现及其性能分析

    KIOIK : An In-Kernel CORBA Implementation and Performance Evaluation

  12. 分析了Linux系统内核的特点,以及监控系统调用的关键技术。

    The characteristics of Linux kernel are analyzed as well as the key technique of monitoring system calls .

  13. 主要研究如何通过基于Windows操作系统内核的包过滤防火墙系统来实现网络安全防护。

    This paper analyzes the network security protection realized by a packet filter firewall system based on Windows operation system Kernel .

  14. 在嵌入式系统内核的定制方面,根据硬件资源和应用需求实现了WINDOWSCE。

    At first , according to difference of resources of hardware and requirements of application , functional modules in Windows CE .

  15. UNIX系统内核及其性能优化探讨

    Discuss of UNIX kernel and system capability optimizing

  16. UNIX系统内核信息的获取方法

    Method for getting kernel information on UNIX system

  17. Linux内核是一款免费开放的操作系统内核,现已被广泛地应用于嵌入式系统领域。

    Linux kernel is a free and open operating system kernel , which has been widely used in the embedded system field .

  18. 基于MultiTask!操作系统内核的嵌入式AP设备的研究与实现

    The Research and Implementation of Embedded AP Device Based on MultiTask ! OS Kernel

  19. 通过对Linux内核组成及其源代码进行分析与研究,本文探讨了Linux操作系统内核的基本结构和原理。

    The paper analyses and studies the Linux kernel structure , source code , and investigates the essential framework and principle of Linux operating system .

  20. 目前已有众多的方法用来防御堆栈溢出攻击,大致从程序编译角度,操作系统内核,cpu体系结构等方面着手。

    In recent , there are many methods to prevent stack overflow attacks roughly by program compile , OS core , Structure of CPU etc.

  21. 真正的实现了,能够根据具体的应用需求细粒度裁剪Linux系统内核。2.实现了ARM平台的嵌入式Linux内核的移植。

    The fine-grained tailoring of Linux kernel is really realized according to the requirements of specific application.2.The porting of embedded Linux kernel for ARM platform is realized .

  22. 本文另一个重点研究的内容是Windows2000操作系统内核模式下的WDM驱动程序。

    The other one emphasis content of the dissertation is the WDM driver under Windows 2000 Operation System kernel mode .

  23. 分布数据库系统内核TX的设计与实现

    The design and implementation of tx ── a kernel for distributed database systems

  24. 论文在总体设计的基础上完成了实例的设计和实现,包括硬件平台的设计,完成了操作系统内核的定制,Bootloader、驱动程序的开发。最后分析了图像处理的过程。

    Thesis brings forward the design of hardware , customization of OS kernel , the development of boot loader and drivers .

  25. 在实现示例中,通过对Linux操作系统内核的修改,使得软硬件任务能够通信并且在用户空间上达到了透明操作硬件任务的目的。

    In the implementation , the kernel of Linux OS is modified to enable hardware tasks to communicate and allow transparent operation to hardware tasks in user space .

  26. 探讨了调试功能对不同处理器平台的移植、对系统内核调试的支持技术、对不同通讯方式的支持以及对跨Internet调试的扩展。

    Discussing some relative topics of debugger design , such as the transplant of debugger , the design of kernel debugger , the support of various communication mode , the extension to long-distance debugger via Internet .

  27. 主要为WindowsEmbeddedCE6.0内核开发流程及定制32M以上操作系统内核技术详细描述。

    There are the detailed descriptions of the Windows Embedded CE 6.0 kernel development processes and customized more than 32M operating system kernel technology .

  28. 剖析、对比的内容涉及到操作系统内核的运行方式、进程调度、实时性、任务间的通信与同步、内存管理、文件系统、网络协议(TCP/IP)、以及设备驱动等方面。

    The comparison includes processes scheduling > the characteristic of real-time , intertask communication and synchronization , memory management , file system , TCP / IP protocol and device driver .

  29. 研究了Linux操作系统内核,进行了部分内核源代码的分析,在系统软件平台的构建过程中,实现了Linux内核的移植和编译。

    Studied the Linux kernel , analyzed part of its source code , and successfully ported and compiled it , while building the software platform of the system . 4 .

  30. Android是Google公司最新推出的面向下一代以移动互联网业务为核心应用的移动智能终端开源平台,采用Linux为底层操作系统内核。

    Android is an advanced open-source mobile platform launched by Google recently . It focuses on the next-generation mobile Internet services and is based on the Linux OS kernel .