
zhū wén
  • Zhu Wen;character on a seal carved in relief
朱文 [zhū wén]
  • [character on a seal carved in relief] 雕刻品上凸起的文字

朱文[zhū wén]
  1. 至六朝,印章始刻朱文。

    To the Six Dynasties , Zhu engraved seal before .

  2. 第三章、朱文小说的口语化叙事特征。

    Chapter 3 : the oral character of Zhu Wen 's novels .

  3. 朱文著有多部小说和诗集,其电影编剧作品《巫山云雨》和《过年回家》亦屡获国际嘉许。

    Zhu Wen is the scriptwriter of internationally renowned Chinese films like In expectation and Seventeen Years .

  4. 它同样体现在朱文的小说创作中,使得朱文的小说呈现出一种鲜明的口语化叙事特征。

    It also exists in Zhu Wen 's novel creation and makes it present out vivid oral character .

  5. 其次,朱文又进一步发现日常生活秩序中的人格面具、感情、艺术、运动和生存状况的虚伪,这正是时代世俗化反崇高化的结果;

    Secondly , Zhu Wen further discovered false the daily life order 、 persona 、 sentiment , art , the movement and survival condition , which is the result of the time being secularized ;

  6. 第二章分别以对邱华栋、朱文、韩东等作家的文本解读,来说明晚生代中的欲望化叙事倾向,并分析它所带来的文学史意义和价值影响。

    The second chapter explains the desirous narrative inclination by studying the version of Qiu Huadong , Zhu Wen and Han Dong , etc , and analyze the literary significance and valuable effect it brings about .

  7. 展现平庸与卑微、追逐自由与虚无是朱文九十年代小说的主要内容,构成了作品的基本精神向度,通过对其文本内容和精神的解读,揭示出朱文小说精神的虚无指向。

    Displaying mediocre and humble , and pursuing freedom and nihility constitute the main contents and basic spirit direction . The aim of my analyses is to point out the nihility substance of Zhu Wen 's novels .

  8. 结语部分对韩东、鲁羊、朱文进行比较研究,并指出以韩东、鲁羊、朱文为代表的他们作家对当代文学创作有利和不利的影响。

    In the part of conclusion , the paper compares Han Dong , Lu Yang and Zhu Wen , and takes the three of them as representatives to point out the favorable and unfavorable influence on contemporary literary creation .

  9. 第三,朱文认为渗透进作家头脑(?)的传统叙事习惯,是更隐秘的文学秩序,他积极探索出了新的叙事模式&行走叙事,行走叙事是他的行走体验的结果;

    Thirdly , Zhu Wen thought the traditional narrative custom that has seeped in the writers ' brains , and is the literature order which conceals , he positively explored the new narrative pattern ~ walking narrative , and the walking narrative is result from his walking experience ;