
  • 网络compound infection
  1. 根据田间调查和病原菌鉴定,明确了河西走廊玉米穗粒病是由8种病原菌复合侵染所致。

    In this paper , it was suggested that the compound infection of eight fungus caused corn spike kernel rotten by investigation and germs identification .

  2. PVY和CMV等病毒可以对烟株进行复合侵染。

    The tobacco may be infected by PVY and CMV coinstantaneous .

  3. 同时,黄瓜花叶病毒(CMV)和马铃薯Y病毒(PVY)的复合侵染也是当前生产上亟待解决的主要问题。

    Simultaneously the complex infection of Potato virus Y ( PVY ) and Cucumber mosaic virus ( CMV ) is also a crucial problem to be resolved at present .

  4. 苹果茎痘病毒(ApplestempittingvirusASPV)是苹果和梨树上普遍发生的潜隐病毒之一,该病毒与其它病毒的复合侵染可导致这些果树的衰退。

    Apple stem pitting virus ( ASPV ) is one of the world widely occurred latent viruses in apple and pear trees . When it presents with other viruses , the virus can induce the declining of these trees .

  5. 研究显示,安康和咸阳烟区的主要病毒类群均为TMV和CMV,但是咸阳地区两种主要病毒类群的复合侵染的比率要明显高于安康地区;

    The result showed that TMV and CMV were epidemic species in Ankang and Xianyang , and the rate of complex infection of TMV and CMV in Xianyang was higher than that of in Ankang ;

  6. CMV-Li和LSV侵染率分别为40%和80%,复合侵染率为40%。

    The rate of lily mosaic diseases infected by CMV was 40 % , by LSV was 80 % , mixed by CMV and LSV was 40 % .

  7. 检测结果表明安徽省烟区越冬寄主平均带毒率2001年和2002年分别为39.25%和16.92%,且出现了CMV和PVY复合侵染的现象。

    The results showed that the average virus rate of live through the winter crops were 39.25 % in 2001 and 16.92 % in 2002 , and appeared the phenomenon that the crops were infected by the CMV and PVY coinstantaneous .

  8. 病毒病是危害马铃薯的重要病害,特别是马铃薯Y病毒(PVY),马铃薯感染PVY,一般减产50%左右,当其与PVX或PVA病毒复合侵染时,减产可达80%。

    Viral disease was a severity disease to potato , especially potato Y virus . If the potato was infected by PVY , its yield would be decreased 50 % . When the potato was infected by PVY and PVA simultaneously , the yield can be decreased 80 % .

  9. 复合侵染的蚕豆黄花叶病病原诊断

    Diagnosis of the multiple pathogen of broad bean yellow mosaic disease

  10. 枯萎病菌和根结线虫对黄瓜复合侵染研究

    Mixed infection caused by Meloidogyne and Fusarium on cucumber

  11. 复合侵染病毒占4.34%。

    And complex virus infection account for 4.34 % .

  12. 两种病毒的复合侵染率为14.2%。

    The complex infection rates of these two viruses was 14.2 % . 2 .

  13. 云南省蚕豆枯萎病发生特点及复合侵染研究

    Outbreak Characters of Broad Bean Blight and Pathogens ' Integrated Infection in Yunnan , China

  14. 部分烟区烟草病毒病病原检测及复合侵染分析

    Virus Detection of Tobacco Viral Disease and Analysis of Viruses Mixed-infection in Some Tobacco Growing Areas

  15. 为了研究这两种病毒复合侵染的致病机制,我们构建了这两种病毒的侵染性克隆。

    To investigate the pathogenicity of mix-infection , infectious clones of the two viruses are constructed .

  16. 包含病原线虫的植物复合侵染病害

    Plant disease complexes involving pathogenic nematodes

  17. 亚洲玉米螟与串珠镰孢菌复合侵染对玉米产量损失的影响

    Effect of infestation by the Asian corn borer together with Fusarium verticillioides on corn yield loss

  18. 病毒间的复合侵染非常普遍,往往给烟草生产造成严重损失。

    The mixed infection of viruses is very common , and it caused more severe losses in tobacco production .

  19. 为进一步开展复合侵染病害的病原菌消长动态的分子跟踪检测和复合侵染规律的深入研究奠定了基础。

    Compound pathogen infection dynamics of molecular detection and tracking complex infection , in order to further study this disease laid the foundation .

  20. 蚜虫在病毒复合侵染病株上吸食后的传毒特性枯萎病菌和根结线虫对黄瓜复合侵染研究


  21. 在田间条件下,马铃薯病毒病一般伴有复合侵染,即两种或两种以上的病毒同时侵染马铃薯植株。

    In the field conditions , potato virus disease usually accompanied by composite infection , that two and two or more virus infection potato plants simultaneously .

  22. 利用冷闸法的一系列的接种试验证明了松材线虫病是松材线虫和其携带的细菌共同侵染引起的一种植物复合侵染病害。

    A series of Laboratory inoculation by cold valve directly proved that the pin wilt disease is a complex-disease involving pin wood nematodes and pathogenic bacterium .

  23. 该文对松材线虫病的致病机制的研究进行了概述。为了研究这两种病毒复合侵染的致病机制,我们构建了这两种病毒的侵染性克隆。

    The research about pathogenetic mechanism of PWN was reviewed . To investigate the pathogenicity of mix-infection , infectious clones of the two viruses are constructed .

  24. 在大田生产中大蒜植株常受多种病毒复合侵染,不同病毒感染后往往表现出相似症状,加大了大蒜病毒的防治难度。

    Garlic plants are often infected by various virus compound in field production and performes similar symptoms after infected , which increases the garlic prevention difficulty and the control of the virus .

  25. 这一结果不仅进一步说明了松材线虫病是一种由松材线虫和细菌共同侵染引起的复合侵染病害,而且首次用试验证明了通过控制致病细菌的方法可以控制松材线虫病。

    The results not only further demonstrated that the disease was a disease complex involving the nematodes and bacteria , but also showed that the pine wilt disease could be controlled by inhibiting the pathogenic bacteria for the first time .

  26. 已有的研究表明大豆根腐病是一种多病原复合侵染的病害,因其土传、多病原复合侵染和初期症状隐敝等特点而被普遍认为是一类较难防治的病害。

    Previous studies have shown that the soybean root rot was attacted by multi-pathogens and it was generally believed that the soybean root rot was more difficult to control , because of the features such as soil-borne pathogens mixed infection and early concealed disease .

  27. 近几年,萝卜霜霉病的发生逐渐严重,加之病毒病的复合侵染,造成萝卜产量和品质严重下降,而此前对萝卜霜霉病的研究一直未引起育种学家的重视。

    In recent years , radish downy mildew occurred with increasing severity , coupled with mixed infection of viral disease , resulted in the radish production and quality seriously declining , while the previous researches about radish downy mildew have not attracted the attention of breeders .