
  • 网络Nasal vestibule;Vestibulum nasi
  1. Nd~(3+):YAG激光光纤治疗鼻前庭囊肿

    Nasal vestibule cyst treated with Nd ~ ( 3 + ): YAG laser fiber

  2. 揭盖法鼻前庭囊肿摘除术24例

    Uncovery method for treatment of 24 patients with cysts in nasal vestibule

  3. 结果18例NHL中,14例外周T细胞性淋巴瘤,4例NK/T细胞性淋巴瘤,CT表现:(1)16例病灶起源于鼻前庭或鼻前部。

    Results Of 18 cases , 14 were peripheral T cell lymphoma and 4 were NK / T cell lymphoma . CT showed following findings .

  4. Flow≥7(L/min)时,头罩内新生儿鼻前庭氧浓度在大、中头罩各组均接近60%,小头罩各组均>60%。

    When Flow was increased to or greater than 7L / min , the oxygen concentrations in nasal cavities of neonate were close to 60 % for groups with medium and big oxygen hood and greater than 60 % for groups with small oxygen hood .

  5. 方法对本院发生金葡菌感染较多的某科医务人员和住院1周以上患者的鼻前庭进行采样,常规方法进行金葡菌鉴定和MRSA确认。

    Methods The MRSA strains were isolated from the nasal fossa of the medical staff and inpatients in the Department of Neurosurgery .

  6. CT表现:(1)病变起源于鼻腔前部或鼻前庭,病灶形态呈增殖型2例,浸润型3例,混合型6例。

    CT scan showed : ( 1 ) Lesions arose mainly from nasal vestibule or anterior part of nasal cavity , consisting of rease hyperplasia type 2 cases , infiltration type 3 cases , and hyperplasia infiltration ( mixed ) type 6 cases .

  7. 结论:Nd-YAG激光治疗顽固性慢性鼻前庭炎是非常有效的方法。

    Conclusions : It is an effective method of treatment that obstinate chronic vestibulitis of nose were treated with Nd : YAG laser .

  8. 目的探讨医院医务人员和住院患者鼻前庭带耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA)的相互关系和对发生与控制医院感染的影响。

    Objective To investigate the relation between the epidemiological strains of meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus ( MRSA ) and the strains isolated from the nasal fossa of the medical staff and inpatients .

  9. 本文应用自制复方五倍子注射液,注射到实验动物wistar大鼠鼻前庭区粘膜下出血区内,观察其止血疗效及局部组织的病理变化;

    To find a more effective method for treatment of epistaxis , we injected gallnut compound made ourselves into the nasul mucous of bleeding area of the wistar rats . The pathology experiment of the Wistar rat was reported .

  10. 方法用空气-氧气混合器调节FsO2和Flow,测定不同FsO2和Flow下,新生儿鼻前庭的O2浓度。

    Methods Oxygen concentrations were measured in nasal cavities of neonates when different FsO_ 2 and Flow were given . FsO_ 2 and Flow were adjusted and measured by Air-oxygen blender and Pigeon I analyzer .

  11. 在同一型号头罩内,FsO2≥21%时,各组的头罩内新生儿的鼻前庭氧浓度差异均有统计学意义(P<0·01)。

    Among the groups with same size oxygen hood , the difference of oxygen concentration in nasal cavities showed statistical significance ( P < 0.01 ) when FsO_ 2 was equal to or greater than 21 % .

  12. 鼻腔鼻咽腔同时受累9例,其中以鼻腔病变为主5例,向后累及鼻咽腔前部,伴鼻前庭皮肤增厚1例。

    Both nasal and nasopharyngeal cavities were affected in 9 cases .

  13. 目的:探讨鼻前庭囊肿的发生机制及临床表现。

    Objective : To investigate the pathogenesis of nasal vestibular cyst .

  14. 慢性鼻前庭炎的激光治疗

    Therapy of chronic vestibulitis of nose with Nd : YAG laser

  15. 目的总结鼻前庭肿块的临床诊治经验。

    Objective To summarize the treatment strategy of nasal vestibule masses .

  16. 鼻前庭推进瓣修复单侧唇裂术后鼻畸形

    Correction of unilateral cleft lip nasal deformities with a vestibular advancement flap

  17. 鼻前庭三角瓣法唇裂修复术

    Repair of cleft lip by using nasal vestibular triangular flap

  18. 60例鼻前庭肿块的临床分析

    Analysis of 60 masses in the nasal vestibule

  19. 鼻前庭径路鼻内窥镜上颌窦手术40例报告

    Maxillary sinus nasendoscopy by the nasal vestibule entry : With a report of 40 cases

  20. 探讨应用Nd:YAG激光治疗顽固性慢性鼻前庭炎。

    Objective : To investigate the therapeutic effects of chronic vestibulitis of nose with Nd : YAG laser .

  21. 各气道气流主要为层流,鼻前庭和鼻咽部气流变化剧烈。

    Simulated airflows were laminar mainly in the nasal passage and varied dramatically in the vestibule and nasopharynx .

  22. 目的了解鼻前庭囊肿的超声特征,评估彩色多普勒超声扫描对鼻前庭囊肿的诊断价值。

    Objective To investigate the ultrasonographic characteristics and the diagnostic value of color Doppler ultrasonography for nasal vestibular cyst .

  23. 氧疗方式和氧流量与鼻前庭氧分压变化的关系

    The relationship between the style of oxygen therapy and oxygen flow rate and oxygen partial pressure of nasal vestibule

  24. 鼻前庭吸氧在2岁以内患儿的临床应用效果观察

    Observation on clinical application effect of nasal vestibule oxygen inhalation for ill infants under the age of 2 years old

  25. 双侧鼻前庭切口入路鼻尖低平鼻翼宽大整复术产生锯齿形缝线形状的一种针尖缝制方法。

    Repairing the flat apex and broad alar nose by bilateral nasal vestibule approach needlepoint stitch that produces zigzag lines .

  26. 结论经鼻前庭-鼻中隔-蝶窦入路显露理想,适应于各种类型垂体腺瘤;

    Conclusion The approach of nasal vestibule-nasal septum-sphenoid sinus offer a satisfied exposure of adenoma , suitable for all kinds of pituitary adenomas ;

  27. 方法:采用囊内注射消痔灵治疗27例鼻前庭囊肿患者,并随访观察6~24月。

    Methods 27 cases of nasal vestibular cyst were injected in vest with Xiao Zhi Ling and followed for 6 ~ 24 monthes .

  28. 不同供氧浓度和流量下头罩内的新生儿鼻前庭氧浓度变化

    The changes of oxygen concentration in nasal cavities of neonates when supplied with different oxygen concentration and flow rates via different sizes of oxygen hood

  29. 方法:采用鼻前庭径路鼻内窥镜上颌窦手术治疗鼻息肉、囊肿、慢性化脓性鼻窦炎40例、46侧病变窦腔。

    Method : Forty cases ( 46 sides of sick maxillary sinus ) with polyp or cyst or chronic suppurative inflammation were treated by maxillary sinus endoscopy through nasal vestibule .

  30. 结论单侧鼻腔白色或灰白色新生物伴分泌物持续或恶臭味、鼻前庭糜烂应首先考虑鼻异物继发鼻结石。

    Unilateral nasal white or grey neoplasms with continuous excreta or foul smell and nasal vestibule anabrosis should be first considered to be possible secondary nasal stones of nasal foreign bodies .