
  • 网络disease outbreak
  1. 虽然二者在一定程度上均推动了流行病学的发展,然而,传统的单一理论无法准确地解释现实中疾病爆发的相关数据。

    Both of them have promoted the development of the epidemiology , but traditional single theory cannot give an exact explanation for the disease outbreak .

  2. 食源性疾病爆发是指由于食用同一食物引起的二例或二例以上相似疾病的发生。

    " Foodborne disease outbreak " means the occurrence of two or more cases of a similar illness resuiting from the ingestion of a common food .

  3. 目前美国还没有感染病例。CDC正与医院携手准备应对这种疾病爆发的可能性。

    There hasn 't been a case in the U.S. The CDC is working with hospitals to prepare for the possibility .

  4. SARS类流行性疾病爆发时,病毒以人为边界所无法阻止的速度在全球蔓延,整个国际社会都处于恐慌和危险之中。

    When the infectious disease like SARS is prevailing , virus spreads over the whole world without recognizing borders , the whole world are seized with the panic .

  5. 谷歌FluTrends首席工程师吉恩博格(JeremyGinsberg)说,这个网站还是试验性的,我们认为它是一种跟踪疾病爆发的独特、有趣的途径。

    ' It 's still quite experimental , 'says Jeremy Ginsberg , Google 's lead engineer on Flu Trends . 'We feel it 's an interesting , unique way to track disease outbreaks . '

  6. Brückner博士说,为此而开展明智的投资将促进对野生鸟类的早期观察和对疾病爆发的迅速反应。

    Wise investments here will promote early detection in wild birds and rapid response to disease outbreaks , Dr Br ü ckner added .

  7. 世界卫生组织(WHO)驻北京疫苗专家劳伦斯•罗德瓦尔德博士(DrLawrenceRodewald)表示,在中国政府梳理新的配发制度期间,中国孩子的高接种率或能预防严重的疾病爆发。

    High levels of vaccination in Chinese children will probably protect against serious disease outbreaks while the government sorts out the new distribution system , said Dr Lawrence Rodewald , the World Health Organisation 's vaccine specialist in Beijing .

  8. 方法在疾病爆发期间,对所有病例进行流行病学个案调查;

    Methods All possible cases were selected by epidemiological individual survey .

  9. 在羊口疮流行的地区,定期接种疫苗有助于预防疾病爆发。

    In endemic areas , regular vaccination may help prevent disease outbreaks .

  10. 世界船舶传染性疾病爆发的流行病学分析

    Epidemiological analysis of outbreaks of infectious diseases on cruise ships of the world

  11. 但是无论造成疾病爆发的是哪种作物,都已经是一段时间以前收获的。

    But whatever crop is causing the outbreak was picked some time ago .

  12. 结论海上航行船舶传染性疾病爆发流行具有其特殊的特征和规律。

    Conclusions There were idiosyncratic regulation and characteristics of infectious diseases on cruise ships .

  13. 北京市西城区1996~2001年发热出疹性疾病爆发的流行病学特征及控制策略

    The Epidemiological Characteristics of Rash and Fever Illness Outbreak in 1996-2001 in Xicheng District of Beijing

  14. 我们将介绍一种使用表单报告疾病爆发的情形。

    You 'll explore a scenario in which a form is used to report disease outbreaks .

  15. 麦克米兰刚刚从印度到达,那里的疾病爆发在几个城镇。

    McMillan had just arrived from India , where the disease had broken out in several towns .

  16. 在亚美尼亚,疾病爆发日渐增多,这一病毒很可能正在蔓延。

    In Armenia , outbreaks are on the rise and it seems likely that the virus is spreading .

  17. 20世纪50年代,一次毁灭性的疾病爆发让食人行为有所减少。

    A less violent version of cannibalism was responsible for a devastating outbreak of disease during the 1950s .

  18. 21世纪初期新的因素已经被发现并且引发新的疾病爆发。

    As the 21st century begins , already new agents have been identified , and new outbreaks have occurred .

  19. 那些受到疫情影响国家为处理当前疾病爆发情况所做的工作,我将铭记在心。

    I am impressed by the work being done by affected countries as they deal with the current outbreaks .

  20. 疾病爆发的准确原因不得而知,但鼻病毒很有可能是其中很多起咳嗽爆发的元凶。

    The exact cause of the outbreaks is unknown , but rhinoviruses were probably responsible for many of them .

  21. 墨西哥医院的官员们同样还医院有足够的呼吸机氧气管,以应对的病人呼吸道疾病爆发。

    Hospital officials also made sure there were enough breathing machines and oxygen canisters for patients with respiratory distress .

  22. 他们证实了这一毒株是2003年和2005年在刚果共和国出现的疾病爆发的原因。

    They confirmed that it was the cause of outbreaks in humans in the Republic of Congo in2003 and2005 .

  23. 本文以疾病爆发表单、后续的修改和重新部署为例考察了这种方法。

    This article looks at this approach using a sample disease-outbreak form and its usage and subsequent modifications and redeployment .

  24. 拉丁美洲已经从一项针对当地情况的短期课程中受益,该课程是为了建设响应和调查疾病爆发的能力。

    Latin America has benefited from short , locally targeted courses to build capacity for responding to and investigating disease outbreaks .

  25. 近几年来,浮现的疾病爆发事件有所增加,而几乎全部都与动物源或种间跨越的传染性因子有关。

    In the past few years , emergent disease episodes have increased ; nearly all have involved zoonotic or species-jumping infectious agents .

  26. 在疾病爆发的地区有许多医疗官员采取了预防措施。

    There are a number of precautions that health care officials take , when they are in the areas of disease outbreaks .

  27. 最近几周的疾病爆发已导致672人死亡,其中许多人来自除塞拉利昂以外的另外两个国家:利比里亚和几内亚。

    The other two countries accounting for many of the 672 killed by the disease in recent weeks are Liberia and Guinea .

  28. 这些新增内容描述了现实生活中的食源性疾病爆发,包括了引起这些问题的原因、结果如何等等。

    These updates included real-life stories of outbreaks of food-borne diseases , including what caused the problems and what the consequences were .

  29. 阑尾炎会产生剧烈的疼痛、发烧,如果疾病爆发后不经处理,还可能导致死亡。

    Appendicitis can lead to severe pain , fever , and even death if it is left untreated after the appendix bursts .

  30. 发展中国家的卫生工作者可能很快就会用移动电话来发送有关疾病爆发以及病人药物信息方面的数据。

    Health workers in developing countries could soon be using mobile phones to send data about disease outbreaks and patient and drug information .