
  • 网络disease risk
  1. 女性缺血综合征评估(WISE)研究中高血压、绝经与冠状动脉疾病风险的关系

    Hypertension , menopause , and coronary artery disease risk in the Women 's Ischemia Syndrome Evaluation ( WISE ) study

  2. 这些研究促使美国FDA在2004年首次批准其作为总体食品应用于减低心脏疾病风险中。

    Food & Drug Administration in2004 to approve , for the first time , a qualified health claim for reducing heart disease risk for a whole food .

  3. 这份新的保险单被认为是首个承保疾病风险的保险方案。

    The new policy is believed to be the first scheme to offer protection against an illness .

  4. 结论IR是导致PCOS患者生殖激素水平异常、心血管疾病风险的主要因素。

    Conclusion IR plays a key role in abnormal reproductive hormones levels and also increases the risk of VCD in patients with PCOS .

  5. IR主要影响糖、脂代谢,是对妊娠期心血管危险因素聚集产生影响的独立危险因素,HOMA-IR可作为GDM孕期心血管疾病风险的一个监测指标指导临床干预。

    IR was involved with regulation of glucose and lipid metabolism , and HOMA-IR was the independent predictors of cardiovascular high-risk factors clustering in GDM .

  6. 结论T2DM患者胰岛素抵抗性增加,具有更高的心血管疾病风险,尤其是腹型肥胖者。

    Conclusion The risk of cardiovascular diseases is increased when insulin resistance is exaggerated in T2DM , especially with abdominal obesity .

  7. 这一合作的目的在于帮助支持CDC的激素标准化项目,从而提高实验室结果的可靠性,帮助评估疾病风险并监控治疗。

    This collaboration is intended to help support the CDC 's Hormone Standardization Project for improving the reliability of laboratory results used to help assess disease risk and monitor treatment .

  8. ChristophGruber及其同事认为“患变应性疾病风险儿童的父母通非常关注异婴儿时期免疫的效应”。

    Parents of children at heightened risk for atopy are frequently concerned about the effect of immunization in infancy .

  9. 作者指出,OSAHS患者发生心脑血管疾病风险较高,但其机制未明。

    OSAHS is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease , the authors point out , but the mechanism of the association is unclear .

  10. 所以超声BI-RADS的准确性对临床医疗行为指导及患者疾病风险的控制有着重要的意义。

    Therefore , the accuracy of BI-RADS-US category has a great significance for guidance of clinical behavior and risk control of the disease .

  11. 科学家假设,如果DDAH的功能被损害了,那么NO的产生也会减少,这可能是心血管疾病风险增加的一个重要特征。

    Scientists have hypothesised that if DDAH function is impaired , NO production is reduced , and that this could be an important feature of increased cardiovascular risk .

  12. 我认为Goldstein占优的地方是:他对GWAS达到第二个目标(发现可用于预测疾病风险的变异)的批判。

    Where I think Goldstein does have the upper hand is in his critique of the success of the second goal of GWAS : identifying markers that can be used to predict disease risk .

  13. 我曾经交谈过的,大多数从事GWAS工作的研究者没有增加他们的样本,因为他们认为普通变异是预测疾病风险的唯一来源。

    Most of the researchers working on GWAS that I 've spoken to are not increasing their sample sizes because they think common variants are the only source of disease risk ;

  14. 阅兵村媒介生物性疾病风险评估及防治对策

    The Risk Assessment of Vector-borne Disease and Management Strategy in Parade

  15. 老年人的甲状腺状况、心血管疾病风险以及死亡率

    Thyroid status , cardiovascular risk , and mortality in older adults

  16. 对于收入水平还比较低的农民来说,疾病风险往往显得更大。

    It should be more dangerous to those peasants who have the lower incomes .

  17. 2010年广州亚运会食源性疾病风险评估指标体系的研究

    Study on risk assessment indicator system of foodborne diseases for 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games

  18. 新型农村合作医疗的疾病风险分担能力研究&基于9省调研的实证分析

    Research on the Risks Allocation Ability of the New Cooperative Medical Schemes in Rural China

  19. 同时,它们还可能降低作为糖尿病并发症之一的肾脏疾病风险。

    They also may reduce the risk of a serious diabetes complication : kidney disease .

  20. 有些诊所会用Travax软件程序,它能够跟踪疾病风险数据。

    Some clinics use a software program , Travax , which tracks disease risk data .

  21. 感染艾滋病毒/艾滋病的人在感染疟疾之后面临较高的疾病风险。

    People with HIV / AIDS are at increased risk of malaria disease when infected .

  22. 检查并控制你的心血管疾病风险

    Check and control your cardiovascular risk

  23. 同时,我们假设个体对疾病风险信息的了解具有一定的时间滞后性。

    Meanwhile , we assume that the acquired information by individuals has a certain time lag .

  24. 口服糖皮质激素与心脑血管疾病风险的人群病例对照研究

    Use of oral glucocorticoids and risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease in a population based case-control study

  25. 教医学生和医生如何告诉病人疾病风险统计学教学与沟通技巧相结合

    Teaching medical students and doctors how to communicate risk Combining the teaching of statistics with communication skills

  26. 公共卫生是社会抵御疾病风险,保障公众生命健康的重要组成部分。

    Public health is an important component that society fights against disease risk and protects public health .

  27. 构建了线性回归模型和逻辑回归模型来研究城市化与非传染性疾病风险之间的关系。

    Linear and logistic regression models were constructed examining the relationship between urbanicity and chronic disease risk .

  28. 例如,在服用阿司匹林的女性中,有17%的人心血管疾病风险都小于6%。

    For example , 17 percent of women taking aspirin had less than a 6 percent risk .

  29. 在印度泰米尔纳德邦,城市化与一些非传染性疾病风险因素的流行程度相关。

    Urbanicity is associated with the prevalence of several NCD risk factors in Tamil Nadu , India .

  30. 疾病风险可以引发经济风险、社会风险甚至政治风险。

    The risk of diseases can cause economic slow down , social unrest , sometimes political crisis .