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bí zǔ
  • originator;father;founder;the earliest ancestor
鼻祖 [bí zǔ]
  • [father;founder;the earliest ancestor;originator] 始祖,比喻创始人

  • 有周氏之 蝉嫣兮,或鼻祖于 汾隅。--《汉书.扬雄传》

鼻祖[bí zǔ]
  1. 在西方音乐史上,德彪西是作为印象主义音乐的鼻祖而著称。

    Debussy is known as the earliest ancestor of the impressionism music in the history of western music .

  2. 在《人力资源冠军》一书中,人力资源的鼻祖DaveUlrich首次提出了人力资源的概念。

    In a book called " The champion of Human Resource ", Dave Ulrich , the earliest ancestor in this field , put forward the concept " human resource " .

  3. 他被称颂为佛罗伦萨画派的鼻祖。

    He was extolled as the founder of their Florentine school .

  4. 虽说报纸上开设正规的社论版已经有几百年的历史了,不过现代报纸评论版的鼻祖却在1921年才出现,是由《纽约世界晚报》的赫伯特•贝亚德•斯沃普开创的。

    Although standard editorial pages have been printed by newspapers for many centuries , the direct ancestor to the modern op-ed page was created in 1921 by Herbert Bayard Swope of The New York Evening World .

  5. 你拿我JamesBrown的唱片做什么?(美国Funk音乐鼻祖灵魂乐教父)

    Uh-uh , what are you doing with my James Brown album ?

  6. 联想集团奋斗20年更是将个人电脑鼻祖IBM的资产收入囊中。

    Lenovo has struggled for twenty years before they purchase IBM 's assets which is the originator of personal computer .

  7. 当时英特尔最大客户、个人电脑鼻祖IBM反对此举。

    IBM , at the time its biggest customer and the originator of the PC , was against the move .

  8. 实际上,以前的IBM个人电脑就是现在无数人所使用的微软系统电脑的鼻祖。

    In fact , the old IBM PC is an ancestor to the Windows-based computers used by millions of people today .

  9. 但是,这个超级任天堂DS游戏和它90年代的鼻祖版本的相似处差不多也就截至到这里啦。

    But the similarities between this superb Nintendo DS game and its '90s progenitors pretty much end there .

  10. 约翰·邓恩(JohnDonne)被誉为17世纪英国玄学诗派的鼻祖。

    John Donne is highly reputed as the forefather of the seventeenth century metaphysical school in England .

  11. 这些特性使得AFS被公认为是分布式文件系统的鼻祖,虽然AFS已经开发了很多年。

    These features allow AFS to be known as the granddaddy of distributed file systems even after so many years of development .

  12. 他的新书《慢慢理财》某程度上继承了现代证券分析鼻祖BenjaminGraham的传统。

    In some ways his new book ," Slow Finance ", is in the tradition of Benjamin Graham , the founder of modern security analysis .

  13. 他现在是弗拉托女儿的教父。弗拉托是从他父亲那里学到有关建筑师/客户关系方面的知识的,他父亲与人称德克萨斯现代主义(TexasModernism)鼻祖的奥尼尔・福特(O'NeilFord)是密友。

    Mr. Lasater learned about the architect / client bond from his father , who was intimate friends with O'Neil Ford , known as the grandfather of Texas Modernism .

  14. 给不了解Groupon的读者作个简单介绍:Groupon是每日一团购网站的鼻祖,它在44个国家的500多个城市提供各色折扣。

    For the unitiated , Groupon is the grand daddy of deal a day sites , offering multiple deals in500 cities and44 countries .

  15. 在启蒙运动时期,作为现代科学鼻祖之一的法国哲学家勒奈?笛卡尔(ReneDescartes)声称动物是没有灵魂的机械物。

    During the Enlightenment , the French philosopher Rene Descartes , a founder of modern science , declared that animals were soulless automatons .

  16. 至于软广告的“鼻祖”BuzzFeed,更是有数不清的案例能说明它的广告软文发挥了多么好的作用。

    And BuzzFeed , which popularized the native ad format , has numerous case studies showing how well its sponsored articles work .

  17. 他过去也曾经说过:“俄罗斯方块是《糖果粉碎传奇》(CandyCrushSaga)这类益智游戏的鼻祖。这些游戏让我们连续几个小时,几天、甚至几个星期沉迷其中,不能自拔。”

    As he 's said in the past , too , " Tetris is the granddaddy of puzzle games like Candy Crush saga - the things that keep us puzzling away for hours , days and weeks . "

  18. 事实上,它们正是有人称之为Li-Fi的高速、廉价的无线通讯系统的鼻祖。

    In fact , they are the beginning of a fast and cheap wireless-communication system that some have labelled Li-Fi .

  19. 尽管巴黎出生的鞋履设计师罗杰•维威耶(RogerVivier)或许可誉为细高跟鞋的设计鼻祖,他1954年推出的这款平底鞋奠定了其同名时尚品牌大获成功的基石。

    And while Paris-born shoe designer Roger Vivier may have been credited with inventing the stiletto in 1954 , it is a flat on which the fortunes of the house now rest .

  20. 她说,动物行为研究的鼻祖康拉德·洛伦茨(KonradLorenz)曾在一封信中提到,有些被他关在笼子里的大鼠逃走后,又回到他的花园,到放在那里的跑轮上跑步。

    She said Konrad Lorenz , the great-grandfather of animal behavior studies , once mentioned in a letter that some of his caged rats had escaped and then returned to his garden to use running wheels placed there .

  21. 其实这种效果的鼻祖主要是U2,是他们创造了酷玩乐队现在的演奏风格:这种摇滚顾及到了朋克的巨大改革,但仍然追求一种让人心跳加速的,像进行曲那般的效果,正如70年代室内摇滚天王的音乐。

    The main antecedent is U2 , who invented the form that Coldplay works within : rock that respects the sea change of punk but still wants to be as chest-thumping and anthemic as the music of the seventies stadium gods .

  22. 本论文以泰国MALEE公司为背景,MALEE品牌是泰国果汁饮料的鼻祖之一,不仅历史悠久。

    In this thesis to Thailand MALEE for background . The MALEE brand is one of the earliest Thailand fruit juice beverage , Not only has a long history .

  23. 雷军还是一位闲不住的风投资本家,他在2014年至2016年间投资了56家初创企业,其中包括社交平台YY直播和互联网浏览器UCWeb。前者是中国当下十分流行的各种直播平台的鼻祖,后者于2014年被阿里巴巴收购。

    Mr Lei is also a serial venture capitalist , who invested in 56 start-ups between 2014 and 2016 , including social platform YY , the originator of China 's now-ubiquitous live-streaming platforms , and UCWeb , a web browser bought by Alibaba in 2014 .

  24. 道氏理论是技术分析流派的鼻祖。

    Dow theory is the originator of the technical analysis school .

  25. 美洲方块舞的鼻祖是英国的莫里斯舞。

    English ancestor of American square dance was the Morris dance .

  26. 巴门尼德是西方哲学中理性形而上学的鼻祖。

    Western philosophy , Parmenides is the originator of rational metaphysics .

  27. 印象主义运动是抽象艺术的鼻祖之一。

    The impressionist movement was one of the ancestors of abstract art .

  28. 因为我可是写感谢信的鼻祖。

    Because I am master of the thank you note .

  29. 这些微型电子装置的鼻祖就是真空管。

    The ancestor of these miniature electronic devices is the vacuum tube .

  30. 纳尔逊·曼德拉可以说是世界政治学的鼻祖。

    Nelson Mandela was like the granddad of world politics .