
  • 网络vocational courses;professional course;Vocational Program
  1. 最吃香的职业课程是设计、营销、广告和酒店服务。

    Design , Marketing2 and Advertising3 , and Hospitality are among the most selected vocational courses .

  2. 除此之外,提供技能和就业培训的职业课程在印度教育界越来越受欢迎。

    Apart from that , the Indian educational sector1 is seeing a rise in the popularity of vocational courses among students who are seeking skill-training and job-oriented courses .

  3. IBM公司在美国新招聘的人中,约15%没有大学文凭,首席执行官金尼·罗梅蒂表示,对于许多技术领域的岗位而言,职业课程和在职经历所提供的培训内容比4年的大学学历更具关联性。

    At IBM , where roughly 15 % of new hires in the US don 't have college degrees , CEO Ginni Rometty has said that vocational courses and on-the-job experience offer more relevant training for many tech sector positions than a four-year college degree .

  4. 伦敦商学院(LondonBusinessSchool)早期职业课程的行政主任利拉格拉(LeilaGuerra)称,美国对MiM的认知和认可度日益增加,也提升了美国作为欧洲MiM毕业生求职目的地的人气。

    This growing recognition and acceptance of the MiM in the US is also increasing the country 's popularity as a destination for MiM graduates from Europe , says Leila Guerra , executive director of early career programmes at London Business School , which launched its MiM degree in 2009 .

  5. 这些学校通常开设全天候的各类职业课程。

    These schools usually offer full-time vocation-specific programs .

  6. 并分析开设职业课程的必要性,职业课程开设是实现我国的教育目的,国际教育结构调整的趋势和该镇初中教育的具体情况的共同需要。

    And analysis is also made about the necessity of opening the vocational curriculum .

  7. 我上过护理职业课程。

    I did a diploma in nursing .

  8. 我大部分上大学的朋友选修诸如护理之类的职业课程。

    Most of my friends who went to college did vocational courses , like nursing .

  9. 基于平台+岗位的IT职业课程体系研究与实践

    IT Vocational Curriculum System Researches and Practices Based on " Platform + Post " Model

  10. 技术和职业课程的程序在什么级别?

    At what level ( s ) are programs of technical and vocational courses offered ?

  11. 本周,该个机构刚庆祝完十位单亲母亲完成了职业课程培训。

    This week , it celebrated the end of an employment course for ten single mothers .

  12. 据发现,英国近1/3的16-19岁青年参加了低级别的职业课程,但这些课程对劳务市场来说价值很小甚至没有。

    It found that almost a third of16-to19-year-olds in Britain are enrolled in low-level vocational courses that have little or no labour-market value .

  13. 改变还降低了夫妻间相互投资的可能性如资助伴侣通过职业课程。

    They also reduced the likelihood that couples would invest in each other - for example , by financially supporting one partner through a professional course .

  14. 还就职业课程的内容进行了分析,认为应该开设基础性的职业课程,农业方面的职业课程和非农业的职业课程。

    Meanwhile , analysis is made about the contents of the curriculum , the vocational curriculum should be basic , including the agricultural and the non-agricultural vocational curriculum .

  15. 如果你需要提升自己的简历,不妨考虑做些志愿工作或报名职业课程来增加你的技能,以满足你所申请的工作岗位的要求。

    If you need to improve your CV , consider volunteering or taking vocational courses that boost your skill set to match the demands of the jobs you 're applying for .

  16. 参考已有的在普通初中试行的职业课程开设模式,结合该镇初中教育的具体情况,确定其职业课程开设的模式,并对具体的操作进行探讨。

    Based on analysis the existing mode of the vocational curriculum , which is going in the general junior school , chose the mode of the vocational curriculum , and discuss about the operation of this model .

  17. 能力本位教育作为世界各国职业课程体系改革的指导思想,具有先进的能力观和完整的课程观,为我国中职计算机网络专业课程体系研究提供了值得借鉴的经验。

    Competency-based vocational education as a curriculum reform guiding ideology in different countries , the ability to view advanced and complete curriculum for the grade of the curriculum system of computer networks provide the experience is worth learning .

  18. 与发达的澳大利亚TAFE课程相比,我国的职业教育课程总体上还处于比较落后的状态,不能适应经济的发展和社会的需要。

    And developed Australia TAFE courses in Chinese vocational education , compared to the overall course is very backward state , can not adapt the economic development and social needs .

  19. 我国职业教育课程改革中的问题与思路

    On Problems and Thoughts of Curriculum Reforms on Chinese Vocational Education

  20. 蚌埠市中等职业学校课程改革研究

    Study on Curriculum Reforms of Secondary Vocational Schools in Bengbu City

  21. 职业教育课程设置的国际经验及借鉴

    International Experiences of Curriculum Setup of Vocational Education and Its Reference

  22. 浅析职业学校课程改革目标取向

    The Tendency of the Goals of Curriculum Reforms in Vocational Schools

  23. 工作知识:职业教育课程内容开发的新视角

    Working Knowledge : New View of Content Development of Vocational Curriculum

  24. 领域特殊性理论与职业教育课程中的基础观

    Domain-specific Theory and the View of Foundation in Vocational Education Curriculum

  25. 试论高等职业教育课程开发中的人力资源

    On the Manpower Resource of Curriculum Development in Higher Vocational Education

  26. 职业教育课程的理想、现实与选择

    The Ideal , Reality and Choice of Vocational Education Curriculum

  27. 职业教育课程改革取向透析

    Analysis on Curriculum Reforms Orientation of Vocational and Technological Education

  28. 职业指导课程建设刍议

    Views on the construction of the courses on vocational guidance

  29. 职业院校课程设置改革探讨

    On the Reform of Curricula in the Higher Vocational Institutions

  30. 浅析职业教育课程改革的内在要求

    Commentary on the Internal Demands of the Curriculum Reform of Vocational Education