
  • 网络taoist temple
  1. 我国道教宫观文化的研究与发展&辑录道教宫观文化研究论文题录有感

    The Taoist Temple Culture Researches And Development In Our Country & Some Impressions of Recording the Thesis Index of Taoist Temple culture Researches

  2. 道教宫观文化研究

    A Study of the Culture in Taoist Temple

  3. 崂山道教宫观的空间分布。

    Secondly , the spatial distribution of Taoism in Laoshan .

  4. 道教宫观的缘起法兰西美女道士

    The origins of Taoist Palaces From France to China : One Woman 's Road to Taoism

  5. 道教宫观的缘起

    The origins of Taoist Palaces

  6. 进而对道教宫观、宫观文化做了概念上的界定,阐明了本论文研究的主要内容和研究范围。

    Then , through defining Taoist temple and the culture in Taoist temple , it outlines an extent for this study .

  7. 道教宫观的出现有两条源流:一条是源远流长的宫庭建筑中的观;

    There are two sources for the appearance of Taoist Palaces : one is observatory , a kind of palace buildings with a long history ;

  8. 北朝统治者对宗教采取了较为宽容的政策,通过修建佛寺与道教宫观等措施支持宗教势力的发展,总体上使佛、道二教得以迅速发展。

    The government also adopted tolerant religion policies , such as building Buddhist temples and Daoist monasteries , which had promoted the development of the religion .

  9. 道教宫观山志是道教典籍的重要组成部分,是研究中国道教史、方志史乃至文化史的宝贵材料。

    As one important part of the Taoist books , the Taoist temple and mountain books are valuable materials for researching the history of Chinese Taoism , local records and culture .

  10. 并且,云南道教宫观中集绘画、书法、雕塑、碑刻、联额、园林等多种艺术形式,具有丰富的艺术内涵和浓厚的地域特色,是研究我国道教宫观与文化的重要内容。

    The Taoist temples in Yunnan set their painting , calligraphy , sculpture , inscriptions , couplets , plaque , gardening and a variety of other art forms together , which have wealth of artistic content and strong regional characters .

  11. 通过对道教神仙系统的详尽分类,总结道教宫观的类型的级别排列及建筑特色。

    By classifying to the Taoist immortal system in detail , it summarized the order of each type of Taoist temples and their characters .