
dào lǐ
  • reason;truth;principle;hows and whys
道理 [dào lǐ]
  • (1) [principle;truth]∶事物的规律

  • 跟他讲解物理学的道理

  • (2) [reason;argument]∶事情或论点的根据;理由

  • 摆事实,讲道理

  • (3) [method;way]∶办法

  • 我们可以商量个道理救得此人么?--《儒林外史》

  • (4) [intend;plan]∶打算

  • 候朝廷诸事安顿后,再做道理。--《三侠五义》

  • (5) [handle]∶处置;处理

  • 咱们可先将他带回去,再作道理。--《施公案》

  1. 他的说法似乎有点道理。

    There appears to be an element of truth in his story .

  2. 尽管如此,她说的还是有些道理的。

    All the same , there 's some truth in what she says .

  3. 要讲道理呀!我们不能每天晚上都加班到很晚呀。

    Be reasonable ! We can 't work late every night .

  4. 他生气了——而且不是没有道理的。

    He was getting angry ─ and with some justification .

  5. 越是争论,他越会觉得自己那些说法有道理。

    Arguing would only give further sustenance to his allegations .

  6. 法律由人并为人制定的这一点颇有道理。

    It could be argued that laws are made by and for men .

  7. 我尽量跟他讲道理,可他就是不听。

    I tried to reason with him , but he wouldn 't listen .

  8. 管理部门应当为他们的行动说出个道理来。

    It rests with management to justify their actions .

  9. 过分详细反而使人糊涂的说法是有道理的。

    It is arguable that giving too much detail may actually be confusing .

  10. 他们双方都有一定的道理。

    They both had some right on their side .

  11. 他被称作摇滚之王不是没有道理的。

    Not for nothing was he called the king of rock and roll .

  12. 这在经济上和政治上都有道理。

    It makes sense politically as well as economically .

  13. 他的恐惧证明是有道理的。

    His fear turned out to be well founded .

  14. 把这些提议联系起来成为一揽子提议确有一定的道理。

    Linking the proposals in a single package did have a certain logic .

  15. 你要让莉迪娅明白道理好不好?

    Make Lydia see reason , will you ?

  16. 他的话不无道理。

    There 's something in what he says .

  17. 她向会众宣讲宽恕的道理。

    She preached to the congregation about forgiveness .

  18. 在一定意义上,那些批评意见是有道理的。

    In some senses the criticisms were justified .

  19. 这种批评基本上是毫无道理的。

    Much of the criticism was totally unwarranted .

  20. 她毫无道理地害怕昆虫。

    She has an illogical fear of insects .

  21. 这话听起来很有道理,但是你真正全面考虑过没有?

    That sounds fine in theory , but have you really thought it through ?

  22. 你说的有道理,还是等到今天晚上比较好。

    You have a point ─ it would be better to wait till this evening .

  23. 她对他的信任毫无道理。

    Her trust in him was unfounded .

  24. 他的解释我听着有道理。

    His explanation sounds reasonable to me .

  25. 这毫无道理。

    It was all highly implausible .

  26. 我们的担心证明是毫无道理的。

    Our fears proved groundless .

  27. 修筑新的道路可增加交通流量,反过来也是同样的道理:减少道路的数量和规模就意味着减少交通流量。

    Building new roads increases traffic and the converse is equally true : reducing the number and size of roads means less traffic .

  28. 再怎样跟他讲道理都不能让他放弃自己认准的事。

    No amount of reasoning could shake him out of his conviction

  29. 真的,我根本没有道理呆在那里。

    Really I had no business to be there at all .

  30. 其中含有很深刻的道理。

    There 's more than a grain of truth in that .