
xiǎng niàn
  • miss;remember with longing;souvenir;long to see again;remember fondly
想念 [xiǎng niàn]
  • (1) [long to see again;miss]∶思念,怀念

  • 他非常想念他的妻子

  • (2) [souvenir]∶纪念品

  • 这个与你作个想念吧。--《红楼梦》

想念[xiǎng niàn]
  1. “你想念他们,是吗?”他温和地问道。

    ' You miss them , don 't you ? ' he asked gently .

  2. 我真的非常想念你!

    I sure do miss you something fierce !

  3. 旅行期间她想念家里的舒适。

    While travelling she missed the comforts of home .

  4. 你要是不来参加团聚,大家会非常想念你的。

    If you don 't come to the reunion you 'll be sorely missed .

  5. 我很想念我的家人。

    I miss my family a lot .

  6. 我很想念我的家人。

    I miss my family very much .

  7. 我非常想念您。

    I miss you dreadfully .

  8. 我十分想念她。

    I miss her badly .

  9. 他又几乎不假思索地补充说他想念她。

    Almost as an afterthought he added that he missed her .

  10. 我和你妈妈过圣诞节的时候会想念你的。

    Your mama and I are gonna miss you at Christmas

  11. 我估计他是太想念她了。也许你可以让他打起点儿精神来。

    I think he misses her terribly . You might cheer him up

  12. 祝他一切顺利,告诉他我们想念他。

    Wish him all the best , and tell him we miss him .

  13. “大家都想念她,”斯坦面带愧色地说。

    ' Everybody missed her , ' Stan said with a hangdog look .

  14. 莎伦是一位了不起的女士,我知道人们会非常想念她的。

    Sharon was a wonderful lady and I know she 'll be greatly missed .

  15. 亲爱的父亲,孩儿想念您。

    I miss thee , beloved father .

  16. 他似乎十分独立,你不在的时候也并不想念你。

    He seems completely self-contained and he doesn 't miss you when you 're not there

  17. 小伙子,我会想念你的。

    I 'll miss you kiddo .

  18. 我会非常想念他。

    I shall miss him terribly .

  19. 大家会非常想念他的。

    He will be sorely missed .

  20. 她很想念他。

    She thought of him with affection

  21. 他想念他的妈妈。

    He misses his mum

  22. 他是一个温和、体贴而且可爱的人,许多朋友都会想念他的。

    He was a gentle , sensitive , lovable man who will be missed by a host of friends .

  23. 她高兴地说了声“嗨”,好像确信大家非常想念她似的。

    She said ' hi ' with the blithe assurance of someone who knew how much she 'd been missed .

  24. 如果不是因为我会想念自己的花园的话,我会很乐意搬回公寓住。

    I could happily move back into a flat if it wasn 't for the fact that I 'd miss my garden

  25. 侨胞想念祖国。

    Overseas Chinese cherish the memory of their home land .

  26. 自你走后我们非常想念你。

    We have missed you badly since you were gone .

  27. 不用说我们多么地想念你。

    I need hardly say how much we miss you .

  28. 我们无时无刻不在想念你。

    You are constantly in our thoughts .

  29. 我会十分想念你的。

    I shall miss you badly .

  30. 我们会想念这座剧院的。

    The theater will be missed .