
xiǎnɡ xiànɡ jìnɡ hé fàn
  • imaginative joinder of offences
  1. 想象竞合犯是刑法理论中重要犯罪形态之一,也是司法实践中常见犯罪形态之一。

    The imaginative joinder of offences is an important criminal pattern in criminal theory and it is also a common criminal pattern in the legal practice .

  2. 在刑法理论上,想象竞合犯作为一个重要的罪数形态,历来受到中外刑法学者的关注。

    In the theory of criminal law , the imaginative joinder of offences , as an important crime form , has attracted the attention of scholars home and abroad all long .

  3. 想象竞合犯处罚原则的重构

    Reconstruction of the Principle of Punishment for Imaginative Jointer of Offenses

  4. 想象竞合犯的本质是实质的一罪。

    The essence of the imaginative joinder offenses is one crime .

  5. 想象竞合犯构成特征探析

    Analysis on the Structural Features of Imagined Joint Offence

  6. 论想象竞合犯的行为本质及处断原则

    The Essence of Action and Principle of Punishment in Imaginative Jointer of Offenses

  7. 界定想象竞合犯概念时应注意的几个关键词

    Attention to Several Key Words on Defining the Concept of Imaginative Coincidental Offenses

  8. 论想象竞合犯的处罚原则及其适用

    On Punishment and Application about Imaginative Joinder of Offenses

  9. 论禁止重复评价原则与想象竞合犯的关系

    Study on Relationship between Principle of Prohibition Repeatable Evaluations and Imaginative Joinder Offenses

  10. 论想象竞合犯的法律性质、构造及处罚想象竞合犯之法理探析

    Research on the Legal Nature , Constitution and Punishment of Imaginative Jointer of Offenses

  11. 正确地掌握想象竞合犯的理论,对于在司法实践中的犯罪认定以及刑罚适用都具有重要意义。

    Grasping the theory of the imaginative joinder of offenses is significant to the judicial practice .

  12. 第二章主要探讨想象竞合犯的法律性质和构造。

    The second chapter focuses on the legal nature and constitution of imaginative jointer of offenses .

  13. 认为转化犯是介于典型的一罪和典型的数罪之外的一种罪数形态,和想象竞合犯、吸收犯、牵连犯等犯罪形态一样,属于罪数不典型的一种。

    The author thinks that the transforming offense is one of the non-typical of crime in number .

  14. 行为符合数个犯罪构成是想象竞合犯成立的另一必备要件。

    The other necessary element of imaginative joinder of offences is that the action conforms to several crimes .

  15. 通过分析牵连犯和想象竞合犯,来确定集资诈骗罪一罪与数罪&数罪的认定。

    To raise funds to defraud a crime and one crime-several crimes identified through analysis Implicated and Imaginative Joinder .

  16. 从禁止重复评价原则的角度审视,想象竞合犯的本质是实质的一罪。

    From the angle of the principle of prohibition repeatable evaluation , the essence of imaginative joiner offences is one offence in substance .

  17. 想象竞合犯是困扰学界的又一大难题,对想象竞合犯的研究也一度成为学界研究、讨论的热点。

    Imaginative jointer is another big problem plagued the criminal law field research on the Imaginative Jointer became academic research , a hot topic .

  18. 笔者在介绍了学术界关于想象竞合犯的概念的基础上重新认识了界定想象竞合犯的关键词,并对其概念进行了新的诠释。

    First , the author gives a new interpretation and definition of imaginative joinder of offenses on the basis of the introduction of theoretical study .

  19. 司法实践中,盗窃罪与其他犯罪之间存在想象竞合犯的问题。

    In the process of judicial practice , it exists a problem of the imaginative jointer of offences between the crime of theft and other crimes .

  20. 犯罪竞合论是刑法学理论与实务上的一个难题,而想象竞合犯因其自身的独特结构所引起的争议更大。

    Jointer of offense is a difficult problem in theory and practice of criminology , and imaginative jointer of offenses causes more disputes for its unique structure .

  21. 然而,随着研究的不断深入,学者们却愈发觉得想象竞合犯理论到了山穷水尽疑无路的境地。

    However , as the study continuously goes deep , the scholars find that the theory of imaginative joinder of offences has come to a blind alley .

  22. 使得共同犯罪的想象竞合犯在理论上出现了较大的空白,理论的缺失,使得解决实际问题的时候难免捉襟见肘。

    Imaginative jointer made in theory , common crime , there was greater space , the lack of theory , making the time to solve practical problems inevitably inadequate .

  23. 想象竞合犯作为司法实践中常见的犯罪形态之一,在许多国家的立法上得到了确认,并在司法实践中广泛应用。

    As one common form of crimes in the judicial practice , the imaginative joinder of offenses has been recognized and widely used both in legislation and the judicial practice .

  24. 想象竞合犯在罪质上兼具一罪与数罪的特征,对其处罚原则的理解、界定在立法和学理上有种种不同的主张。

    Imaginative joiner offenses share both the characteristics of one crime and those of plural crimes . There are various legislative and theoretical arguments in comprehending and defining its punishment principles .

  25. 在上述两种竞合情形下,应当按照想象竞合犯的处理原则,对行为人以独立构罪的手段行为所触犯的罪名以及保险诈骗罪论处。

    On the above two conditions of concurrence , the perpetrator should be charged and punished by the commited accusation by means acts which can independently constituting a crime and insurance fraud .

  26. 但是国内外研究共同犯罪的想象竞合犯文章却是少之又少,极其罕见,即使有几篇文章,也只是粗略的涉猎,更谈不上深入。

    But domestic and foreign research articles Imaginative Jointer common crime is extremely rare , extremely rare , even with several articles , only a broad and rough , much less depth .

  27. 共同犯罪人按照分工分类分为组织犯、帮助犯、教唆犯与实行犯,由于其行为方式的不同,构成想象竞合犯的情况也不相同。

    Classified according to the division co-perpetrators commit into organizations to help , abettors and Perpetrator , because of its behavior in different ways , the situation is not the same composition Imaginative Jointer .

  28. 按照罪责刑相适应原则,一罪一罚,数罪数罚,应当对想象竞合犯以数罪定罪处罚,按照数罪并罚制度决定应当执行的刑罚。

    According to the principle of suiting punishment to crime , one-crime-one-punishment and plural - crime-plural-punishment , it should be punished with all the crimes charged under the principle of joinder of punishment for plural crimes .

  29. 通说认为想象竞合犯的法律本质是一罪,其处断原则是从一重处断,但这一理论面临实践的困境。

    The general theory maintains that imaginative joinder offenses is one crime in legal nature , and should be sentenced on the basis of the most serious crime , but this theory leads to difficult position of practice .

  30. 想象竞合犯之数结果既可以是同质结果亦可为异质结果,想象竞合犯之一行为是自然意义的一个行为,法律意义的数行为。

    The results of imaginative joinder of offenses either homogeneous results can also be a heterogeneous results . " The behavior " of imaginative joinder is an act of natural significance , the number of acts of legal significance .