
xiǎng xiàng
  • imagine;conceive of;visualize;think about;fancy
想像 [xiǎng xiàng]
  • [imagine;fancy;visualize] 设想

  • 把原子专家们想像成长胡子的老头

想像[xiǎng xiàng]
  1. 可以想像他是多么懊悔。

    One can imagine how regretful he was .

  2. 你别想像那是真的。

    You don 't imagine it is true .

  3. 他不想像母亲和兄弟那样痛苦地死去。

    He did not wish to die the agonizing death of his mother and brother

  4. 整个地球可以想像为一块硕大无朋的磁石。

    The earth may be thought of as a gigantic magnet .

  5. 问题没他想像的那么复杂。

    The problem is not as complicated as he imagined .

  6. 我不能想像这种事会再发生。

    I cannot conceive of such a thing happening again .

  7. 我甚至不能想像

    I cannot even entertain the supposition that * ;

  8. 他想像带她一起走向神坛举行婚礼的那一天。

    He dreamed of the day he would take her down the aisle .

  9. 浴室的设备确是不堪想像。

    The arrangements for the bath were unbelievable .

  10. 在宇宙里,即使是最坚定的悲观主义者也想像不出还有那么多暗淡无光的球状物。

    There are more dim bulbs in the universe than even the most hardened pessimist might have imagined .

  11. 我想像我妈妈一样,知道她知道的一切。

    I wanted to be like my mom and know all of the things she knew .

  12. 她不想像其他树叶一样落下。

    She didn 't want to fall down like other leaves .

  13. 条件句用于谈论有可能的、想像的或不可能的状况

    Conditionals are used to about possible , imaginary or impossible conditions .

  14. 你想像加斯顿一样生活?

    You wanna live like Gaston ? ( Hmmm ? )

  15. 船搁浅了。这河口的水比我们想像的要浅。

    The ship has touched bottom.The estuary must be shallower than we thought .

  16. 我曾经把科学家想像成长满胡子的老人。

    I had visualized scientists as bearded old men .

  17. 我闭上眼睛,想像自己此刻正在做着我想做的事情。

    I close my eyes and imagine myself doing what I want to do .

  18. 每个人都应偶尔沉浸在想像之中。

    Everyone should indulge in fantasy on occasion .

  19. 你无法想像比这更出色的帆船了—我们叫她伊斯帕尼奥拉号。

    You never saw a bet - ter ship — and with the name Hispaniola .

  20. 这种皮带式比基尼在泳衣的后部提供了可以想像的最少的覆盖

    The thong bikini offered the scantiest coverage yet imagined in the rear of the suit .

  21. 我不能想像,像她这样一个充满活力的年轻女子为什么会嫁给他这样一个胆怯害羞的人。

    I can 't imagine why a dynamic young woman like her is marrying a shrinking violet like him .

  22. 亨特、乔伊斯、雷德拉斯也知道了事情的真相,他们并不像我们想像的那么惊讶。

    Hunter , Joyce , and Redruth were told what was happening , and were less surprised than we expected them to be .

  23. 我吓坏了,这道裂缝证明那晚的砰砰声,还有尖叫都不是我凭空想像出来的,是真的有什么事情发生了才会有这道裂缝的。

    I was so scared . It proves that I didn 't imagine the banging and screaming and something must have caused the cracks in the wall .

  24. 我会想像自己站在梦想的度假地,或在我最爱的公司里面转着椅子,或在品尝我最爱的妈妈做的菜,或者开着我一直想要的车。

    I imagine I am standing right there looking at my dream vacation place , or spinning the chair at my favorite company , or eating my favorite mom-made dish , or driving that one car I 've always wanted .

  25. 在艰难困苦的时期我也能和你在一起,因为我记得我们过去在一起度过的时光,如果我们对问题给予足够的重视,面对问题并能度过困难时期,我能想像我们将来在一起是个什么样子。

    I can stay during rough times , however , because I can remember what we had together in the past , and I can picture what we will have together in our future if we care enough to face our problems and work them through .

  26. 很难想像,一个成功的Web会没有链接!

    It 's hard to imagine a successful Web without links !

  27. 在东莞,GDP增长对出口的依赖更是令人难以想像。

    In Dongguan , GDP growth in dependence on exports is even more difficult to imagine .

  28. 您可以想像几种其他方法,使AddItem和DeleteItem动作提供越来越复杂的功能。

    You can imagine several other ways you could implement the Add and Delete Item actions to provide more and more sophisticated functionality .

  29. 我想像着哪一天MP3播放器也会成为一种时尚的标志。

    I suppose the trend gained momentum around the same time MP3 players became a fashion accessory .

  30. 您可以想像,如果需要解析一个更加复杂的XML文档,则处理程序可能会带来各种各样的bug。

    You can imagine , if you had to parse a much more complex XML document , that the handler might become a breeding ground for bugs .