
  • 网络MacIntyre;McIntyre;Maclntyre;Alasdair MacIntyre;A.MacIntyre
  1. 在传统与现代之间&麦金太尔政治哲学研究

    Between tradition and modernity & Study of political philosophy of Macintyre

  2. 麦金太尔道德合理性思想研究

    A Study on Macintyre 's Thoughts about Moral Rationality

  3. 但是,在将20世纪20年代和30年代对加利福尼亚森林的研究与2001年至2010年对另一个森林的研究进行比较时,麦金太尔和同事记录到了大量的树木死亡,且即便在受到禁伐或禁止开发保护的野生区域也明显出现了这种现象。

    But in comparing a study of California forests done in the 1920s and 1930s with another one between 2001 and 2010 , McIntyre and his colleagues documented a widespread death of big trees that was evident even in wildlands protected from woodcutting or development .

  4. 麦金太尔说,自上世纪30年代以来,导致该州水资源紧张的最大因素是气温上升导致树木向空气中流失更多的水分,提早的融雪减少了树木在旱季的供水。

    Since the 1930s , McIntyre said , the biggest factors driving up water stress in the state have been rising temperatures , which cause trees to lose more water to the air , and earlier snowmelt , which reduces the water supply available to trees during the dry season .

  5. Refinery29网站的读者们对韩国护肤品的兴趣非常明显,所以麦金太尔最近聘用首尔的韩裔美国作家乔伊斯·孔(JoyceKong)担任韩国美容记者。

    So pronounced is the interest in Korean products among Refinery29 readers that Ms. McIntyre recently hired Joyce Kong , a Korean-American writer in Seoul , as its Korean beauty correspondent .

  6. 麦金太尔认为接下来流行的可能是睡眠面膜和气垫BB霜。BB霜紧密地填在盒内,附有海绵状的敷抹器,能让皮肤最后呈现出水灵灵的感觉。

    Ms. McIntyre said she thinks the next big things could be sleeping masks and cushion compacts , in which BB cream in a compact form comes with a spongelike applicator for a dewy finish .

  7. 从自我观看现代性道德困境及其解决路径&以麦金太尔道德哲学思想为学术资源的研究

    Ethical dilemmas of modernity and its resolution & from the viewpoint of self-conception

  8. 以此为出发点,麦金太尔把人的生命过程看作一个动物性存在的发展过程。

    He takes the process of human beings life as the development of animals .

  9. 麦金太尔美德伦理研究

    A Study of Alastair Macintyre 's Virtue Ethics

  10. 回到亚里士多德&麦金太尔《德性之后》的解读与启示

    Returning to Aristotle 's Tradition of Virtue & The research of Macintyre 's After Virtue

  11. 在《追寻美德》一书中,麦金太尔对情感主义伦理学进行了彻底的批评。

    In the book of After Virtue , MacIntyre had criticized the emotionalist ethics thoroughly .

  12. 在麦金太尔看来,德性完全占据了道德的中心位置。

    In his view , virtue should be located entirely at the center of morality .

  13. 麦金太尔将休谟问题置于西方伦理思想史发展的整个过程之中,用历史主义的观点来论述这个问题。

    Macintyre analyzed Hume Problem from the aspect of historicism and the development of west ethnics .

  14. 德性的困境及其超越&对麦金太尔德性观的思考

    The Dilemma and Transcendence of Ethics

  15. 麦金太尔把这个写了出来,《鼎盛时期》杂志的编辑看了。

    McIntyre wrote about this and it was read by the editor of High Times magazine .

  16. 麦金太尔认为,我们身处其中的现实世界的道德语言处于一种严重的无序状态。

    Alastair Macintyre thinks that the ethical language of our socioty is in a grave disorder condition .

  17. 美德与幸福&麦金太尔对古典传统中美德与幸福之关系的叙述

    Virtues and Happiness : MacIntyre 's Narration of Relationship between Virtues and Happiness in the Classical Tradition

  18. 在反对罗尔斯的建构主义基础上,麦金太尔提出了语境主义的正义探究模式。

    Opposing Rawls 's constructivism , MacIntyre insists a mode of contextualism on the research of justice .

  19. 麦金太尔试图通过历史叙事把人的生活描述为一个统一体,也就是追寻善的统一过程。

    He tries to describe the unity of human life as a pursuit for good with historical narratives .

  20. 麦金太尔从历史传统出发研究正义具有一定的合理性,但该方法存在内在逻辑矛盾。

    It is rational to research justice from historical traditions , but contextualism has some internal logical contradictions .

  21. 价值形成与移动的社会与知识条件&麦金太尔关于近代以来价值变迁的思考

    Social and Ideological Condition of Forming and Changing of Value & Macintyre 's Thinking on Modern Changing of Value

  22. 麦金太尔对于美德伦理的关注源于他对现代西方伦理困境的反思。

    Maclntyre 's attention to virtue ethics originated from his reflection over the ethical predicament of the modern west .

  23. 麦金太尔论德性正义的传统及现代选择&兼与罗尔斯正义观之比较

    Macintyre Talks about the Tradition of the Justice of Virtue and Modern Choice & Concurrently Comparing with Rawls Just View

  24. 本研究主要立足于麦金太尔的代表作《追寻美德》,从中挖掘出他的有关人格理论的思想。

    Stand on the famous book After Virtue , this research is focused on the MacIntyre 's theory of personality .

  25. 回归亚里士多德的德性传统何以可能&对麦金太尔德性论的研究

    Why Is It Possible to Return to Aristotle 's Tradition of Virtue & A Study of Macintyre 's Theory of Virtue

  26. 麦金太尔说,大家都争着开发下一个热门产品,有点像军备竞赛。

    Ms. McIntyre said , It has become almost an arms race to see what the next big thing will be .

  27. 麦金太尔指出,在这一叙事背景下,德性通过实践和内在善物获得了界定。

    MacIntyre points out that virtue is defined by practice and internal goods in the context provided by this narrative of pursuit .

  28. 麦金太尔认为现代西方道德生活和伦理理论处于深刻的危机中,要摆脱这个危机,就要向亚里士多德的传统德性理论回归。

    MacIntyre considers that modern ethics is in deep crisis , and back to Aristotle can help us to shake off the crisis .

  29. 麦金太尔说,“大家都争着开发下一个热门产品,有点像军备竞赛。”

    Ms. McIntyre said , " It has become almost an arms race to see what the next big thing will be . "

  30. 麦金太尔揭示了启蒙主义对道德合理性论证的失败,提出了其叙事模式的自我观。

    Maclntyre reveals the failure of enlightenment in its proof of rationality of morals and puts forward his conception of the self of narrative mode .