
mài jiǎo xīn jiǎn
  • Ergometrine;ergoklinine
  1. 5HT受体阻断剂麦角新碱(MS)的效应与5HTP相反,并可阻断5HTP的作用。

    The effects of 5-HTP could be abolished by Methysergide ( MS ), an antagonist of 5 - HT receptor .

  2. 非特异性5-HT受体阻断剂麦角新碱(MS)对睡眠无直接影响,但可完全阻断5-HTP的促睡眠效应。

    Microinjection of methlysergide ( MS ), an antagonist of 5-HT receptor , into the hippocampus , had no direct effect on sleep , but abolished the SWS-promoting effect of 5-HTP completely .

  3. 麦角新碱外周拟交感作用特点的分析

    An analysis on the peripheral sympathomimetic action of ergometrine

  4. 静注麦角新碱预防前置胎盘产后大出血

    Prevention of postpartum hemorrhage due to placenta praevia by intravenous injection of ergonovine

  5. 麦角新碱组毛细血管床密度降低。

    The density of capillary bed in the ulcer area of ergonovine group decreased .

  6. 尿素氨化醉马草的麦角新碱含量及其营养价值

    The ergonovine content and the nutritive value of ammoniated drunken horse grass with urea

  7. 分离麦角新碱的新方法

    A new method of isolating ergometrine

  8. 目的为评价冠状动脉内麦角新碱激发试验临床应用的价值。

    Objective To evaluate the clinical value of intracoronary ergonovine provocative test in diognosis of coronary artery spasm .

  9. 并能对抗麦角新碱及去甲肾上腺素引起离体兔胸主动脉收缩。

    Otherwise , it antagonized constriction of thoracal aorta rings of rabbit resulting from ergometrine and norepinephrine in vitro .

  10. 以后利用麦角新碱能与氯仿形成复合结晶,却又难溶于氯仿的特性,可以使麦角新碱与其他麦角生物碱分离。

    Ergometrine can be separated from the other ergot alkaloids with chloroform in which the former is insoluble as solvated crystals .

  11. 但其复方合剂对小白鼠离体子宫有舒张作用,能对抗缩宫素、马来酸麦角新碱、乙酰胆碱引起的子宫收缩。

    But its compound has relax action on mouse uterus and it can antagonize uterus contraction due to oxytocin , ergometrine and acetylcholine .

  12. 目的以麦角新碱诱发实验兔的冠状动脉(冠脉)痉挛引起急性心肌缺血的组织多普勒研究。

    Objective This paper reports the study of ergonovine induced acute myocardial ischemia caused by coronary artery spasm in experimental rabbits on tissue Doppler imaging .

  13. 该菌种在小麦种子培养基上培养以后,除麦角新碱外,根据薄层层离鉴定结果证明还产生三种麦角生物碱。

    By thin layer chromatography , it has been shown that this strain , cultured on wheat seed medium , was able to produce three other ergot alkaloids besides ergometrine .

  14. 马来酸麦角新碱的浓度在1.0×10~-~6~6×10~(-4)g/mL范围内与化学发光强度呈良好的线性关系,检出限为2.6×10~(-7)g/mL。

    The CL intensity was correlated with concentration of ergonovine maleate in the range of 1.0 X 10 ~ 6 ~ 6.0 X 10 ~ 4g / mL with a detection limit of 2.59X10 ~ 7g / mL.

  15. 麦角生物碱的层离研究Ⅰ.我国野生麦角的成分鉴定及麦角新碱的定量本文研究了应用无粘合剂氧化铝薄层层离和光电比色相结合的方法,测定麦角中三种主要生物碱的含量。

    CHROMATOGRAPHY OF ERGOT ALKALOIDS ⅰ . IDENTIFICATION OF ERGOT ALKALOIDS AND DETERMINATION OF ERGOMETRINE CONTENT IN CHINESE ERGOTS Application of the thin layer chromatographic method to the determination of ergometrine , ergotamine and ergotoxine in ergot has been studied .

  16. 为了利用麦角新碱生产过程中母液里的其他麦角生物碱,并为进一步研究生物合成机制提供资料,必须先对母液中所含麦角生物碱进行分离和鉴定。

    In order to fully utilise the alkaloids in the mother liquor , obtained during the production of ergometrine , and to gain information on the mechanism of biosynthesis , it was necessary to isolate and identify these ergot alkaloids .