
fǔ yǎnɡ fèi
  • maintenance;payment for the upbringing of one's children
  1. 他向前妻支付子女的抚养费。

    He makes payments to his ex-wife for the upkeep of their children .

  2. 缺席的父亲将会被强制要求支付孩子的抚养费。

    Absentee fathers will be forced to pay child maintenance .

  3. 他愿意每月付100英镑作为儿子的抚养费。

    He offered to pay £ 100 a month towards his son 's upkeep .

  4. 他必须给前妻抚养费。

    He has to pay maintenance to his ex-wife .

  5. 第四十八条对拒不执行有关扶养费、抚养费、赡养费、财产分割、遗产继承、探望子女等判决或裁定的,由人民法院依法强制执行。

    Article 48 In cases where the person refuses to abide by judgements or rulings on maintenance , upbringing or support payments , or on the division or inheritance of property , or on visits to children , the people 's court shall enforce the execution of the judgements or rulings according to law .

  6. defaulton拖欠…他拖欠孩子的抚养费。

    He defaulted on his payments for support of the child .

  7. Adeadbeatdad就是不肯付抚养费的父亲。

    Nancy : A dead beat dad is someone who does not pay child support to take care of his child .

  8. 因此,Penny说他的前任丈夫在支付孩子抚养费。

    So , Penny says that her husband – her ex-husband – is paying child support .

  9. 其中一个很大的原因是英国的儿童抚养费很贵。

    One big reason is that child care inBritain is dear .

  10. 别再管我要赡养费和孩子抚养费。

    No more talk of alimony , no more child support .

  11. 把抚养费寄到这个地址吧。

    And here 's where you can send the child support .

  12. 非法生育者为什么要依法缴纳社会抚养费?

    Why should illegal child-bearer pay social support expenditure according to law ?

  13. 他拒绝支付三个孩子的抚养费。

    He refused to pay maintenance for his three children .

  14. 他说他很抱歉没有付孩子的抚养费。

    He told me he was sorry for not paying child support .

  15. 所有这些钱作为给他的遗孀的抚养费。

    All this money was appropriated for the support of his widow .

  16. 主要的问题是孩子的抚养费。

    The major problem is the maintenance of the child .

  17. 我们会提出让他每月支付孩子抚养费五千

    We 'll tell him $ 5000 a month in child support ,

  18. 社会抚养费征收责任认定的实践与思考

    Issues in Liability Determination in Collecting Social Maintenance Fees and its Reflection

  19. 抚养费的问题交法庭指定的委托人来处理。

    The question of maintenance payment is with a court - appointed referee .

  20. 为逃避支付孩子的抚养费他钻了法律上的一个空子。

    He exploited a legal loophole in order to avoid paying child support .

  21. 霍华德,你不能既付抚养费又付培养费。

    Howard , you can 't get the alimony and child support together .

  22. 在遗嘱中他为女儿提供抚养费。

    He provided for his daughter in his will .

  23. 他付给前妻多少抚养费?

    How much maintenance does he pay his ex-wife ?

  24. 他会要求接受者签署一份放弃索要子女孩子抚养费的文件。

    He gets his partners to sign documents waiving legal claims to child support ;

  25. 她还想要莎拉的监护权,赡养费以及子女抚养费。

    She also wants sole custody of Sarah , alimony , and child support .

  26. 建构一套科学、合理的抚养费制度,是法制实践的客观需要。

    Introducing a scientific and rational maintenance system is the objective needs of legal practice .

  27. 截留、克扣、挪用、贪污计划生育经费或者社会抚养费的;

    Withholding , pocketing , appropriating or embezzling the family planning funds or social welfare funds ;

  28. 他们属于这个团体因为他们不能为他们的孩子支付抚养费。

    and they were in this group because they were failing to pay their child support .

  29. 作为回报,她将放弃孩子的抚养费要求。

    And in return , she 'll sign away her claim for the back child support .

  30. 鸠山强调,有必要改善福利,增加儿童抚养费,以及加大财富再分配的力度。

    Mr Hatoyama highlighted the need for better welfare , more child support and wealth redistribution .