
kàng fèn
  • excited;stimulated
亢奋 [kàng fèn]
  • [excited] 非常兴奋

亢奋[kàng fèn]
  1. 公共场所也是不错的选择,能让你大脑亢奋,保持较长时间的清醒。

    Being in a public place will also keep you stimulated helping you stay awake longer .

  2. 当年辛普森(OJSimpson)杀妻案的审判就说明,再也没什么能比谋杀和名人的组合更能引发公众的集体亢奋了。

    The OJ Simpson trial proved that nothing gets the masses as excited as murder and celebrity .

  3. 服用这种药的人说有持续几分钟的亢奋感觉。

    Users of the drug report experiencing a rush that lasts several minutes .

  4. 她的情绪时而抑郁,时而亢奋。

    Her moods oscillated between depression and elation .

  5. 比赛前每个人都亢奋起来,开始大声喊叫着为自己打气。

    Before the game everyone gets psyched up and starts shouting .

  6. 我太亢奋了,根本无法入睡。

    I was incredibly hyper . I couldn 't sleep .

  7. 他减税的承诺让亢奋的人群欢呼雀跃起来。

    His tax-cutting pledge brought a delirious crowd to their feet

  8. 那是一个几乎难以抑制亢奋的时期。

    It had been a time of almost uncontrollable excitement

  9. 人参煎剂灌胃两周后,A1~A3组小鼠出现易激惹、轻微亢奋的行为改变。

    Ginseng decoction irrigation stomach after two weeks , A1 ~ B3group autism , mild in mice hyperactive behavior change .

  10. 沃特金斯医生说,这里的关键收获是,用缓慢、有节奏的呼吸,可以将HRV训练得更有相干性,进而更容易达到心理学家所称的“心流”,这种精神状态常用于形容跑步者的亢奋。

    The key takeaway , says Dr Watkins , is that it is possible to train the HRV to be more coherent using slow , rhythmic breaths . It is then easier to achieve what psychologists call " flow , " a mental state often described as runner 's high .

  11. 买房人情绪亢奋,而开发商在利用这一点。

    Buyers are euphoric and developers are taking advantage of that .

  12. 这是极度亢奋刺激的时代。

    It was a time of great and exalting excitement .

  13. 该国容易亢奋的有线新闻网团体除此之外什么都不予关注。

    The country 's thicket of excitable cable-news networksreports on nothing else .

  14. 大多数人会想到速度、力量、亢奋和极端。

    Most people say things like speed power hyper extreme .

  15. 很多人一看邮件,就开始精神亢奋。

    Most people go right to their emails and start freaking out .

  16. 作为一名长期因精神亢奋而失眠的人士,笔者对此书既推崇又反对。

    As a life-long sleep hysteric I both revere and deplore the book .

  17. 巧克力使他们最小的孩子变得亢奋和脾气暴躁。

    Chocolate makes their youngest child hyper and bad-tempered .

  18. 令人亢奋的东盟市场东南亚国家联盟

    Exciting Market of Association of Southeast Asian Nations

  19. 孩子们对于他们的礼物感到实在很亢奋。

    The children were thrilled with their presents .

  20. 我们抵制集体的疯狂亢奋歇斯底里!

    We reject the form of collective hysteria .

  21. 总之,中国经济呈现的亢奋已经相当明显。

    The economy , in short , has more than a whiff of exuberance .

  22. 她真是个容易亢奋的女生,总是唱个不停,跑个不停。

    She 's such a hyper girl . she 's always singing and running around .

  23. 她的精神崩溃抵消了亢奋药物。

    Her psychotic break eliminates fertility meds .

  24. 转型期的困惑与亢奋

    Puzzlement and Excitement in the Transformation Period

  25. 她说自己比赛时特别亢奋,一心想着打败对手。

    She says she loves the hyped-up adrenaline feeling of trying to beat an opponent .

  26. 你过了这么久有点情绪亢奋我可以理解。

    I get it if you 're a little wound up after all this time .

  27. 奖励会使你感觉亢奋和加强你对锻炼的承诺。

    The treat will make you feel energized , and reinforce your commitment to your training .

  28. 自今年初以来,股市就呈现出实实在在的亢奋。

    Since the start of the year there has been genuine exuberance in the equity market .

  29. 如今的商业环境,一周7天,每天24小时,高度亢奋,大部分人可能都会这么反应。

    In today 's wired , 24 / 7 business climate , most people can relate .

  30. 此类泡沫主要不是关于“非理性亢奋”,而是受贪婪和恐惧的驱使。

    They are not primarily about irrational exuberance because they are driven by greed and fear .
