
  • 网络Hyperactivity state;activated state;Hysteria Savant Syndrome;highly charged
亢奋状态 [kàng fèn zhuàng tài]
  • [excited state] 指因神经衰弱或过于疲劳引起的一种精神不正常的、高度兴奋的状态

  1. 这一代人,还常常流露出盲从,突然就陷入狂热而亢奋状态的幼稚。

    The after80s generation often follow like sheep , and they are easily to fall into the fanatic and excited condition .

  2. 瓦朗蒂娜睡着的时候更准确地说是在她醒来后的那种半醒半睡状态中她仍然处于亢奋状态;

    The nervous excitement of which we speak pursued Valentine even in her sleep , or rather in that state of somnolence which succeeded her waking hours ;

  3. 不,我懂,我知道…-而且谢天谢地,如果我们一直处在那种持续亢奋状态,我们会得动脉瘤的。

    No , I know , I know that ... I mean , thank God , otherwise we 'd end up with aneurysms if we were in that constant state of excitement , right ?

  4. 德育生态论&当代德育生态危机与重构屠宰精神处于亢奋状态的牛会增加其生病,受伤的危险程度,牛肉还会变为暗色肉。

    Ecological Theory of Moral Education & the Ecocrisis and Reconstruction of Moral Education on the Present Age The slaughter of hot , excited animals increases the risk of sickness , injury , and dark meat .

  5. 音乐可以扩大瞳孔,提高血压,引起“亢奋的状态”。

    Music can cause the pupils to dilate and increase blood pressure , inducing a " state of arousal . "
