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  • 熟语survival of the fittest
  1. 遗传BP网络是将遗传算法的优胜劣汰原则引入到BP网络中,提高其收敛性能。

    The principle of " survival of the fittest " is introduced to BP neural network to improve its convergence in GA-BP neural network .

  2. 遗传算法(GeneticAlgorithm,简称GA)是一类模拟生物界的进化规律(适者生存,优胜劣汰遗传机制)而形成的一种最适应全局优化概率搜索算法。

    Genetic Algorithms ( GA ), which simulates the evolution laws ( mechanism of being survival of the fittest ) of biological world , is an algorithm with global optimization .

  3. 20世纪60年代,美国Michigan大学的J.Holland教授首先提出了遗传算法(GeneticAlgorithm,缩写为GA),它是模拟达尔文的遗传选择和优胜劣汰的生物进化过程的计算模型。

    Genetic Algorithm ( GA ) was firstly proposed in 1960 's by professor Holland who came from Michigan State University . It is a computational model that simulates evolutionary process in nature .

  4. 遗传算法(GeneticAlgorithms简写GA)是用于优化问题的新的有用的工具,其运用了自然界中优胜劣汰的法则,并且在可能的解空间上形成多点逼近的评价工具。

    Genetic Algorithms ( GA ) are new techniques useful for optimization problems , in which the law of ' natural selection ' is employed , and it is an evaluating tool to form multi-interpolation in possible solution vectors .

  5. 在对全球制造业订单“优胜劣汰”的争夺中,“沃尔玛(wal-mart)价格”通常被作为将生产成本降至最低的代名词。

    In the Darwinian struggle for global manufacturing orders , the " Wal-Mart price " has generally been short-hand for shaving production costs to the bare minimum .

  6. 遗传算法(GA)和遗传规划是一种新兴的搜索寻优技术,它仿效生物界的遗传和进化,根据优胜劣汰的原则,借助复制、交换、突变等操作,逐步逼近最优解。

    Genetic algorithms ( GA ) and genetic programming ( GP ) are new technologies for optimization , which simulate inherit and evolution in the nature and get optimal solutions through reproduction , crossover and mutation operations .

  7. 商业航空发射业正处于适者生存、优胜劣汰的关键历史关头。就目前而言,是SpaceX正在推动整个行业的发展。

    The commercial space launch industry is in the midst of an adapt-or-die moment . For now , SpaceX is driving it .

  8. 在以上工作的基础上,文章利用遗传算法产生不同的IP核测试顺序,并通过优胜劣汰的遗传操作来选出最终的SOC测试方案。

    On the basis of these works , different sequences of the test of IP cores are generated by genetic algorithm and the final SOC test solutions is selected by the genetic manipulation of superiors to win and inferiors to be eliminated .

  9. 加入WTO以后,伴随着房地产市场的日趋活跃,房地产评估内容的全面拓展,房地产评估市场的竞争将日趋激烈,这必然导致优胜劣汰。

    After joining WTO , follow real estate market becoming active , real estate assess the overall expansion of the content , the competition of assessing the market of the real estate will be fierce day by day , this must result in selecting the superior and eliminate the inferior .

  10. 优胜劣汰是市场竞争的主旋律

    Survival of the fittest is main melody in the market competition

  11. 当今的时代,是经济迅猛发展的时代,也是市场优胜劣汰的时代,经济和社会己经进入了高速发展的时期。

    Economy and society has entered a rapid development period .

  12. 因为这比赛优胜劣汰的规则。

    Because of the way the race has picked up .

  13. 优胜劣汰是市场经济的永恒规律。

    Survival of the fittest is the eternal law of market economy .

  14. 它是企业从产品经营向资本经营转化的有效扩张手段,充分体现了市场经济条件下优胜劣汰的竞争法则。

    It is an effective expansion means from product management to capital management .

  15. 健全优胜劣汰市场化退出机制。

    Perfect the market exit mechanism to promote the survival of the fittest .

  16. 一种基于优胜劣汰的多粒子群替代优化算法的设计

    One replacement optimization of multi-particle swarms based on the survival of the fittest

  17. 优胜劣汰是市场经济基本法则。

    The survival of the fittest is the basic law of market economy .

  18. 一个类似的达尔文优胜劣汰体系在微软曾设立多年。

    A similarly Darwinian system had been in place at Microsoft for many years .

  19. 这就是宏大、残酷的优胜劣汰。

    This is the great , brutal culling .

  20. 随着的不断发展,肯定会出现优胜劣汰。

    In the increasing sprawl of this virtual jungle there must be an evolution .

  21. 迪洛矮人从小就被教导只有优胜劣汰。

    The Derro are taught from an early age that only the fittest survive .

  22. 马拉松赛跑优胜劣汰是最后结果,足以表明“物竞天择”的道理。

    " Survival of the fittest ," describes the runners finishing the marathon races .

  23. 因而未来的几年将是关系到中国证券业优胜劣汰的生存考验期。

    Thus several years in the future will be concerning existence in the test phase .

  24. 知道这种优胜劣汰的恐怖。

    Know the horror of a culling .

  25. 看到这个话题,我们会很自然地想到“优胜劣汰,适者生存”的格言。

    This topic generally reminds us of a saying : " survival of the fittest " .

  26. 优胜劣汰

    The survival of the fittest .

  27. 实行优胜劣汰的用人机制;

    The mechanism of optimizing personnel ;

  28. 优胜劣汰法则与少数民族传统文化保护

    The rule of " Survival of the fittest " and the protection of ethnic traditional culture

  29. 在市场中优胜劣汰是中国动漫最好的发展模式。

    Survival of the fittest in the market is the best mode of development of Chinese animation .

  30. 对高学历人员实行优胜劣汰的动态管理,对平庸和无作为的人员淘汰出局。

    Dynamic supervision of personnel with high academic degrees through selecting the superior and eliminating the inferior .