
  1. 狭路相逢勇者胜,现在来判断真正的勇者还为时过早。

    Comes face to face with an adversary the brave victory , now judges true brave to be also too early .

  2. “置于死地而后生”、“狭路相逢勇者胜”的中国千年古训,仍是当今的醒世恒言。

    " In the American "," meet on on a narrow path Who Dares Wins " China thousands of years old , still is today 's stories to awaken men .

  3. 第二、要有一种气势,就是我们的市场很严峻,但是就像两军打仗一样,两军相遇,狭路相逢勇者胜,这是一种气势。

    Secondly , there must be a powerful is our market is tough , but just as the two armies-darling , the two armies met , in a brave man , this is a.