
fàn ɡuī zhàn shù
  • foul strategy;foul seduction;foul-baiting tactics
  1. 如何在篮球比赛中有效使用犯规战术

    How to Use Foul Strategy Effectively in Basketball Games

  2. 主动犯规战术理念在篮球比赛中的运用

    The Application of the Tactics Conception of Active Foul on the Basketball Game

  3. 周五晚上,距离比赛结束还有5分41秒时,雷霆队祭出犯规战术时,快船仅领先三分。

    On Friday night , the Thunder started fouling with 5:41 remaining and the Clippers ahead by three points .

  4. 我们已经看到过类似的情形,我们已经表达过对这种犯规战术的厌恶之情,我们已经指出了砍人战术并不是那么有效。

    We 've been here before , we 've expressed our distaste for the practice , we 've pointed out that it 's not even particularly effective .

  5. 防守犯规多,防守战术缺乏攻击性与多变性;

    There is too many faults , but less offensive and varied tactics in defense .

  6. 总之,通过中外男篮犯规规律的比较研究,可以看到中国男篮与国外队相比,在基本技术、综合技战术运用,尤其是对犯规技、战术的运用等方面存在有较大的差距。

    In a word , through the comparative analysis of foul system compared with the abroad man 's basketball teams and Chinese man 's team , we found that there were some difference in the use of basic technology and tatics especially in the use of foul 's.