
fàn zuì tuán huǒ
  • criminal gang;mob;gang of crime
  1. 警方凌晨从天而降,一举消灭了这个犯罪团伙。

    The police made their swoop at dawn and wiped out the criminal gang .

  2. 起诉声称,肯雅塔帮助一个名叫Mungiki的犯罪团伙袭击与之竞争的反对支持者。

    The prosecution alleges Mr Kenyatta helped a criminal gang known as the Mungiki carry out attacks against supporters of a rival political party .

  3. 数以千计的美国公民检举过这些有组织的犯罪团伙。

    Thousands of American citizens have informed on these organized crime syndicates .

  4. 警方正在追捕一个被控盗窃了55辆汽车的犯罪团伙。

    Police were hunting for a gang who had allegedly stolen fifty-five cars .

  5. 他开始时为另一个犯罪团伙销赃,后来就自己干起了抢劫。

    He originally acted as a fence for another gang before turning to burglary himself .

  6. 这些孩子被迫流浪街头,结成了一些流窜的犯罪团伙。

    Left to raise themselves on the streets , these children form roving bands of delinquents .

  7. 犯罪团伙想恐吓这位商人。

    The gang tried to intimidate the merchant .

  8. 2011年,一个居心不良的犯罪团伙利用3D打印机仿制了ATM终端机正面的塑料部分。

    In 2011 , an enterprising gang of crooks used a 3-D printer to replicate the plastic front of an ATM terminal .

  9. GroupIB的德米克利.沃尔科夫对BBC说,一次成功的攻击最多可让犯罪团伙净赚40万美元。

    Dmitriy Volkov from Group IB told the BBC a successful attack could net its perpetrators up to $ 400000 at a time .

  10. 柴郡警局的巡官GarethWoods说:“这次罪行是所有犯罪团伙中最笨的一个。”

    Inspector Gareth Woods , of Cheshire Police , said : " This crime is up there with the dumbest of all in the criminal league table . "

  11. Campbell表示,防止犯罪团伙控制华雷斯或墨西哥的其他任何地区符合美国和墨西哥的利益。

    Campbell says it is in the interest of the United States and Mexico to prevent criminal gangs from gaining effective control of Juarez or any other parts of Mexico .

  12. 犯罪团伙利用一种更为险恶的搜索引擎优化(seo)方法,诱使谷歌及其它搜索公司不知不觉间沦为它们的工具,将访问者链接至恶意网页。

    Criminal gangs use a more sinister form of search engine optimisation , duping Google and its rivals into serving as unwitting vehicles for delivering web surfers to malicious pages .

  13. 意大利内政部长马洛尼(RobertoMaroni)称,逮捕Campana对他的犯罪团伙是一个很大的打击。

    Italy 's Interior Minister Roberto Maroni said the capture of Campana was a big blow against his organisation .

  14. 尼日利亚石油盗窃活动猖獗,每月给国家和石油公司造成10亿美元以上的损失。德勒克•乔纳森(GoodluckJonathan)担任总统后,犯罪团伙盗窃石油的活动迅速增长。

    The Nigerian state and oil companies are losing $ 1bn or more a month to oil theft by criminal networks whose activities have expanded rapidly under the presidency of Goodluck Jonathan .

  15. Sicilia谴责墨西哥政客和犯罪团伙制造了这次杀戮事件,并要求进行一次全面调查。

    Mr Sicilia blamed Mexican politicians as well as criminal gangs for the killings and he has demanded a thorough investigation .

  16. 如果kingpin被移除,项目可能会失败。kingpin经常被用来描述一个重要的罪犯,或者犯罪团伙的头目。

    If the kingpin is removed , the business or project is likely to fail . Kingpin is often used to describe an important criminal , or the leader of a criminal gang .

  17. 肯尼亚人民和国际人权组织控诉警察在去年针对犯罪团伙Mungiki的行动中非法杀人,并在2007年有争议的选举之后向抗议者开枪。

    Kenyan and international rights groups charge police illegal killings during an operation that targeted the Mungiki criminal gang and fired on protesters following disputed 2007 elections .

  18. 在神奇漫画创造的宇宙中,Roxxon是一个因从事非法活动而臭名昭著的犯罪团伙,其对斯塔克父母的死负有责任。

    In the Marvel Universe , Roxxon is a notorious conglomerate known for illegal activities , agents of which were responsible of the death of Stark 's parents .

  19. 女主角露西由虽不太可信,但在某种程度上非常完美的斯嘉丽·约翰逊(ScarlettJohansson)饰演,她被卷入台湾一桩棘手的阴谋,由犯罪团伙头目江先生(Jang,韩国演员崔岷植精彩出演)策划,胡言乱语就从这里开始了。

    The nonsense begins when the title character - played by the improbable yet somehow perfect Scarlett Johansson - is pulled into a head-scratching plot in Taiwan , put into motion by a crime boss , Mr. Jang ( the excellent South Korean actor Choi Min Sik ) .

  20. 臭名昭著的犯罪团伙山口组(Yamaguchi-gumi)总部位于神户,山口组成员往往率先抵达受灾现场,分发食物、毛毯和水,因此颇受赞誉。

    Members of the Yamaguchi-gumi , the notorious crime syndicate that has its headquarters in Kobe , won much acclaim by often arriving first at the scene to hand out food , blankets and water .

  21. 但DGE的监管报告认为,何鸿燊涉嫌与亚洲有组织犯罪团伙有往来,建议宣布何超琼是一个不合适的合作伙伴,同时建议美高梅脱离与她的任何直接或间接关系或财务关系。

    The report , citing Mr Ho 's alleged association with Asian organised crime figures , recommended that Pansy Ho be declared an unsuitable partner and that MGM Mirage disengage from any direct or indirect business or financial association with [ her ] .

  22. 突袭似乎集中在托斯卡纳,华人犯罪团伙在那里已在庞大的移民社区里生根,许多移民在普拉托(prato)市的非法服装厂工作,这些工厂估计每天能生产100万件产品。

    The raids appeared to have focused on Tuscany , where Chinese criminal gangs have taken root among large immigrant communities , many working in illegal clothing factories in the city of Prato that are estimated to be capable of producing a million items a day .

  23. 黑手党和组织犯罪团伙还有相关的人被起诉。

    M-mafia and organized crime members and associates have been indicted .

  24. 犯罪团伙在市镇中心抢劫商店老板。

    The gang robbed shopkeeper in the centre of the town .

  25. 马场主和犯罪团伙有关联。

    The track ownership had ties to an organized crime group .

  26. 警察掌握了有关该犯罪团伙的可靠消息。

    The police have reliable information about the gang 's movements .

  27. 犯罪团伙在同一天进行了三次武装抢劫。

    The gang commit three armed holdup on the same day .

  28. 数字犯罪团伙将成为新疆界的现实。

    Digital criminal networks will become realities of the new frontiers .

  29. 他说,犯罪团伙盗窃一切值钱的东西。

    Salah says gangs are stealing everything good in the area .

  30. 雷与当地的犯罪团伙混到了一起。

    Ray got mixed up with the local criminal element .