
  • 网络Into the Shadows;The Secret Adversary;The Stray;Sparks;They Lurk Below
  1. 1922年,她的第二本书《暗藏杀机》问世。

    Her second book The Secret Adversary followed in1922 .

  2. Amazon和Netflix等网络公司也暗藏杀机,它们破坏性强且拥有大量资金,通过因特网向观众提供低价或免费的电影和电视节目。

    Disruptive , deep-pocketed firms like Amazon and Netflix lurk , whispering promises of internet-delivered films and television shows for little or no money .

  3. 但一如横穿加拿大北部冰冷水域,世人期待已久的西北航道(NorthwestPassage)对于船舶,特别是那些缺乏没有使用防冰增强和加固船体的船舶来说,东北航道依然是一个暗藏杀机的凶险地带。

    But the Northeast passage , like the long-sought northwest passage across the icy waters north of Canada , remains a treacherous place for ships to operate , especially those lacking ice-hardened , reinforced hulls .

  4. “所有的人都低估了下坡跑,主要是因为它们暗藏杀机,”教练和运动生理学家,JackDaniels博士说。

    " Everyone underestimates downhills , generally because they don 't present much of a challenge to negotiate ," says coach and exercise physiologist Jack Daniels , Ph.D.

  5. 我突然从斯台普顿的笑脸之后看到了他那暗藏杀机的狠毒心肠。

    Suddenly I saw behind Stapleton 's smiling face a heart with murder in it .

  6. 莎士比亚曾说过:“你对我说,我的眼中暗藏杀机。”

    Shakespeare had these words : " Thou tell'st me there is murder in mine eye . "

  7. 可是那些貌似傻乎乎的试题后面巧埋地雷,暗藏杀机。

    But lying behind those deceptively simple questions are cleverly con cealed landmines and daggers in the dark .

  8. 一场模棱两可却暗藏杀机的演出,源自我们模棱两可却又暗潮涌动的生活。

    A performance that is ambiguous but that could kill originates in our ambiguous lives surging with hidden currents .

  9. 肯尼迪芝加哥之旅终未成行,就在那天,越南总统吴廷琰被害,肯尼迪便取消了芝加哥之行,有人说,肯尼迪没去芝加哥,不是因为芝加哥暗藏杀机,而是吴廷琰总统被害。

    Kennedy never made the trip to Chicago . That same day in Vietnam , President Ngo Dinh Diem was assassinated , and Kennedy canceled his appearance .

  10. 特洛伊病毒,就跟特洛伊木马一样,看上去安全&其实暗藏杀机。攻击者使用它来传输病毒,蠕虫和特洛伊木马到用户的工作站。

    A Trojan virus , like a Trojan horse , is a program that appears safe & but smuggles in a worm or virus . Attackers often use tracking cookies in conjunction with Web bugs .

  11. 在这里有百万英亩沃土有待开垦,当然还有财富,金山银海绵延无绝,但这蛮夷之地也暗藏着无限杀机,绝非凡人能够征服。

    Millions of acres for anyone who can conquer it . Riches , too . Thousands of tons of gold and silver . But this land is also brutal wilderness . Conquering it requires extraordinary people .