
  • 网络Night elves;Night Elf;Dark Elf
  1. 一个叫贝莉萨(拉莱尔的妹妹)的暗夜精灵从吉恩身后出现,吉恩问她觉得这是否就是她所说的那个AlphaPrime干的。

    It then shows a night elf behind Genn named Belysra ( it 's Ralaar 's sister ) and he asks if she thinks this is the work of the Alpha Prime she spoke of .

  2. 暗夜精灵和矮人的旅馆现在加入了新的音乐。

    Night elf and Dwarven inns have new music added .

  3. 很久很久之后,暗夜精灵的文明无论在疆域还是文化方面都有了巨大的进步

    As the seemingly endless ages passed , the night elves ' civilization expanded both territorially and culturally .

  4. 绝大多数暗夜精灵现在认为伊利丹既莽撞又强大。

    Most night elves now recognized him as both reckless and powerful .

  5. 所有暗夜精灵的古树扎根以后还是可以攻击。

    All NE Ancients can now attack while rooted .

  6. 现在,我们的新手兽人和暗夜精灵正在进行致命的搏斗。

    Now our newbie Orc and Night Elf are engaged in mortal combat .

  7. 暗夜精灵们正在失去与自然的联系。

    The night elves were losing touch with nature .

  8. 暗夜精灵们声称半人马是半神塞纳留斯的私生子。

    Night elves claim that centaur are the bastard children of the demigod Cenarius .

  9. 最近才宣布的暗夜精灵族非常令人兴奋。

    Recently announced , the addition of the Night Elf race is particularly exciting .

  10. 艾露恩的修女们再也不会放弃领导暗夜精灵人民的权力。

    Never again would the Sisters of Elune fail to guide the night elf people .

  11. 他厌恶地离开了暗夜精灵的领地。

    Reluctantly he departed night elf lands .

  12. 暗夜精灵们很快便对他们出产的货物以及继承下的奇怪传统着了迷。

    The night elves are fascinated by the goods they fashion and the odd customs they practice .

  13. 然而,相对来说暗夜精灵和他们的远亲们之间的意识形态差异比语言要大多了。

    There are , however , strong ideological differences between the night elves and their distant kin .

  14. 玩家认为一个暗夜精灵猎人应该成为月之女祭司,对吧?

    People had been thinking that a Night Elf Hunter would become a Priestess of the Moon .

  15. 入侵的恶魔假装退却,然后突然从空中攻击,打了暗夜精灵一个措手不及。

    The invading demons pretended to retreat and then swiftly attacked the night elves from the air .

  16. 恶魔无力的辩解没有能欺骗任何一个震惊的暗夜精灵。

    The demon 's weak attempt at self-justification did not deceive either of the horrified night elves .

  17. 现在血精灵与暗夜精灵可以结婚生子了,如同当初设计的那样。

    Blood elves and Night elves will now be able to marry and have children , as intended .

  18. 我们后来发现干这事以及摧毁暗夜精灵村庄的兽人都是暮光信徒。

    We discover that the orcs who committed this crime and the one before it are Twilight cultists .

  19. 刺杀成功了,戴斯德·星眼成为了暗夜精灵军队的新领导者。

    The assassination was successful , and Lord Desdel Stareye became the new leader of the night elf defenders .

  20. 在暗夜精灵承诺帮助这些狼化盟友后,狼人们被邀请加入联盟。

    With the night elves promising to aid their lupine allies , the Worgen are welcomed into the Alliance .

  21. 塞纳留斯:是谁胆敢玷污这片陈旧的地盘?是谁胆敢触怒塞纳留斯和暗夜精灵?

    Cenarius : Who dares defile this ancient land ? Who dares the wrath of Cenarius and the night elves ?

  22. 戴斯德惊恐的看到恶魔们将沸腾的红色液体泼在暗夜精灵军队的头上。

    Desdel watched in horror as the demons began pouring containers of boiling red liquid over the night elf army .

  23. 暗夜精灵、矮人、兽人、牛头和巨魔可以扮演这个职业。

    Races allowed to become Hunters are the Night Elf , Dwarf , Orc , Tauren , and Troll races .

  24. 这些看起来像是暗夜精灵的家伙从风兜下用无瞳的闪亮的银色眼睛向外凝视着,喃喃的念出一串串的符咒。

    Glittering , silver eyes with no pupils stared out from under the hoods as the night elves muttered the spell .

  25. 实际上,暗夜精灵比别的谁都更加对卡利姆多的新居民感兴趣。

    Actually , the night elves are more curious about the new races that have settled on Kalimdor than anything else .

  26. 另外一方面,高度发展的暗夜精灵文明不可避免的需要增加新的建筑物和建筑。

    Furthermore , the rapid growth of the night elf civilization led inevitably to the creation of new buildings and roads .

  27. 此时,泰兰德建立了一支新的的暗夜精灵军队,名为哨兵,迦洛德故意躲在幕后。

    By the time Tyrande established the night elves'new army , the Sentinels , Jarod had deliberately faded into the background .

  28. 我们对泰坦非常少的了解来自于矮人的遗迹和模糊暗夜精灵的传说。

    Very little is known about the titans save for scraps the dwarves have unearthed and some vague night elf folklore .

  29. 在洪水退去之后,迦洛德带了一队暗夜精灵去找饮用水。

    At last the waters subsided , and Jarod led a group of night elves to scout the area for drinkable water .

  30. 上古四龙,鹿盔,大群的其拉蝎虫和一批暗夜精灵同时出现在时间之沙的倒影之中。

    The four dragons , Staghelm , and a large group of qiraji and night elves appear out of the sands of time .