
  • 网络The well of eternity;Richard A.Knaak
  1. 就这样,这两座永恒之井岸边的小镇不断发展繁荣,而星空下的其它地方却渐渐陷入了疯狂。

    And so it was upon the shores of the Well of Eternity , the twin towns grew and prospered , while the world beneath the stars fell slowly to madness .

  2. 坐落于永恒之井湖畔的辛-艾萨琳就是上层精灵贵族们打开通往扭曲虚空的传送门,召唤燃烧军团到艾泽拉斯的地方。

    Situated on the shores of the Well of Eternity , Zin-Azshari was where the aristocratic Highborne first opened a portal into the Twisting Nether and invited the Burning Legion to invade Azeroth .

  3. 在其彻底湮没之前,永恒之井甚至穿透了这个星球充满熔岩的核心。

    The well pierced the planet 's molten core just before being utterly obliterated .

  4. 他无能为力的看着高等精灵在宫殿内滥用永恒之井的魔力。

    He watched helplessly as the Highborne inside the palace abused the Well of Eternity 's magics .

  5. 深不可测的永恒之井,却也清澈见底。

    So deep well of eternity was , but also so clear that I can see its bottom .

  6. 他将其中的3个倒入了海加尔山顶形成了第二个永恒之井。

    He poured three into the lake on top of Mount Hyjal and a second Well of Eternity was created .

  7. 大分裂结束后,玛法里奥-怒风以创造了第二座永恒之井为罪名宣判他的兄弟伊芮丹入狱。

    Shortly after the great sundering , Malfurion Stormrage sentenced his brother Illidan to imprisonment for having created a second well of eternity .

  8. 所有的恶魔,包括阿克蒙德,都被吸入永恒之井,狂怒的嚎叫着,被扔回扭曲虚空。

    All the demons , including Archimonde , were sucked into the Well and forced back into the Twisting Nether , howling in fury .