
  • 网络yonghe
  1. 麦当劳VS永和大王&中西快餐店的比较研究

    McDonald 's VS King Yonghe 's ── Comparative Research Between Western and Chinese Fast-Food Restaurants

  2. 永和大王以其新鲜的豆制品而闻名,价位在5到8元不等。

    Yonghe King is most famous for its freshly made soybean products , costing from 5 to 8 yuan .

  3. 这里也是快餐连锁品牌永和大王的诞生地,而该品牌的商标一度与来自美国肯塔基州的某位上校极为相似。

    It is the home of the fast-food chain Yonghe King , whose logo once bore a striking resemblance to a certain colonel who hailed from the state of Kentucky .

  4. 今天,如果你要在上海赶时间的话,你可以吃到既健康又美味的中式快餐,例如:永和大王、真功夫或东方既白。

    Today , if you are on a tight schedule in Shanghai , you can have healthy and tasty Chinese fast food , such as Yonghe King , Kung Fu Restaurant or East Dawning .

  5. 直奔拐角处的第一家:紧邻消防队的102号&永和豆浆大王。

    Head for the first one on the corner : Yonghe Doujiang Da Wang ( Yonghe Soy Milk Emperor ) at No.102 , next to a fire station .