
  1. 争论的焦点主要在于现实中各种曲线MBO大行其道,存在着黑箱操作、掌勺者私吞大锅饭等等不公正行为,导致了国有资产流失,企业职工、中小股民等相关利益主体的利益受损问题。

    The main focus of the discussion is that MBO in reality has brought loss of state assets and that some relative sides , like employees and small stock holders , lose their due interest in the MBO process .

  2. 由于神经网络是一种黑箱操作,难以对分布在其中的知识进行解释。

    Because neural network is a black box model , it is difficult to explain the knowledge hidden in it .

  3. 同时,透明意味着决定投资的数据和思想不是黑箱操作,这会影响初创公司对其的理解。

    Meanwhile , transparency suggests that the data and philosophy driving investment decisions is not a black-box process that precludes the startup from understanding such decisions .

  4. 然而我国公共政策在形成过程中的内部输入机制特征比较明显,黑箱操作的现象大量存在,极大地助长了政府自利性的扩张。

    The characteristic of internal mechanism for input in public policy making in China is obvious and the phenomenon of black-box operations exist in great quantity .

  5. 与此同时,房地产估价依然是一种黑箱操作,在交易很少的情况下,业主和放贷者可以得过且过,而无需下调价格至诚实水平。

    Meanwhile property valuation remains a dark art , and with few transactions , owners and lenders can get away without marking prices down to honest levels .