
  • 网络dark brown;black brown
  1. 胞果卵圆形,种子黑褐色。

    Utricle egg circle , the seed is black Brown .

  2. 分生孢子器黑褐色,球形,直径为40μm~110μm,器壁不突出,顶端有孔口,圆形。

    Pycnidium which has a round orifice at the top are black brown , global and 40-110 μ m in diameter .

  3. HGE菌菌落生长紧密,黑色至黑褐色,气生菌丝少;

    The colonies of HGE fungs are dark or dark to brown , compactness and with few hypha .

  4. 矿物为黑褐色,呈半自形,颗粒达0.2mm,分布于由锂云母钠长石构成的条带中,与之共生的是一套典型的、高演化的花岗伟晶岩矿物组合。

    It is dark brown to black , and has a subhedral diamond shaped grain up to 0.2 mm .

  5. 结果表明:歪头菜的种子长约5mm,扁圆形,灰绿色或黑褐色,千粒重为21310g,属于中小粒种子;

    The result showed that the seeds are green-gray or brown-black , about 5 mm long , oblate . The weight per thousand-granule was 21.310 g. And they are minimal-medium seeds .

  6. 其早期皮损表现为左前臂2cm×8cm×12cm潮红浸润性斑块,中心凹陷,上覆黑褐色厚痂,挤压后有脓汁溢出。

    The early lesion was a red infiltrative plaque , 2cm × 8cm × 12cm in size , atrophy in the center and covered with dark brown thick crust . Pyorrhea occurred when pressed .

  7. 该玻璃外表呈黑褐色,在空气中稳定。

    The glass is black-brown in appearance and stable in air .

  8. 直至凝胶由黑褐色变为橙黄色。

    Until the gel from the dark brown into orange .

  9. 结论荆芥炭应炒至表面黑褐色,内部焦褐色或黑褐色。

    CONCLUSION Catnip shall be stir-fried to be black-brown-colored superficially and burnt-brown-or black-brown-colored inside .

  10. 鱼体的有眼侧为黑褐色或黑色,无眼侧为乳白色。

    The eyed side is mostly brown to black and the blind side is white .

  11. 墨西哥西北部一种中型白松;树皮成熟时裂开并呈黑褐色。

    Medium-size pine of northwestern Mexico ; bark is dark brown and furrowed when mature .

  12. 形状颜色特征:黑褐色粉末,不溶于水,易溶于无机酸。

    DESCRIPTION : Dark brown powder , insoluble in water and soluble in mineral acids .

  13. 下部为黑褐色锰质角砾岩;

    2-manganese breccia , black-brown in colour ;

  14. 地下根系变黑褐色,不长新根,维管束变褐坏死。

    Roots become to brown , no fresh-roots developing , vascular bundle change to brown too .

  15. 澧阳平原黑褐色土壤剖面常量元素地球化学特征

    Major-elemental characteristics of dark brown soil in Liyang plain , the middle reaches of Yangtze River

  16. 黑褐色的河流。

    Dark brown is the river .

  17. 正常情况下黄或黄褐色种球发芽率高于黑褐色种球;

    The germination percentage of yellow and yellow brown seedball were higher than black and brown in normal condition .

  18. 结果:①牛蒡根鲜品为肉质根圆柱型,皮黑褐色,有皱纹。

    Result : ① Fresh arctium lappa root is fleshy root in circular cylinder shape with brown skin and wrinkle .

  19. 伤斑颜色因果树不同而异,有黑褐色、棕色、灰白色等。

    Spot color varied with kinds of fruit crops and might be dark brown , reddish brown , gray white , etc.

  20. 湖南澧阳平原黑褐色土的稀土元素地球化学特征及其环境意义

    Rare earth elements in and the environmental significance of the dark brown soil in the Liyang Plain , Hunan Province , China

  21. 黑色,半金属光泽,条痕为黑褐色,(100)解理清楚,(010)解理不清楚。

    Color blackish , luster submetallic with blackish brown streak . Cleavages of ( 100 ) distinct , ( 010 ) indistinct .

  22. 美国东部山区(阿巴拉契亚山)两针小型松树,黑褐色树皮,薄片状裂纹,刺状球果。

    Small 2-needled upland pine of the eastern United States ( Appalachians ) having dark brown flaking bark and thorn-tipped cone scales .

  23. 本品为棕褐色至黑褐色的水蜜丸;气微,味苦。

    [ Character ] The product is the honeyed pill with brown to black brown and tiny odor , bitter in taste .

  24. 加州一种高大的松树,三针一束长针叶,深裂纹黑褐色树皮。

    Tall California pine with long needles in bunches of 3 , a dense crown , and dark brown deeply fissured bark .

  25. 其表现性状为:成虫翅和胴体黑褐色,但幼虫体色与正常家蚕幼虫无区别。

    The character is that adult wings and body are dark brown . But larvae body color of the mutant silkworm larvae is normal .

  26. 干瘪坚硬以及黑褐色的表皮才是成熟的标志,这种变化来自于自然发酵。

    When it gets hard and shriveled and the skin turns black , then the tofu has matured . The change is because of fermentation .

  27. 供试5个品种的分枝数、叶数、叶长都无显著差异,但大多数经辐射处理的种子的叶子在早期出现黑褐色斑点。

    The number of branch , leaf and leaf-length had no significant difference , but there were many black bots in the leaf during early period ;

  28. 叶片病斑初为暗褐色小点,后扩大成黑褐色圆斑,潮湿时在叶片正面产生橘红色粘质小点,干燥时转变为黑色;

    The viscid dot appears on the front of blade , when it is moist , and change into black at the time of the dryness ;

  29. 该病原菌培养前期为黄白色、革质状,后为黑褐色、表面粘稠、不光滑。

    The Ustilago maydis was yellow-white small point and leather-like in earlier period , the colony became dark brown , ropiness surface and not smooth in latter period .

  30. 根部典型症状是在根颈中心处出现楔形黑褐色坏死斑,并由根颈处通过维管系统向根尖扩散,严重时根颈全部死亡,腐烂、中空。

    The disease is characterized by the presence of dark brown to black , wedge shaped necrotic lesions that spread from the affected crowns downward into root top .