
huī lǜ
  • Grayish green;sage green
  1. 你的双眼,它们是灰绿,

    And your eyes , they were green and grey

  2. 当第一只小鹅从鹅妈妈的羽毛里探出灰绿的小脑袋,开始四处观望时,夏洛第一个瞥见了他,并发布了一个声明。

    When the first gosling poked its grey-green head through the goose 's feathers and looked around , Charlotte spied it and made the announcement .

  3. 黄绿型种群的A、P、He皆低于灰绿型;

    The A. P. and He of yellowish green type were lower than those of grayish green type .

  4. 灰绿型羊草生境中土壤的pH值、电导率、含水率分别大于黄绿型,盐碱退化程度比较重。

    Conductance , pH value and moisture content of soil habitats of grey-green ecotype were larger than those of yellow-green ecotype and degraded seriously due to salinity and alkalinity ;

  5. 用荧光法测定了6份灰绿型羊草和12份黄绿型羊草干叶片中的维生素E含量以及羊草在同一发育时期不同器官的维生素E含量;

    The Vitamin E content of the dried leaves and different organs were measured for 6 gray-green type accessions and 12 yellow-green type accessions in Leymus chinensis by the method of fluorescence .

  6. 目的:研究灰绿黄堇根中的化学成分。

    Objective : To study the alkaloid component of Corydalis adunca Maxim .

  7. 大雨模糊了窗外的景色,所有东西都变成了一团灰绿参杂的污渍。

    The rain blurred everything outside the window into gray and green smudges .

  8. 灰绿型羊草脯氨酸含量均大于黄绿型羊草。

    The proline content of grey-green type was higher than that of yellow-green type .

  9. 灰绿藜愈伤组织的诱导·继代及植株再生研究

    Study on the Callus Induction , Subculture and Plant Regeneration of Chenopodium glaucum Linn

  10. 青海湖盐碱湿地灰绿藜叶的形态解剖学研究

    An anatomical study on the leaf structure of salinized wetland Chenopodium glaucum of Qinghai Lake

  11. 在克隆特性上,灰绿型和黄绿型羊草也明显不同,黄绿型种群的克隆多样性低于灰绿型。

    On the clonal characters , the 2 types of gray green and yellow green were obvious different .

  12. 在曲霉属中灰绿曲霉群,黄曲霉群和白曲霉群的检出频率分别达到75.9%、72.2%和67.5%。

    Glaucus group , A. flavus group and A. candidus group is 75.9 % , 72.2 % , 67.5 % respectively .

  13. 结果显示,灰绿拟青霉的菌体可溶性蛋白和酯酶的图谱与另两种供试拟青霉存在明显不同。

    Results show that the soluble protein and esterase isozyme patterns are obvious different from that of the other two species tested .

  14. 她的脸很小,有白又瘦,上面有很多的雀斑,她还长着一双灰绿的大眼睛。

    Her face was small , white and thin , with a lot of freckles , and she had large grey green eyes .

  15. 除了翅碱蓬和灰绿藜,其它五种植物籽油中油酸的含量也较高为13.00%-33.06%。

    Except for acuminate and salsa , the oleic acid content in the seed oil of other plants is from 13.00 per to 33.06 per .

  16. 两种生态型的表现显著差异,其中灰绿生态型羊草比黄绿生态型差异大。

    Moreover , there is sharp difference between two ecotypes ( grey-green and yellow-green ) and the former has bigger variance than the latter has .

  17. 结果表明:自然条件下保管引起粮食、油料品质下降或霉变的真菌主要是杂色曲霉、白曲霉、灰绿曲霉、黄曲霉、米曲霉、桔青霉,顶青霉、烟曲霉和产黄青霉。

    The results showed that the major molds which caused quality deterioration of stored grain and oil seeds at natural condition were Aspergillus versicolor , A. candidus , A. glaucus , A.

  18. 从11种植物叶片对辣椒疫霉菌的诱集能力和检测的准确性中选出以灰绿藜叶饵的诱集效果最好,叶饵着生孢子囊量多。

    Among the eleven plant leaves , Chenopodium glaucum was the best according to the baiting ability and the detecting accuracy , which showed better results and more sporangia on the baits .

  19. 到果后营养期,灰绿生态型(0.8048、0.0303)逐渐超过黄绿生态型(0.7796、0.0258)。

    On the contrary , in the period of post-fruiting vegetation growth , the b value of grey-green ecotype ( 0.8048 and 0.0303 ) became bigger than that of yellow-green ecotype ( 0.7796 and 0.0258 ) .

  20. 结果表明,在干旱胁迫下,灰绿型羊草和黄绿型羊草的电解质外渗率、脯氨酸、植株含水率、植株鲜重、SO42-、NO3-之间均有显著或极显著差异。

    Quantitative analyses showed that under drought stress , the electrolyte leakage rate , proline content , water content , fresh weight , and SO 4 2 - and NO 3 - contents of two divergent types varied significantly .

  21. 剖面下部河流相含砾中粗砂层至中部河流相砂砾层之间的湖相灰绿、灰黄色粘土质粉砂和粉砂质粘土层称泥河湾组;

    The lacustrine grayish green and grayish yellow clayey silt and silty clay beds between fluvial gravel-bearing medium-coarse sand beds in the lower part of the section and fluvial sand and gravel beds in the middle part are called the Nihewan Formation ;

  22. 头发变灰然后又变绿了静音

    It turned gray and then green . Mute it .