
  • 网络ashing;ash method;ashing method
  1. 本试验采取有代表性的饲料原料,分别采用干灰化法、湿消化法和酸溶解法3种不同的处理方法处理饲料样本测定微量元素铜(Cu)、铁(Fe)含量。

    Three pretreating methods including dry ashing , digestion and acid dissolution were used to determine the contents of copper and iron in the representative feedstuffs .

  2. 本文介绍用1M盐酸浸提树木样品&根、枝、皮、叶并且用湿灰化法对该样品加以处理。

    The paper describes using IM hydrochloric acid to extract aswell as using the wet ashing method to treat tree samples * roots , branches , bark and leaves .

  3. 干灰化法适合测定丹参中Pb,但不适合测定Cd,其回收率仅为0.1%。

    The dry ash method is suitable for the determination of Pb , but not suitable for the determination of Cd due to its low recovery rate .

  4. 采用干灰化法、湿法灰化、微波消解3种不同的样品前处理方法处理同一烟草样品,用火焰原子吸收光谱法测定K、Ca、Mg、Cu、Zn元素含量。

    Tobacco samples were handled by dry cineration , wet cineration and microwave digestion and then content of K , Ca , Mg , Cu and Zn from them were determined by atom adsorption spectrum .

  5. 用盐酸萃取法和湿灰化法处理油茶叶试样,将其配制成3种pH值、4种不同浓度水平的稀溶液测定钾离子的含量。

    Samples of oil tea camellia leaves were extracted by HCl or treated by wet ash method using HNO_3 H_2SO_4 HClO_4 . In order to determine the content of potassium ion , the dilute solution was made into three pH levels and four concentrations .

  6. 吸附在CCX上的Ag经灰化法解脱后在pH值为33的CH3COOH(乙酸)CH3COONa(乙酸钠)缓冲溶液中,以Au试剂液珠萃取比色法进行测定。

    Ag in the CCX disembarrassed by ashing in the CH_3COOH ( acetic acid ) - CH_3COONa ( acetic natrium ) buffering fluid that pH is 3.3 , and tested by Au reagent by excerpt colorimetry .

  7. 测定结果与灰化法一致,检出限(3σ)为0.028μg·ml-1,RSD小于2.5%,该方法简便、快速、准确。

    Detection limit of the method was found to be 0.028 μ g · ml ~ ( - 1 ), and the RSD ′ s were less than 2.5 % . As compared with the ashing method , consistent results were obtained .

  8. 对4种样品,分别重复5次测定其含量,平均变异系数钙为0.588%,镁为2.028%,测定结果与常规的干灰化法测定结果比较,平均RSD钙为0.173%,镁为0.406%。

    Four samples were studied five times . It shows that the average variability coefficient of calcium and magnesium were 0.588 % and 2.028 % respectively . The average RSD of calcium and magnesium obtained with this method were 0.173 % and 0.406 % respectively compared with routine dry podzolic .

  9. 本文提出了苹果中微量钙的快速测定法,方法快速、简便、准确,分析时间从16~20小时减少到1~2小时,样品分析结果与千灰化法和HNO3&HClO4湿消化法结果相符。

    This method is more simple , rapid and accurate . The analytical time has deen reduced from 16 ~ 20 hours to 2 hours . The results obtained are identical with those of dry-ashing and HNO_3 & HClO_4 wet-ashing methods .

  10. 委托检验中运用改良快灰法与缓慢灰化法的比较

    Comparison between slow-ashing method and improved fast-ashing method in commission test

  11. 水环境中磷的灰化法提取

    Extraction of Phosphorus in Natural Waters and Sediments by Ignition Method

  12. 氧弹燃烧灰化法测定聚丙烯中铁的含量

    Determination of the Iron Content in Polypropylene by Oxygen Bomb Burning Incineration

  13. 微波灰化法测定进出口饲料中的灰分

    Determination of Ash in Feedstuffs Imported and Exported by Microwave Ashing Method

  14. 氧弹灰化法快速测定有机物中的硫含量

    Quick Determination of Sulphur Content in Organic Substances by Oxygen Bomb Ashing Method

  15. 硫酸&硝酸处理灰化法测定高盐食品中的铅

    Measurement of lead in high-salt food with sulfuric-nitric acid to treat food ash

  16. 氧弹燃烧灰化法测定有机物中磷

    Application of the Oxygen Bomb Ashing to the determination of phosphorus in organic substances

  17. 谈缓慢灰化法和快速灰化法的关系

    Discussion on the relationship of the slow ashing method and the fast ashing method

  18. 灰化法磷测定中不同灰化助剂的效果比较

    A comparison of efficacy of different auxiliaries used in determination of phosphorus by ashing method

  19. 微波消解样品的测定结果与常规干法灰化法的测定结果相吻合。

    The determination results of microwave digestion were identical with those obtained with routine dry-ash method .

  20. 测定结果与灰化法一致,RSD<30%。

    Results were consistent with those obtained by ashing method . RSD < 3 0 % .

  21. 含盐乳清粉、脱盐乳清粉或乳清溶液,其含盐量都可以用灰化法测定。

    Whey beverages The salt content was estimated through ashing salted and demineralized whey powder or its solution .

  22. 氧等离子体低温灰化法测定生物样品灰分中易挥发元素

    Low-Temperature Ashing Treatment of Biological Samples by an Oxygen Plasma Ashing Set for the Determination of Volatile Elements

  23. 树木样品湿灰化法与浸提法的比较试验

    Making a comparison of the experiments on tree samples between the wet ashing method and the extracting method

  24. 采用程序升温微波灰化法测定饲料中的灰分,方法可靠、操作简单,适应性强,大大缩短了检测周期。

    In this paper a method for the determination of ash in feedstuffs for import and export by microwave ashing .

  25. 用灰化法溶解试样,配制混合标准系列溶液,采用空气-乙炔火焰原子吸收法测定海带中11种微量元素含量。

    The contents of 11 trace elements in kelp have been determined by air - acetylene fire atomic absorption spectrometry .

  26. 本文比较了三种样品消化方式,即传统酸消化法、灰化法及微波消化法。

    The purpose of the study is to compare the traditional acid method . incineration method and microwave digestion method .

  27. 利用湿法消解样品,精密度好,回收率高,优于干灰化法。

    The wet digestion method is better than the dry ash method for its lower RSD and higher recovery rate .

  28. 说明,悬浮技术可代替灰化法技术在原子吸收光谱法中测定甘薯及马铃薯中的钙和镁。

    In this experiment the ashing method was displaced by suspension technique for determination on calcium and magnesium of sweet potato and potato .

  29. 方法:采用灰化法消解样品,氢化物原子荧光法同时测定食品中微量砷和铅。

    Methods : Trace amount of Pb and AS in foods were determined simultaneously by HG-AFS after the samples were digested with dry ashing method .

  30. 原子吸收测定鱼肉中的铜、铅、镉&干灰化法与湿消解法前处理样品比较

    Determination of Cu , Pb and Cd in Fish Meat by Atomic Absorption-Comparison between Sample Preparation Methods of Dry Ashing and Wet Digestion Key diagram