
  • Grey Wolf;Big Big Wolf;Wolffy
  1. 梦中,我不仅见到了懒羊羊,还遇到了灰太狼。

    In my dream , I not only met Lazy Sheep but also Big Big Wolf .

  2. 在“喜羊羊与灰太狼”,连同其朋友的主角有一个快乐每个人的故事。

    The " Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf " main character HAPPY along with its friend have a story for everybody .

  3. 明明每天早上起床后第一件事就是让妈妈打开DVD看喜羊羊和灰太狼,一集不落地看,然后把看到的情节讲给妈妈听。

    Obviously the first thing after getting up every morning is to open the DVD to see her mother Pleasant , and Wolf , a set does not fall to see , and then tell my mother to listen to see the plot .

  4. 喜羊羊和灰太狼之间的战争永无休止。

    The conflict between Grey Wolf and " Pleasant " never ends .

  5. 险些每集的剧情中都是他挫败了灰太狼的设计。

    In almost every episode he is the first one who foils the plot of Grey Wolf .

  6. 每集最后,灰太狼都心有不甘地大叫还会再回来的。

    In the end of each episode , " Grey Wolf " always promises to come back .

  7. 香太狼是灰太狼和红太狼的女儿,是小灰灰的姐姐。

    She is the daughter of Gray Wolf and Red Wolf and the sister of Little Grey .

  8. 灰太狼说:我怎样不重要,但是不能委屈了我老婆!

    The ash too wolf said : how can I not important , but not wronged me wife !

  9. 通过喜羊羊和他伙伴们的努力,灰太狼从来都没有成功抓到过一只小羊。

    With the effort of " Pleasant " and his friends , Grey Wolf never captures any goats .

  10. 每逢拳脚之争,他都还不必然斗得过灰太狼咧。

    Interestingly , he is still unable to defeat Grey Wolf in a fist fight except for rare incidences .

  11. 尽管对待小羊凶恶无比,在家对着老婆红太狼的时候,灰太狼却是一个唯命是从、逆来顺受的妻管严。

    Although he is mean to the goats , he is a nice and timid husband to Red Wolf .

  12. 《喜羊羊和灰太狼》是一群羊与灰太狼斗智斗勇的故事。

    " The Joy Goat and Big Big Wolf " is a flock of sheep match wits with Wolf story .

  13. 我知道喜羊羊和灰太狼,这个李正江真的没听过。

    I know the cartoon movie Happy sheep and Gray wolf , while , I have never heard of Li Zhengjiang .

  14. 我心中一直有个疑惑、年了、整整年了、灰太狼都是吃什么活下来的。

    I always have a doubt , years , throughout the years , grey wolf is what to eat to live .

  15. 然而那时的小羊们都相当聪明,懂得用科学技术来武装自己。每次灰太狼来到羊族学校,他总能想出一些个狡诈的诡计来捉羊。

    Every time Grey Wolf appears at the School of Goats , he thinks up a sneaky plan to catch the goats .

  16. 在动漫节上,动画片《喜羊羊与灰太狼》的主题展位被围得水泄不通。

    In the animation section , the cartoon " Goat and Big Big Wolf " theme of the booth was crowded around .

  17. 灰太狼是该动画的主要反派,他头戴一顶橙黄相间的帽子,脸上有一道清晰可见的伤疤。

    The main villain , a grey wolf with a patched yellow and orange hat , as well as visible facial scar .

  18. 不是不心动,不是不后悔,不是每个红太狼,都会找到一个挨打的灰太狼。

    Not enchanted , not don 't regret it , not every red too Wolf , will find a beaten gray too Wolf .

  19. 在强劲的政策扶持下,《喜羊羊与灰太狼》等中国的动漫精品也脱颖而出。

    In the strong policy support ," Goat and Big Big Wolf " and other Chinese animation quality also come to the fore .

  20. 明明的妈妈毛女士告诉记者,每个月光是花在喜羊羊和灰太狼身上的钱就有一二百元。

    Obviously the mother Miss Mao told reporters , spent a month alone Pleasant and Wolf who have two hundred dollars of the money .

  21. 羡慕那个不倾国不倾城的红太狼,却有灰太狼死心塌地的爱着。

    Don 't envy the kingdom is not little red too Wolf , but has a big big Wolf be dead set of love .

  22. 总部位于中国南方广东省的奥飞集团,是热门卡通片《超级飞侠》、《喜羊羊与灰太狼》的制作方。

    Alpha Group Co , based in southern China 's Guangdong Province , is the owner of popular cartoons Super Wings and Pleasant Goat .

  23. 动画电影《喜羊羊与灰太狼》两部票房收入近2.5亿元,深受广大观众喜爱。

    Animated film " Happy Sheep and the Wolf ," two box-office income of nearly $ 250 million by the majority of the audience favorite .

  24. 她还经常让妈妈给她买各种喜羊羊和灰太狼的卡通玩具,包括小贴画、气球、积木等等。

    She often bought her mother a variety of Pleasant and Wolf cartoon toys , including stickers , balloons , blocks , and so on .

  25. 《喜羊羊与灰太狼》借用并通过动画符号传播的文化现象非常值得关注,它在一定层面上反映着中国媒介文化的现状。

    What deserves attention is the cultural phenomenon communicated through the semiotic animation , which reflects the present situation of Chinese media culture to some extent .

  26. 记的有一次爸爸看我在看动画片《喜羊羊与灰太狼》就问我,你知道动画片是怎么制作出来的吗?

    Remember once dad see I was watching cartoon " pleasant goat and big big Wolf " would ask me , you know how cartoons made ?

  27. 一部《喜羊羊和灰太狼》,让卡通形象喜羊羊红遍全国,围绕喜羊羊开发的一系列衍生品也是销售火热。

    A " Hi Frankie , and Wolf ," so popular in the country cartoon Pleasant , Pleasant developed around a series of derivatives is selling hot .

  28. 《喜羊羊与灰太狼》如果放到国际上就是一部三流的动画片,在国内却获得了超一流的收益。

    " Goat and Big Big Wolf " If you put the international community is a third-rate animation , in the country has won the super-class income .

  29. 小灰灰是灰太狼和红太狼的儿子,不常登场,但比他爷爷和太公登场机会多。

    He is the son of Grey Wolf and Red Wolf and doesn 't appear very often , though more often than Yellow Wolf and Black Wolf .

  30. 虽然是针对儿童,但是由父母陪同孩子去电影院看卡通电影《喜羊羊与灰太狼》的观众增加了三倍。

    Though targeted at children , the audience of the cartoon movie " Happy Sheep " tripled as a result of parents accompanying their children to the theatre .