
  1. 无论射击、跳水、体操还是乒乓球,喜羊羊等羊村小羊的智慧与毅力都面临一次次严峻挑战。

    Many sports programmes including shooting , aquatics-diving , gymnastics and ping-pong bring lots of tough challenges to Happy and all their friends .

  2. 每次他都会施展不同的诡计潜入羊村,比方打扮成不同的动物什么的。

    He uses different sneaky ways to catch the goats . He sometimes dresses like a different animal or break the gate of the goat 's home and go in and catch them ..

  3. 给“羊羊村”设计一个超市,并写出几个含有名词复数的句子来描述它。

    Today 's homework : Design a supermarket for Yangyang 's village , then write a few sentences about it .

  4. 临洮县连湾乡羊嘶川村关于三年停止破坏问题的调查报告

    Investigation Report on stopping Destruction in Three Years in Yang Si Chuan Village of the Lin Tao County

  5. 民族地区残存宗族组织的现状剖析&以湖南永顺县羊峰乡青龙村土家族社区为例

    An Analysis of the Left Religious Organizations in Minority Areas