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  1. 近体诗的用韵可分为22个韵部,很规则。

    Rhymes in the former can be devided into twenty rhyme sections , and are very regular ;

  2. 语义韵一般可分为积极语义韵、中性语义韵、消极语义韵和混合语义韵。

    Typically , semantic prosody is divided into positive semantic prosody , neutral semantic prosody , negative or mixed semantic prosody .

  3. 曲韵是曲体文学格律的一个重要内容,曲韵有南北之分,南北曲韵皆是随着曲体文学的产生与发展逐步规范统一的。

    Quyun is a very important content of ballad-style literature , and it varied in south and north areas which respectively and gradually became a system as the ballad-style literature evolved .