
huī lán sè
  • Grayish blue;dusty blue
灰蓝色[huī lán sè]
  1. 她那灰蓝色的眼睛紧盯着一个毫无戒心的地方官员。

    She fixes her steel-blue eyes on an unsuspecting local official

  2. cm的灰蓝色导电掺锑二氧化锡粉末。

    As a result , the resistance rate of the final bice antimony-doped tin dioxide powder was 1.66 Ω· cm .

  3. 在页首长方形块底端画一条1px的灰蓝色的线,混合属性中添加阴影效果。

    Add a dark blue1px line on the bottom of the header box , apply the Drop shadow effect .

  4. 羽冠上有栗黄色条纹的灰蓝色北美翠鸟。

    Grayish-blue North American kingfisher with a chestnut band on its chest .

  5. 现在看自己的未来都是灰蓝色的。

    I see my future prospects in all greyish and dark hues .

  6. 让我看看那条灰蓝色的。

    Let me see that gray and blue one .

  7. 2005年纽约,这件灰蓝色礼裙衬托了艾玛瓷白的肌肤,让她看起来非常可人。

    Emma looked so lovely with this grey-blue hue against her porcelain skin .

  8. 中间那个灰蓝色的是什么漆?

    What 's the gray-blue in the middle ?

  9. 基调是一片蔚蓝,蓝色的马赛克、灰蓝色的地砖。

    Fundamental key is one azure , the floor tile of blue mosaic , bice .

  10. 我可以想象他四岁的样子,也是这双郑重其事的灰蓝色眼睛,也是这份自立?

    I could picture him at four , with the same grave gray-blue eyes and the same-independence ?

  11. 变色萤石在日光下呈灰蓝色,在白炽灯光下呈红紫色。

    The effect is greyish blue in the sun light and reddish purple in the incandescent lamp light .

  12. 帕里走近几步,低下头看看洛根,然后转过来看我,那双灰蓝色的眼睛在闪烁。

    Parry took a couple of steps closer and looked down at Logan , then back to me .

  13. 这些图像大都凿刻在深灰或灰蓝色的岩石上,粗犷、简洁、浑然而多变。

    These pictures were carved on grey or dark blue rock stones , in a simple and bold style .

  14. 这件灰蓝色裹身礼裙展现出她曼妙的身材,而背部尤为性感!

    The grey-blue body-hugging dress showed off her stunning petite figure , and the plunging back was oh-so sexy !

  15. 赤裸的肉体在他的画中随处可见,虚弱的、柔软的、有光泽的、有灰蓝色浓厚阴影的粉白色团块状的。

    Bare flesh , vulnerable , cushiony , shiny , lumpish pink-white thickly shadowed in grey and blue , was everywhere .

  16. 黑色变浅,成为了现在的灰蓝色,英国人将其极为恰当地描述为鼠灰色。

    The black colour is diluted and is now a greyish blue colour , beautifully described by the British as " Slate " .

  17. 虽然它实际上是灰蓝色的石灰石,但是从岩石里渗出的铁盐却把悬崖表面染上了晚霞般的色彩。

    Though it is actually gray-blue limestone , the surface of the cliff has been stained to a sunset hue by iron salts washing out of the rocks .

  18. 我再看看峡口外的大海,大海强烈的反光象蒙蒙一层银雾,天空变成灰蓝色。

    I glanced again at the sea beyond the channel . Its fierce reflection resembled a blanket of silver mist , and the sky had become a greyish blue .

  19. 那我可就不客气了&我会马上废了你这家伙的灰蓝色眼睛,让你那另人发疯的假笑再也笑不出来,把你这该死的送进地狱。

    Then I wouldn 't wait . I 'd smash your gray-blue eyes now and stamp that maddening half-smile off your face and send you to the hell you deserve .

  20. 墙壁上的蓝色和灰蓝色让房间内的所有其他颜色在纯色的背景上更加显著,巧妙地将焦点从房间本身转移到家具上。

    Blues , and grey-blues on the walls allow all the other colours in the room to stand out on the neutral backdrop , handily shifting the focus to the furnishings rather than the room itself .

  21. 还有那不同角度的阳光几乎不会有影子的清冷的冬日阳光;犹如爱意般迷蒙的泛灰蓝色的夏日晨曦重现在我的记忆中,使我满心喜悦。

    There are angles of sunlight a cold , clear winter light , almost without shadows ; a glaucous summer morning light , a haze like love that echo in my memory , and bring me joy simply for that .

  22. 在采访中,他穿着一件灰色衬衫,衬托他灰蓝色的双眼,他的办公室里也铺着灰色的地毯,他入迷地详细描述着印度尼西亚的大量对比色和花纹(他的妻子萨莫·曼[SummerMann]是画家)。

    In the interview , he wore a gray shirt that set off his gray-blue eyes in his gray-carpeted office , and spoke in ecstatic detail about the volume of contrasting colors and patterns in Indonesia . ( His wife , Summer Mann , is a painter . )

  23. 瞧,多么像它的母亲:红嘴红脚,灰蓝色的毛,只是后背还没有生出珍珠似的圆圆的白点;它好肥,整个身子好像一个蓬松的球儿。

    It looked very much like its mother , the red beak , the red claws and the grayish blue down . The only difference was that it had not developed the pearl-like whitish dots on its back . Its body was as plump as a ball of fluff .

  24. 在第一眼看见那铁灰和暗蓝色的结构时确实很像一座新的山脉从地面上升起。

    Certainly at first glance the formation of iron gray and sullen blue looked very much as if a new mountain had thrust up from the ground .