
huī huánɡ méi sù
  • griseofulvin;fulvicin;grifulvin;fulcin
  1. 灰黄霉素在超临界CO2中的溶解与沉析

    Griseofulvin Solution and Deposition in Supercritical CO _ 2

  2. 动态法测定了灰黄霉素在不同的操作温度、压力以及共溶剂丙酮浓度下在超临界CO2中的溶解度。

    The solubility of griseofulvin in supercritical CO2 with cosolvent acetone at different temperature , pressure and concentration was measured in this study .

  3. 由X-衍射分析、差热分析可知,经混合研磨后灰黄霉素的晶型没有发生改变。

    The X-ray diffraction patterns and DTA suggested no change in crystal form .

  4. 通过一套超临界反溶剂过程间歇式实验装置,以灰黄霉素、丙酮和二氧化碳系统为研究对象,实验研究了SAS过程参数对制备的微粒形态及其尺寸的影响。

    The effects of the SAS process parameters on particle morphology and its size were evaluated in the Griseofulvin-acetone-CO_2 system by semi-continuous supercritical anti-solvent precipitation apparatus .

  5. 灰黄霉素产生菌耐前体变株F-1012的选育及其发酵特性

    Mutation and Selection of Resistant Precursor of Griseofulvin Producing Strain F-1012 and Its Fermentation

  6. 用均相成核理论分析了超临界CO2快速膨胀法(RESS)制备灰黄霉素微细颗粒过程中的预膨胀操作。

    The pre expansion operation of rapid expansion of supercritical solution ( RESS ) is investigated by classical homogeneous nucleation theory in this article . Griseofulvin will not deposit from the supercritical CO 2 even though the supersaturation increases with the increasing pre expansion temperature .

  7. 超临界溶液快速膨胀法制灰黄霉素微粒的预膨胀

    Preexpansion of Fine Griseofulvin Particle Formation by Rapid Expansion of Supercritical Solution

  8. 近来,灰黄霉素成为青霉属分类学中的一个重要的表型标志物。

    More recently , griseofulvin has become an important phenotypic marker in Penicillium taxonomy .

  9. 超临界反溶剂过程制备灰黄霉素超细微粒

    Griseofulvin Microparticles by Supercritical Anti - Solvent Process

  10. 灰黄霉素生物合成差异蛋白质组学研究镇江内江浮游生物多样性与水质灰色关联分析

    Grey Relation Analysis between Phytoplankton Diversity and Water Quality in Neijiang River , Zhenjiang

  11. 它具有灰黄霉素、制霉菌素、青霉索三药的抗菌谱。

    It has griseofulvin , nystatin , penicillin antibacterial spectrum of cable three drugs .

  12. 提高灰黄霉素产生菌PenicilliumpatulumF-208孢子萌发率的生化因子

    Investigation of Biochemical Factors for Raising Pycnospores Germination Capacity of the Griseofulvin Producing Strain F-208

  13. 提高灰黄霉素溶解度的研究

    Research to enhance solubility of griseofulvin

  14. 灰黄霉素是一种选择性的抗真菌剂用于治疗动物和人类的皮肤感染。

    Griseofulvin is a selective antifungal agent used to treat skin infections in animals and humans .

  15. 基于目前国内外灰黄霉素的生产大多采用以丙酮作为溶媒浸取灰黄霉素干菌体的方法,相关基础数据的取得对工业生产有较大的指导意义。

    So far the production of griseofulvin is using acetone to extract the useful ingredient from dried mycelia .

  16. 利用基因组改组技术对灰黄霉素产生菌&荨麻青霉进行改良的研究

    A Study on Breeding of Griseofulvin Producing Strain ( Penicillium Urticae Bainier ) by Genome Shuffling ; nettle rash

  17. 灰黄霉素结合角蛋白的能力被认为是它作用于皮肤寄生真菌的一个重要的方面。

    Griseofulvin 's ability to bind to keratin is considered an important aspect to the metabolite 's access to dermatophytic fungi .

  18. 用于治疗浅部感染的药物有灰黄霉素等;用于治疗深部感染的药物有制霉菌素等。

    For the treatment of superficial infection of griseofulvin drugs ; For the treatment of deep infection of drugs such as Nystatin .

  19. 很多文献报道,灰黄霉素治疗脓癣仍是首选药物,但由于该药的肝脏毒性大,因此目前较少应用于儿童脓癣的治疗。

    There are many reports that griseofulvin is the first choice for kerion , but it can hardly be used in children for its hepatic toxicity .

  20. 本文详细描述了溶解度测定原理,准确测定了灰黄霉素在丙酮中的溶解度并发现采用混合溶剂能提高灰黄霉素的溶解度,弥补了这方面数据在国内外的不足。

    The article discussed the principle of detecting the solubility of griseofulvin in acetone and discovered the solubility of griseofulvin can be improved by using mixed solvent .

  21. 若体癣广泛者,可服灰黄霉素或酮康唑,3~4周为一疗程。

    If ringworm of the body is extensive person , can take griseofulvin or ketone health Zun , 3 ~ is one period of treatment 4 weeks .