
  • 网络Flower seedlings;flowering tree and shrub
  1. 张家界花卉苗木产业现状与发展对策探讨

    Status Quo and Development Countermeasures of Flower Seedling Industry in Zhangjiajie

  2. 浙江省花卉苗木产业发展现状与前景分析

    Studies on Actuality and Prospect of Zhejiang Floriculture and Nursery Industry

  3. 江西省花卉苗木产业科技服务体系建设调研报告

    Investigation on Flowers and Trees Industry in Jiangxi Province INFORMATION

  4. 海口市花卉苗木生产的发展思路

    Some Ideas on the Development of Flower and Plant Product in Haikou

  5. 温州市山区花卉苗木生产现状与发展思考

    Current Situation and Further Development of Alpine Plants and Flowers Production in Wenzhou

  6. 长沙市的花卉苗木产业仅处于花卉苗木产业发展的起步阶段,目前还存在许多问题。

    In Changsha , for the flower industry is at the beginning of the step , there are a lot of problems .

  7. 林业产业的现状主要体现在竹,茶,果,花卉苗木,森林旅游产业等五个方面。

    The status is mainly on five areas : bamboo , tea , fruit , flowers , nursery stock , forest tourism industry .

  8. 分析海口市热带花卉苗木的生产发展现状、发展潜力、发展模式,提出海口市花卉苗木生产发展的主要对策。

    This analyzes the present situation , development potential and development pattern of tropical flowers and plants in Haikou , and raises some countermeasures .

  9. 花卉苗木是颇具前途的朝阳产业,湖北民族地区发展花卉苗木产业具有得天独厚的自然资源优势和气候资源优势。

    The flower seedling enjoys the morning sun industry in the future , developing such industry possesses unique advantages of resources in nature and climate .

  10. 浙江省花卉苗木产业在不断的发展过程中日益展现出自身的特色,成为我国重要的花卉苗木主产区之一。

    Zhejiang floriculture and nursery industry has formed its own features in the process of development , and grows into one of the main producing area .

  11. 南通市农业结构调整中宜开发的新战略产业为大力发展以切花、盆花、盆景、草坪、观赏苗木为主体的花卉苗木这一新兴的朝阳产业;

    B The new strategic industries to be developed in the adjustment of Nantong industrial structure should be some new and rising ones like flowers and plants planting ;

  12. 花卉苗木种植基地区、精品花卉交易区、鸟、虫、鱼、根雕、石头城诚邀经营户加盟;

    Invite running partners of flowers & grass , seedling planting base zone , fine flowers exchange zone , and birds , pests , fish , sculpture , rockwork running region .

  13. 花卉苗木的城市绿化功能是城市建设的保障,其较为高端化的农业产业特性,促使其在城市化加剧的进程中发展持续升温。

    The landscaped for urban greening function is the protection of the urban construction . Its high-end agricultural industry characteristics promote its development continues to heat up in the process of urbanization intensified .

  14. 都市区农村居住规划与研究&以《重庆市白市驿花卉苗木产业区核心示范区建设规划》为范例随着机动车交通的迅速发展,北京市区近年来新建、扩建了大量的城市干道。

    Rural Housing Planning and Investigation in Metropolitan Areas Recent years , a large amount of main roads have been built in Beijing metropolitan areas with the fast development of motor vehicles traffic .

  15. 根据嘉兴市花卉苗木发展历史与现状,结合地理区位优势,农业产业结构调整等,提出了花卉苗木产业发展的规划以及发展花卉苗木产业的各种行政管理、技术等配套措施。

    Based on history and current situation of flowers and plants production in Jiaxing , Zhejiang province , and on advantages of location , plan and technical measures were offered for flowers and plants and seedling production .

  16. 我国林产品资源十分丰富,花卉苗木产业应运而生,并迅速发展,被誉为朝阳产业。

    The forest product resources of our country are very rich , the flowers and plants nursery stock industry which has been hailed as a " sunrise industry " arises at the historic moment , and rapid development .

  17. 以金华气候因子为基础,植物地域分布为依据,通过综合分析,提出了金华花卉苗木引种成功的几条原则:1、1月均温等温线在0~8℃区域内引种易成功;

    After analysis on climate factors in Jinhua city , Zhejiang province , and plant distribution , conditions for successful introduction of plants and flowers and seedlings in Jinhua were listed as follows : isothermal line of January 0-8 ℃;

  18. 然而,花卉苗木产业主要是以中小企业为主,由于其所处行业特殊、诚信环境欠佳、缺乏抵押物、财务不规范等原因,融资难的问题更为突出。

    However , the enterprises of flowers and plants nursery stock are mainly small and medium-sized . Because of their special industry , poor credit environment , lack of collateral and so on , the financing difficult problems come to light .

  19. 同时,当地农业以种植花卉苗木为主,农业比较效益较高,农户更愿意保留农地。(2)农户作为农地流转的微观主体,其农地流转意愿受到多种因素的共同影响。

    Meanwhile , the local main agriculture is seedling planting flowers , more-effective agriculture , farmers are more willing to retain farmland . ( 2 ) As the main micro-circulation of farmland transfer , the farmers ' farmland transfer expectations will be effect by many factors .

  20. (西南大学工程技术学院,重庆400715)摘要:随着改革开放的深入和经济的迅猛发展,近年来我国的花卉苗木产业发展很快。特别是进入20世纪90年代以来,发展更是迅速。

    The Flower and Plant Industry in our country developed rapidly in recent years along with the deepening of reform and opening up and the rapid economic development , especially Since the 1990s , and it has become the bloom industry for adjusting industrial structure and making the farmers richer .

  21. 市场分析:项目利用现有的地热井资源,利用花卉、苗木基地和无公害蔬菜基地环境优势而建设。

    Market analysis : The project of geothermal wells using existing resources , the use of flowers , nursery stock base and a pollution-free vegetable base to build environmental advantages .

  22. 随着温室功能的不断拓展,它不再只是作为生产蔬菜、花卉、苗木的大棚或玻璃保温建筑,或是用来培育观赏或稀有植物的实验场所。

    With the constant expansion of the greenhouse functions , it is no longer just for production of vegetables , flowers , Seedlings , or to cultivate ornamental plants or rare laboratory .

  23. 携带检疫性病害的寄主植物主要以观赏性花卉、苗木及繁殖器官传播的病害最多,占36.5%,其次为水果及木制品,为13.5%和10.4%。

    With the enjoy the sight of flower young plant and propagation organ were the main plants with quarantine disease pests , then were fruit and fruit tresses the rates of intercept and capture were 36.5 % and 13.5 % respectively .

  24. 阐述了发展温州市高山花卉、绿化苗木的意义,分析了当前温州市高山花卉苗木生产的现状及存在问题,提出加强管理,抓紧制订花卉生产产业政策;合理规划布局,发展特色花卉苗木;

    Based on Analysis on current situation and problems of alpine plants and flowers production in Wenzhou , Zhejiang province , countermeasures were offered such as strengthening management and drawing up industry policy , rational planning to produce characterized plants and flowers , improving seedling quantity and quality , etc.

  25. 极端温度气候下园林花卉苗木业抗灾现状及对策上虞市花卉苗木产业现状与发展对策

    Resistance and Countermeasure for Flower and Garden Plant Industry to Disaster under the Extreme Climate