
huā shēnɡ bǐnɡ
  • peanut cake
  1. 再次为大麦粉、棉仁粉饼、药用鱼粉、花生饼粉和菜饼粉,消化率在66.9%~45.9%间;

    The third , from 66.9 % to 45.9 % , was those of barley , cottonseed , fishmeal , peanut cake and rapeseed cake ;

  2. 结果表明:长毛对虾对大豆饼粉、花生饼粉、脱脂秘鲁鱼粉、秘鲁鱼粉和小杂鱼粉的消化率均达到82%以上。

    The highest digestibility of the prawn on foods was soy bean cake , followed by peanut cake , de - fatted Peru fish meal , and the lowest , the small mixed fish meal .

  3. 大豆饼和花生饼发酵70天时产生的量明显增多,分别为30.2μg/kg和85.7μg/kg;

    When the soybean and peanut cakes were fermented for seventy days , the ferulic acid were 30.2 μ g / kg and 85.7 μ g / kg respectively .

  4. 使用有机溶剂处理后,确定了花生饼粉的活性部位,再选用更为纯净的花生蛋白粉替代花生饼粉,有效的提高了AA的产量。

    After using organic solvent to make sure the active fraction of peanut meal , we choose peanut protein instead of peanut meal in order to increase AA yield .

  5. 为了研究不同氮源的发酵培养对HD-1生长的影响,我们选用了花生饼和无盐鱼粉作为氮源。

    To study the influence of fermented culture mediums with different nitrogen sources on the growth of HD-1 , nut cake and non-salt fish meal were chosed as the nitrogen source .

  6. 花生饼、粕鸡猪氨基酸真消化率的测定

    Determination of True Digestibility of Amino Acids of Peanuts Meal for Poultry and Swine

  7. 花生饼新法生产花生乳研究

    A Research on the New Method for Making Peanut Milk from the Peanut Cake

  8. 利用碱性蛋白酶从冷榨花生饼中提取花生水解蛋白。

    The extraction of peanut protein hydrolysate from cold pressed peanut cake by Alcalase .

  9. 本研究以农副产品下脚料麦麸、脱油类棉籽饼、花生饼和芝麻饼为研究对象,以污水处理厂活性污泥和堆肥为微生物来源,通过厌氧发酵制备生物氢气。

    Biological hydrogen was generated with anaerobic batch culture from agricultural solid wastes by anaerobic composts and digested sludge .

  10. 本文研究了大豆中掺合花生及其脱脂饼粕所制备的豆腐的品质和出率,发现掺合脱脂花生粕的效果最好,其次是半脱脂花生饼,再次是未脱脂花生。

    The yield and quality of bean curd made from soybeans and raw peanuts , partially defatted peanut cakes and defatted peanut flour were investigated .

  11. 水相酶法同步提取冷榨花生饼中蛋白质和花生油的研究茶叶籽油冷榨、低温连续精炼新技术、新产品的研发

    Study on Aqueous Enzymatic Synchronous Extraction of Peanut Protein and Peanut Oil from Cold Pressed Peanut Cake ; Study on New Processing Technology of Tea Seed Oil

  12. 花生蛋白是一种营养价值较高的植物蛋白,经过榨油后的花生饼粕中蛋白含量丰富,然而长期以来并没有得到充分利用,造成了资源的浪费。

    Peanut protein is an excellent plant protein with high nutritional values . The protein content of the peanut cake is high , but it has not been fully utilized and was wasted extremely .

  13. 以花生饼粕为原料用连续三步提取水溶性、酸溶性和碱溶性分离蛋白质,并对其营养成分、氨基酸组成进行分析。

    The water soluble , acid soluble and alkaline soluble proteins were extracted from the peanut meal with three successive procedures and the nutritive constituents and the amino acid composition of them were analysed .

  14. 在28℃条件下,适宜的发酵时间为芝麻饼30~40天,大豆饼和花生饼50~60天,菜籽饼60~70天。

    At 28 , the suitable fermentation time of sesame seed cake was 30 ? 0d , the soybean 50 ~ 60d , the peanut 50 ~ 60d , and the rapeseed cake 60 ~ 70d .

  15. 结果表明,最适碳源单糖为葡萄糖,二糖为蔗糖,多糖为玉米粉、小麦面粉、麸皮粉或土豆粉;最适氮源为硫酸铵、黄豆饼粉、花生饼粉或蛋白胨;

    The results showed that the most appropriate carbon sources are : monosaccharide is glucose , disaccharide is sucrose , and polysaccharide is corn meal , wheat flour , wheat bran powder and / or potato flour .

  16. 带壳花生和去壳花生的指标优势并不明显,而花生油和花生饼的各项指标数据与其它出口强国相比均存在很大差距,并且存在继续下降的发展态势。

    The index advantage of shell peanut and shelled peanut is not obviously , the index of peanut oil and peanut cake compared with other countries still has very big disparity , and shows continue decline trend .

  17. 带壳花生的出口市场主要集中在欧洲和美洲,去壳花生的出口市场主要集中在欧洲和亚洲,花生油和花生饼的出口市场主要集中在亚洲地区。

    The main markets of shelled peanut are in Europe and America , the main markets of shell peanut are in Europe and Asia , the main markets of peanut oil and peanut cake are in Asia . 2 .

  18. 本文介绍了以木瓜蛋白酶水解生产花生蛋白乳的新工艺流程,并通过感官测评指标结合可溶性蛋白质和游离氨基酸含量测定指标,确定了木瓜蛋白酶/花生饼的最佳比值。

    This paper tries to introduce the technological process of making peanut milk by the method of hydrolyzation with papain and determine the optimum papain / peanut cake values by combining the sensory tests with the contents of soluble protein and free amino-acid .

  19. 盆栽试验结果表明:蓖麻叶、麦糠、楝叶和花生饼粕对黄瓜根结线虫病防治效果较好,分别达到70.44%、68.17%、56.09%、54.92%;

    The results in pot experiments showed that the leaf of caster oil plant , wheat chaff , the leaf of chinaberry and peanut cake have a significant control effect on root-knot nematode , reaching 70.44 % 、 68.17 % 、 56.09 % and 54.92 % , respectively .