
huā pén
  • flowerpot;planter;plant pot
花盆 [huā pén]
  • [flowerpot] 用来装土栽培植物(如陶瓷或塑料)的容器

花盆[huā pén]
  1. 花盆砰地一声摔碎在人行道上。

    The flowerpot crashed to the sidewalk .

  2. 该学会研究主任MarkTeffeau表示,这种花盆在种植蔬菜,小型花卉,例如天竺葵和凤仙花方面效果显著。

    The institute 's research director , Mark Teffeau , says the flowerpot works well for vegetables and small flowering plants like geraniums and impatiens .

  3. 用贝壳来装点盒子、托盘、镜子甚至是花盆。

    Use shells to decorate boxes , trays , mirrors or even pots .

  4. 花坛和花盆里种满了夏令花草。

    Flowerbeds and tubs are banked with summer bedding plants

  5. 把植物从花盆里倒出来。

    Turn the plants out of their pots .

  6. 随着植物越来越茂盛,你需要把它们移植到更大的花盆里。

    As your plants flourish , you 'll need to repot them in bigger pots .

  7. 把花盆搬到外面去。

    Take the flowerpots out .

  8. 他在花盆里填上土,栽了一株玫瑰。

    He filled the pot with earth and planted a rose in it .

  9. 我认为,这么大的一棵植物不能在这么小的花盆中生长。

    I don 't think that such a large plant will grow in such a small pot .

  10. 兼产欧式花盆、水箱、幼儿园玩具、化工防腐产品

    Continental production and flower pots , cisterns , nursery toys , chemical preservative products .

  11. 它高贵优雅,不容易萎蔫,不用经常浇水,也不会长出花盆之外。

    Vibrant colors last year around without wilting , watering , or outgrowing their pots early , quantities are limited .

  12. 不过,他最喜欢的几样物件之一,是他在ScoreSolder's网站上找到的玻璃立方体花盆。

    One of his favorite items , though , was the glass cube planter he found on Score Solder 's website .

  13. 不过,他最喜欢的几样物件之一,是他在Score&Solder's网站上找到的玻璃立方体花盆。

    One of his favorite items , though , was the glass cube planter he found on Score & Solder 's website .

  14. 花盆戒指由allisonwells设计。

    The Flower Pot Ring by allison wells .

  15. 杰瑞德淡定的坐在花盆中的拍照场景也让他在YouTube视频网站上成了一位小新星。

    Jared has also become a bit of a star on YouTube with his unflappable photo session sitting in a flower pot .

  16. McCluskey夫人,你为什么拿走我的花盆?

    Mrs. McCluskey , why are you taking my flower pot ?

  17. 来自康涅狄格州的奶牛农民Matt发现他家养的牛产粪多于产奶,于是建立了一条生产线用牛粪便制成的生物可降解”花盆“;

    Matt , the dairy farmer in Connecticut who realized his cows were producing more & than milk and launched a successful line of biodegradable " flower-pots " made from pure poo ;

  18. “例如,他们可以把花盆放好,提高他们使用工具的能力。”Neuberger说。

    " They can put away flower pots and improve their gripping ability , for example ," Neuberger says .

  19. 对不符合有关规矩和条例的饰品,边界,颈部皮肤是人体最脆弱的部分之一,栅栏,花盆盒,气球,纺纱,雕像,石头,或其ta物品,森林草坪纪念公园是不容许的。

    Ornaments , borders , fences , planter boxes , balloons , spinners , statues , stones , or other items which do not conform to the rules and regulations of the Forest Lawn Memorial-Parks are not permitted .

  20. 厕所由建筑师藤本壮介(SouFujimoto)设计,是个共200平米的园林空间,抬头能看到天空,周围是一排排花盆。

    Designed by architect Sou Fujimoto , it is a 200 square meter landscaped space where the sky is above you and you are surrounded by rows of flower boxes .

  21. 亮点在厕所隔间。厕所由建筑师藤本壮介(SouFujimoto)设计,是个共200平米的园林空间,抬头能看到天空,周围是一排排花盆。

    The star is the " stall . " Designed by architect Sou Fujimoto , it is a 200 square meter landscaped space where the sky is above you and you are surrounded by rows of flower boxes .

  22. 合适的盖子放在小花盆的下面。

    Put the plant in your new pot and water it .

  23. 我将把花盆放在外面的阳光下。

    I will put the flower pot outside in the sun .

  24. 他们研制出的其中一种产品就是花盆。

    One of the products they have developed is a flowerpot .

  25. 在花盆您要不要停留。

    Of would you like to stay in a flower pot .

  26. 拍打花盆边缘使土壤紧实平整。

    Tap the sides of the pot to settle the soil .

  27. 再用一个大花盆套住

    And then I put this big pot over the top .

  28. 她把花盆整齐地排成一行在窗台上。

    She neatly aligned the flower pots on the window sill .

  29. 沙岩花盆主要用于养花;腊烛台主要是圣诞节点腊烛用。

    The resin sandstone flowerpot main use in feeding the flower .

  30. 向花盆边缘的土壤中插入一根手指。

    Insert your finger into the soil at the pots edge .