
huā zhāo
  • trick;game;gimmick;manoeuvre;sleight of hand;ploy;hocus-pocus;hanky-panky;wiles;disguise;wheeze;skulduggery;flourish;showy movement in wushu;lurk
花招 [huā zhāo]
  • (1) [showy movement in wushu;flourish]∶灵巧、好看的武术动作,泛指陪衬的手法

  • (2) [trick;game;disguise]∶欺骗人的手段

  • 别耍花招

花招[huā zhāo]
  1. 孩子们经常耍些花招戏弄老师。

    The kids are always playing tricks on their teacher .

  2. 这只是一系列拖延战术中的一个新花招。

    This was just the latest in a series of delaying tactics .

  3. 这份报告不是揭露问题而是为掩盖问题而耍的花招。

    The report was a device used to hide rather than reveal problems .

  4. 说到请假歇班,他什么花招都想得出。

    When it comes to getting off work , he knows all the dodges .

  5. 你没跟我耍花招吧?

    Are you playing straight with me ?

  6. 不出所料,该党以这些提议是在耍花招为由而加以拒绝。

    The party has predictably rejected the proposals as a subterfuge .

  7. 大家都看见了你对我耍的花招。

    Everyone saw the stunt you pulled on me .

  8. 别跟我耍花招,泰勒,要不我会杀了你。

    Don 't try and double-cross me , Taylor , because I 'll kill you

  9. 政府一直在搞税额抵免、加速折旧及其他一些经济上的花招。

    The government has been offering tax credits , accelerated depreciation , and other economic hanky-panky .

  10. 唉,别耍花招了。马上将货物交过来。

    All right , let 's stop playing games . Hand over the goods right now .

  11. 这是为将公众的注意力从真正发生的事情上转移开而耍的花招。

    It 's a maneuver to deflect the attention of the people from what is really happening .

  12. 然而这个花招竟害了自己。

    The trick boomeranged , though

  13. 他们只是在耍花招——我不相信他们会走到这一步。

    They 're just trying it on — I don 't believe they 'll go this far .

  14. 她的眼泪只是欺骗别人的花招。

    Her tears were just a trick to deceive others .

  15. 他又在耍花招了。

    He is up to his tricks again .

  16. 这种花招骗不了人。

    Nobody will be fooled by such tricks .

  17. 他为赚钱而耍的花招看来都会失败。

    All his little schemes for making money seem to come to grief .

  18. 你玩花招,又叫我发现了!

    I 've caught you at your tricks again !

  19. 你要是敢耍花招,我叫你人头落地!

    I 'll chop your head off if you dare to make any tricks !

  20. 银行职员使出各种可笑的花招为慈善事业筹款。

    The bank staff got up to all sorts of antics to raise money for charity .

  21. 他是个爱耍花招的有趣家伙。

    He was a fun guy who loved tricks .

  22. 当然法国人也能分辨出什么是骗人的营销花招,而“蓝葡萄酒(levinbleu)”正是此类营销手段的产物。

    But the French can also spot a gimmick5 when they see one . And ' le vin bleu ' definitely fits that particular bar bill .

  23. 一部体面的伤感电影用不着这些花招

    An honorable32 weepie uses none of these33 ) wheedling34 ) devices .

  24. 有人谴责白宫在玩花招。

    Some accused the White House of legerdemain .

  25. 只要在统计上耍些小小的花招,他们就能瞒天过海。

    With a little statistical sleight of hand they could make things look all right .

  26. 之所以称他们为“洋葱男”,是因为他们通常用一层又一层的甜言蜜语和各种花招吸引女性。

    A womanizer is compared to an onion because he generally uses layer after layer of sweet words and other deceiving tactics to seduce a woman .

  27. 没有什么数码魔法,没有什么PS花招。

    There was no digital wizardry , or Photoshop sleight of hand .

  28. 赵丽颖回答:“1.trick:n.花招,欺骗突然间,我意识到这都是套路啊!

    All of a sudden , I realized they were all tricks .

  29. 这些建议大多是老套的会计花招,比如把对地下经济的估算并入国内生产总值(gdp)的官方数据中。

    Most of the suggestions are old-fashioned accounting tricks , such as trying to add estimates of the black economy into the official number for gross domestic product .

  30. 此外,私营企业基本上都是当地企业,服务于自身附近社区的客户,无法玩弄税收上的花招&而谷歌(Google)之流却大肆利用了这种手段。

    Moreover , private firms are largely local , serving customers in their immediate communities , unable to take advantage of tax manoeuvres , which the likes of Google exploit so ruthlessly .